Uses of Class

Packages that use DataCell A set of interfaces for accessing two-dimensional data, and a set of classes for viewing and manipulating that data in tabular form. 

Uses of DataCell in

Methods in that return DataCell
protected  DataCell TableView.createCell(Row row, Column col)
          Factory method for creating cells.
 DataCell Row.getCell(int colIndex)
          Returns the cell at a given column index.
 DataCell Column.getCell(int rowIndex)
          Returns the cell at a given row index.
abstract  DataCell CellVector.getCell(int index)
          Returns the cell at a given index.
 DataCell TableView.getCell(Row row, Column col)
          Returns the cell at the intersection of a given row and column.
protected  DataCell DataCell.getThisDataCell()
          Returns the DataCell instance to delegate all variable access to.

Methods in with parameters of type DataCell
 boolean Row.contains(DataCell cell)
          Test for the presence of a cell in the row.
 boolean Column.contains(DataCell cell)
          Test for the presence of a cell in the column.
abstract  boolean CellVector.contains(DataCell cell)
          Test for the presence of a cell in the cell vector.
 boolean DataCell.equals(DataCell other)
          Compares this and a given data cell for equality.
 void start, DataCell end, boolean extend)
          Selects a rectangular range of cells.

Constructors in with parameters of type DataCell
CellSelection(DataCell anchor)
          Alias for CellSelection(anchor, anchor).
CellSelection(DataCell anchor, DataCell end)
          Constructs a new selection with the given extent.

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