Uses of Class

Packages that use OLAPException Provides the interface that defines the basic methods required of a data selector. Provides adapter components used to convert native models to models which can then be used with filter components. Provides classes for generating a qualifiers selector that is used within the Filter and Ranking Selectors for OLAP data. Provides swing components for producing a variety of graph types. Provides classes for generating different OLAP chart objects. Provides classes and interfaces for viewing OLAP Data. Provides a set of classes for accessing OLAP data from the SAS OLAP Server with a flattened view. Provides a set of interfaces for accessing OLAP data. Provides a set of classes for building an in memory multidimensional Result Set. Provides a set of classes for accessing OLAP data from the SAS OLAP Server. Model adapters to convert between existing SAS java models and new JDK1.2 models and visuals. 

Uses of OLAPException in

Methods in that throw OLAPException
static MetadataInterface MetadataProvider.getMetadata( iSession)
          Deprecated. Do not use this class to construct

Uses of OLAPException in

Methods in that throw OLAPException
 FilterAxisEnum FilterAndRankModel.getFilterAxis()
          Returns the FilterOnAxis constant corresponding to the axis the model is currently set to filter on.
 FilterAxisEnum FilterAndRankModelInterface.getFilterAxis()
          Returns the FilterOnAxis constant corresponding to the axis the model is currently set to filter on.

Uses of OLAPException in

Methods in that throw OLAPException
 java.lang.String MemberPropertyQualifierData.createLabel()
static java.lang.String MemberPropertyQualifierData.createLabel(LevelInterface level, PropertyInterface property)
static java.lang.String MemberPropertyQualifierData.createLabel(LevelInterface level, PropertyInterface property, java.util.Locale locale)
 java.lang.String MemberPropertyQualifierData.createLabel(java.util.Locale locale)
static BaseFilterObjectFactory.createValueItem(TupleElementInterface tupleElement)
static BaseFilterObjectFactory.createValueItemFromUniqueMemberID( dataItem, java.lang.String memberName)
 java.util.Map BaseFilterObjectFactory.getLevelProperties(MetadataInterface metadata, di)
 java.util.Map BaseFilterObjectFactory.getLevelProperties(MetadataInterface metadata, di, java.lang.String cubeName)
          Gathers and returns a Map of levels and the filterable properties for each level.
 java.util.Map BaseFilterObjectFactory.getLevelProperties(OLAPDataSetInterface model, di)
static MemberInterface[] OLAPMemberTreeModel.getMemberArrayForPathNodeList(MetadataInterface metadata, java.lang.String cubeName, java.lang.String memberName)
          Retrieves an array of members from a metadata server based on the specified properties.
static void OLAPMemberTreeModel.getTreePathNodeList(OLAPMemberTreeModel tree, MemberInterface[] members, java.util.List list)
          Constructs the path that correlates to the list of members by adding the tree nodes for each member to the supplied list.

Constructors in that throw OLAPException
MemberPropertyQualifierData( diSource, PropertyInterface prop)
          Create a new data object from the given source and property.
OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode(DimensionInterface dimension)
OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode(HierarchyInterface hierarchy)
OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode(LevelInterface level)
OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode(LevelInterface level, int hierarchyStructure)
OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode(MemberInterface member)
OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode(MemberInterface member, boolean useGetter)
OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode(MemberInterface member, int hierarchyStructure)
OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode(MemberInterface member, MemberInterface[] children)
OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode(TupleElementInterface element, MetadataInterface metadata, java.lang.String cubeName)
OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode(TupleElementInterface element, MetadataInterface metadata, java.lang.String cubeName, int structure)
OLAPMemberTreeModel(DimensionInterface dimension)
          Constructs a new tree model and prepopulates it using metadata gathered from the given DimensionInterface object.
OLAPMemberTreeNode(DimensionInterface dimension)
          Constructs a new tree node from the given source model object.
OLAPMemberTreeNode(HierarchyInterface hierarchy)
          Constructs a new tree node from the given source model object.
OLAPMemberTreeNode(LevelInterface level)
          Constructs a new tree node from the given source model object.
OLAPMemberTreeNode(MemberInterface member)
          Constructs a new tree node from the given source model object.
OLAPMemberTreeNode(MetadataEntityInterface entity)
          Constructs a new tree node from the given source model object.
OLAPMemberTreeNode(TupleElementInterface element)
          Constructs a new tree node from the given source model object.
OLAPMemberValueAndTreeModel(DimensionInterface dimension)
          Constructs a new tree model and prepopulates it using metadata gathered from the given DimensionInterface object.

