
Used to map data model's column to the TableView's column.

This tag must be nested within a sas:Columns tag.


<sas:Column modelIndex="-1..int"
      [<sas:ColumnHeaderRenderer ...>
         [<sas:CellContentsImageRenderer ...>
            [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         [<sas:CellContentsLabelRenderer ...>
            [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         [<sas:CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer ...>
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            The html string used as the body of the cell. The string can
            have substition variables of the form %COLUMNNAME and the value
            for this column will be substituted into the string.
         [<sas:CellContentsRenderer .../>]
         [<sas:SetProperty ...>
            The value to set on the parent tag
         [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
      [<sas:CellRenderer ...>
         [<sas:CellContentsImageRenderer ...>
            [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         [<sas:CellContentsLabelRenderer ...>
            [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         [<sas:CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer ...>
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            The html string used as the body of the cell. The string can
            have substition variables of the form %COLUMNNAME and the value
            for this column will be substituted into the string.
         [<sas:CellContentsRenderer .../>]
         [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
         [<sas:SetProperty ...>
            The value to set on the parent tag
         [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
      [<sas:CellEditor ...>
         [<sas:CellContentsCheckBoxEditor ...>
            [<sas:StyleMapKey .../>]
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:StyleMapKey>, <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         [<sas:CellContentsChoiceBoxEditor ...>
            [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
            [<sas:Item .../>]
            [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:Item>, <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         [<sas:CellContentsListBoxEditor ...>
            [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
            [<sas:Item .../>]
            [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:Item>, <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         [<sas:CellContentsRadioEditor ...>
            [<sas:StyleMapKey .../>]
            [<sas:Item .../>]
            [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:StyleMapKey>, <sas:Item>, <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         [<sas:CellContentsTextAreaEditor ...>
            [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
            [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
            [<sas:MaximumLengthValidator .../>]
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         [<sas:CellContentsTextEntryEditor ...>
            [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
            [<sas:DateStringValidator .../>]
            [<sas:HexColorStringValidator .../>]
            [<sas:IntegerInputValidator .../>]
            [<sas:MaximumLengthValidator .../>]
            [<sas:MaximumValueValidator .../>]
            [<sas:MinimumValueValidator .../>]
            [<sas:NumericInputValidator .../>]
            [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
            [<sas:CompositeValidator ...>
               [<sas:DateStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:HexColorStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:IntegerInputValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MaximumLengthValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MaximumValueValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MinimumValueValidator .../>]
               [<sas:NumericInputValidator .../>]
               [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            [<sas:MaximumValueCompositeValidator ...>
               [<sas:DateStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:HexColorStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:IntegerInputValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MaximumLengthValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MaximumValueValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MinimumValueValidator .../>]
               [<sas:NumericInputValidator .../>]
               [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            [<sas:MinimumValueCompositeValidator ...>
               [<sas:DateStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:HexColorStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:IntegerInputValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MaximumLengthValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MaximumValueValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MinimumValueValidator .../>]
               [<sas:NumericInputValidator .../>]
               [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            [<sas:MinMaxValueCompositeValidator ...>
               [<sas:DateStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:HexColorStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:IntegerInputValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MaximumLengthValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MaximumValueValidator .../>]
               [<sas:MinimumValueValidator .../>]
               [<sas:NumericInputValidator .../>]
               [<sas:RequiredStringValidator .../>]
               [<sas:SetProperty ...>
                  The value to set on the parent tag
               [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
            [<sas:SetProperty ...>
               The value to set on the parent tag
            [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         [<sas:CellContentsEditor .../>]
         [<sas:SetProperty ...>
            The value to set on the parent tag
         [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
      [<sas:SetProperty ...>
         The value to set on the parent tag
      [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]


headerValueThe value to display as the column header in the TableView. If not set then the data model's column name will be used.
holdWhich side to hold the column.
idCase-sensitive name used to identify the object instance.
modelIndexThe index of the column in the data model to map to this column in the column model. This number is 0-based since this is the column index from the data model. The viewer's column indexes are 1-based. If set to -1 the column will be a custom column and not map to any column in the data model.

More Information

To view the documentation for the related TransformationBean, see com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.TableColumn.

If you need to subclass the tag handler class for the sas:Column tag, extend com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.ColumnTag.