
Used to set the CellRenderer(s) of the TableView. To set the CellRenderer on a specific row then you must set startRow. If endRow or repeatRowFactor are set, then the CellRenderer applies to all rows between startRow and endRow. If repeatRowFactor is set and endRow is not set, then endRow is assumed to be the last row in the table. These settings also apply to startColumn, endColumn, and repeatColumnFactor. If just startRow and startColumn are set, then only the specified cell will use the CellRenderer. If startRow and startColumn are not set, then the CellRenderer is applied to all cells in the table. When multiple CellRenderers have been applied to the table. Then the last CellRenderer applied for a given cell will be used. The startRow, endRow, repeatRowFactor, startColumn, endColumn and repeatColumnFactor properties are all 1-based since these properties refer to the row and column numbers on the viewer (i.e. TableView).

This tag must be nested within a sas:TableView tag.


      [<sas:CellContentsImageRenderer ...>
         [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
         [<sas:SetProperty ...>
            The value to set on the parent tag
         [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
      [<sas:CellContentsLabelRenderer ...>
         [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
         [<sas:SetProperty ...>
            The value to set on the parent tag
         [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
      [<sas:CellContentsSimpleTemplateRenderer ...>
         [<sas:SetProperty ...>
            The value to set on the parent tag
         [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]
         The html string used as the body of the cell. The string can
         have substition variables of the form %COLUMNNAME and the value
         for this column will be substituted into the string.
      [<sas:CellContentsRenderer .../>]
      [<sas:StyleInfo .../>]
      [<sas:SetProperty ...>
         The value to set on the parent tag
      [Additional <sas:SetProperty> tags...]


bgColorThe background color for this cell. The StyleInfo tag is now the preferred manner to change colors and other styles on cell renderers.
colSpanThe number of columns for this cell to span.
customAttributesA list of attributes in the form of attribute="value", space delimited
endColumnThe last column to begin using this CellRenderer. This property is 1-based.
endRowThe last row to begin using this CellRenderer. This property is 1-based.
headersSpecifies the list of header cells that provide header information for the current data cell. The value of this attribute is a space-separated string of cell names. Those cells must be named by setting their id attribute.
heightThe height of the cell in pixels.
heightPercentageThe height of the cell as a percentage.
horizontalAlignmentThe horizontal alignment of the cell. Valid values are: LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT, JUSTIFY, CHAR or NONE. The default is NONE (i.e. the browser default).
idCase-sensitive name used to identify the object instance.
noWrapIf true, then automatic text wrapping is disabled. If used carelessly, this attribute may result in excessively wide cells.
repeatColumnFactorSpecifies every nth column after the startColumn to use this CellRenderer. This property is 1-based.
repeatRowFactorSpecifies every nth row after the startRow to use this CellRenderer. This property is 1-based.
rowSpanThe number of rows for this cell to span.
startColumnThe first column to begin using this CellRenderer. This property is 1-based.
startRowThe first row to begin using this CellRenderer. This property is 1-based.
styleClassPrefixThe string to prepend to the styleClass property.
verticalAlignmentThe vertical alignment of the cell. Valid values are: TOP, CENTER, BOTTOM, BASELINE or NONE. The default is NONE (i.e. the browser default).
widthThe width of the cell in pixels.
widthPercentageThe width of the cell as a percentage.

More Information

To view the documentation for the related TransformationBean, see com.sas.servlet.tbeans.tableview.html.DefaultTableCellRenderer.

If you need to subclass the tag handler class for the sas:CellRenderer tag, extend com.sas.taglib.servlet.tbeans.tableview.CellRendererTag.