Uses of OLAPException in

Methods in that throw OLAPException
 java.util.Map OLAPFindSelectorAdapter.find(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String condition, java.lang.String value, java.lang.String direction)
          Performs searches of member and cell values.
 java.util.Map FindSelectorInterface.find(java.lang.String type, java.lang.String condition, java.lang.String value, java.lang.String direction)

Uses of OLAPException in

Methods in that throw OLAPException
 int QualifiersSelectorAdapter.getIndexForTreeValue(java.lang.String name)
 MetadataInterface QualifiersSelectorAdapter.getMetadata()
 java.lang.Object QualifiersSelectorAdapter.getSelectedNodeFor(int index, javax.swing.tree.TreeModel treemodel)
 javax.swing.tree.TreeModel QualifiersSelectorAdapter.getTreeModel(DimensionInterface dimension)

Uses of OLAPException in

Methods in that throw OLAPException
 void GraphOLAPDataSet.close()
 void GraphOLAPDataSet.executeQuery()
 void GraphOLAPDataSet.executeQuery(java.lang.String queryStatement)
 long GraphOLAPDataSet.getCellCount()
 java.lang.Object[] GraphOLAPDataSet.getCells(long startCell, long endCell)
 java.lang.Object GraphOLAPDataSet.getConnection()
 int GraphOLAPDataSet.getContextType()
 java.lang.String GraphOLAPDataSet.getCubeName()
 MetadataInterface GraphOLAPDataSet.getDatabaseMetadata()
 java.lang.String[] GraphOLAPDataSet.getFormattedCells(long startCell, long endCell)
 java.lang.Object GraphOLAPDataSet.getGraphInfo()
          Get olap graph information.
static java.lang.Object GraphOLAPDataSet.getGraphInfo(OLAPDataSetInterface olap)
          Get olap graph information given an OLAPDataSetInterface.
 java.util.Locale GraphOLAPDataSet.getLocale()
 PerformanceTuning GraphOLAPDataSet.getPerformanceTuning()
 java.lang.String GraphOLAPDataSet.getQueryStatement()
 ResultSetMetadataInterface GraphOLAPDataSet.getResultSetMetadata()
 boolean GraphOLAPDataSet.isReadOnly()
 void GraphOLAPDataSet.setCells(long startCell, long endCell, java.lang.Object[] cellValues)
 void GraphOLAPDataSet.setConnection(java.lang.Object con)
 void GraphOLAPDataSet.setContextType(int contextType)
 void GraphOLAPDataSet.setFormattedCells(long startCell, long endCell, java.lang.String[] cellValues)
 void GraphOLAPDataSet.setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
 void GraphOLAPDataSet.setPerformanceTuning(PerformanceTuning performanceTuning)
 void GraphOLAPDataSet.setQueryStatement(java.lang.String queryStatement)
 void GraphOLAPDataSet.setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)

Uses of OLAPException in

Methods in that throw OLAPException
 java.lang.String[] OLAPESRIMapChart.getCrossing()
          Returns the current crossing used by the map.
 java.lang.String[] OLAPESRIMapChart.getLayerNames(java.util.Map layerMap)
          Get a list of layer names that are in the model based on the hashmap with key value pair of levelnames and layer names passed in.
 void OLAPESRIMapChart.setCrossing(java.lang.String[] memberNames)
          Sets the crossing that the map should use.

Uses of OLAPException in

Methods in that throw OLAPException
 boolean BaseOLAPTableView.columnNumbersAreValid()
          Returns whether or not the current start column and end column values are valid given the state of the model.
 boolean BaseOLAPTableView.rowNumbersAreValid()
          Returns whether or not the current start row and end row values are valid given the state of the model.

Uses of OLAPException in

Methods in that throw OLAPException
protected  void FlattenResultSet.establishConnection()

Uses of OLAPException in

Methods in that throw OLAPException
static int OLAPUtil.calculateCellOrdinal(ResultSetMetadataInterface resultSetMetadata, int[] coordinates)
          Calculates a cell ordinal based on a set of tuple coordinates.
static void OLAPUtil.calculateMinMaxCoordinates(TupleInterface[] tuples)
          Calculate the minimum and maximum coordinate of each element in the list of given tuples.
static void OLAPUtil.calculateSpan(TupleInterface[] tuples)
          Calculate the Span and span depth value for an element in a array of tuples.
static int[] OLAPUtil.calculateTupleCoordinates(ResultSetMetadataInterface resultSetMetadata, int cellOrdinal)
          Calculates tuple coordinates based on a cell ordinal.
 void ResultSetInterface.close()
          Close the ResultSetInterface
 void OLAPDataSetInterface.executeQuery()
          Executes the current query statement, which can be retrieved via the getQueryStatement() method.
 void OLAPDataSetInterface.executeQuery(java.lang.String queryStatement)
          Executes the query statement that is passed in as a parameter.
 int MeasureInterface.getAggregator()
          Returns the aggregator of the measure.
 AxisInterface[] ResultSetMetadataInterface.getAxes(int index, int count)
          Returns the axes associated with this ResultSet.
 AxisInterface TupleInterface.getAxis()
          Return the axis which contains this tuple.
 AxisInterface ResultSetMetadataInterface.getAxis(int index)
          Returns the axis specified at the given index in the resultset.
 java.lang.String[] AxisInterface.getAxisHeaders()
          Return an array of header labels for the axis.
 int AxisInterface.getAxisNumber()
          Returns the axis number (COLUMNS, ROWS, PAGES, etc.)
 int PerformanceTuning.getBufferSize(int cacheType)
          Get the buffer size of the specified cache.
 long ResultSetInterface.getCellCount()
          Returns the total number of cells defined in the ResultSet.
 java.lang.Object[] ResultSetInterface.getCells(long startCell, long endCell)
          Returns the unformatted data slice beginning with the startCell (upper left corner ordinal) and ending with endCell (lower right corner ordinal).
 int TupleElementInterface.getChildCount()
          Returns the number of children for this member.
 int MemberInterface.getChildCount()
          Returns the number of children for this member.
 MemberInterface[] MemberInterface.getChildren()
          Returns the children members of this member.
 java.lang.Object OLAPDataSetInterface.getConnection()
          Returns the connection to the OLAP server.
 java.lang.Object MetadataInterface.getConnection()
          Returns the connection to the OLAP server.
 int OLAPDataSetInterface.getContextType()
          Get the context type.
 java.util.Date MetadataEntityInterface.getCreationDateTime()
          Get the creation date of this object
 CubeInterface MemberInterface.getCube()
          Returns the name of the cube to which the measure belongs.
 CubeInterface MeasureInterface.getCube()
          Returns the name of the cube to which the measure belongs.
 CubeInterface LevelInterface.getCube()
          Returns the cube to which the hierarchy belongs.
 CubeInterface HierarchyInterface.getCube()
          Returns the name of the cube to which the hierarchy belongs.
 CubeInterface DimensionInterface.getCube()
          Returns the name of the cube to which the dimension belongs.
 CubeInterface MetadataInterface.getCube(Filter filter)
          Returns the cube with the appropriate restrictions
 java.lang.String OLAPDataSetInterface.getCubeName()
          Get the cubename associated with the current query
 CubeInterface[] SchemaInterface.getCubes()
          Returns the cubes associated with this schema.
 CubeInterface[] MetadataInterface.getCubes(Filter filter)
          Returns the cube(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 MetadataInterface OLAPDataSetInterface.getDatabaseMetadata()
          This method returns an instance of the MetadataInterface which defines all of the Cubes' metadata on the OLAP Server to which the model is connected.
 java.lang.Class PropertyInterface.getDataType()
          Returns the data type of the property.
 java.lang.Class MeasureInterface.getDataType()
          Returns the data type of the measure.
 HierarchyInterface DimensionInterface.getDefaultHierarchy()
          Returns the default hierarchy for this dimension.
 MemberInterface HierarchyInterface.getDefaultMember()
          Returns the default member for this hierarchy.
 int LevelInterface.getDepth()
          Returns the distance of the level from the root of the hierarchy.
 java.lang.String PropertyInterface.getDescription()
          Returns the description for the property
 java.lang.String MetadataEntityInterface.getDescription()
          get the description of this object
 DimensionInterface MemberInterface.getDimension()
          Returns the Dimension that this member is a child of.
 DimensionInterface HierarchyInterface.getDimension()
          Returns the dimension that this hierarchy is a child of.
 DimensionInterface MetadataInterface.getDimension(Filter filter)
          Returns the dimension with the appropriate restrictions
 java.lang.String[] AxisInterface.getDimensionNames()
          Returns the dimension names for the dimensions projected on the axis.
 DimensionInterface[] CubeInterface.getDimensions()
          Returns the dimensions associated with this cube.
 DimensionInterface[] MetadataInterface.getDimensions(Filter filter)
          Returns the dimension(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 TupleElementInterface TupleInterface.getElement(int index)
          Get the element at the given index from this tuple.
 TupleElementInterface[] TupleInterface.getElements(int index, int count)
          Returns an array of tuple elements.
 TupleElementInterface[] ResultSetMetadataInterface.getElements(int axisNumber, int tupleCoordinate, int index, int count)
          Returns an array of tuple elements.
 Filter SchemaInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this SchemaInterface.
 Filter PropertyInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this PropertyInterface.
 Filter MemberInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this MemberInterface.
 Filter MeasureInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this MeasureInterface.
 Filter LevelInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this LevelInterface.
 Filter HierarchyInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this HierarchyInterface.
 Filter DimensionInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this DimensionInterface.
 Filter CubeInterface.getFilter()
          Returns a copy of the Filter object that was used to obtain this CubeInterface.
 java.lang.String TupleElementInterface.getFormat()
          Get the Format associated with this element if it is a measure
 java.lang.String MeasureInterface.getFormat()
          Returns the format string for this measure.
 java.lang.String[] ResultSetInterface.getFormattedCells(long startCell, long endCell)
          Returns the formatted data slice beginning with the startCell (upper left corner ordinal) and ending with endCell (lower right corner ordinal).
 HierarchyInterface[] DimensionInterface.getHierarchies()
          Returns the hierarchies associated with this dimension.
 HierarchyInterface[] MetadataInterface.getHierarchies(Filter filter)
          Returns the hierarchies with the appropriate restrictions
 HierarchyInterface LevelInterface.getHierarchy()
          Returns the hierarchy that this level is a child of.
 HierarchyInterface MetadataInterface.getHierarchy(Filter filter)
          Returns the hierarchy with the appropriate restrictions
 java.lang.String[] AxisInterface.getHierarchyNames()
          Return the heirarchy names belonging to this axis
static java.lang.String[] OLAPUtil.getInitialHeaders(TupleInterface[] tuples)
          Return an array of header labels for the axis.
 java.lang.String TupleElementInterface.getLabel()
          Returns the label for the tuple element.
 java.lang.String SchemaInterface.getLabel()
          Returns the schema's label.
 java.lang.String PropertyInterface.getLabel()
          Returns the property's label.
 java.lang.String MetadataEntityInterface.getLabel()
          Get the label/caption for this metadata object
 LevelInterface PropertyInterface.getLevel()
          Returns the level that this property is a child of.
 LevelInterface MemberInterface.getLevel()
          Returns the level that this member is a child of.
 LevelInterface MetadataInterface.getLevel(Filter filter)
          Returns the level with the appropriate restrictions
 int TupleElementInterface.getLevelDepth()
          Returns the level depth associated with this tuple element.
 LevelInterface[] HierarchyInterface.getLevels()
          Returns the levels associated with this hierarchy.
 LevelInterface[] MetadataInterface.getLevels(Filter filter)
          Returns the level(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 java.util.Locale OLAPDataSetInterface.getLocale()
          Returns the locale used for the session.
 java.util.Locale MetadataInterface.getLocale()
          Returns the locale used for the session.
 int PerformanceTuning.getLookAhead(int cacheType)
 int TupleElementInterface.getMaximumCoordinate()
          Returns the largest axis coordinate spanned by the label.
 int AxisInterface.getMaximumTupleDepth()
          Return the base number of elements associated with any tuple on the axis.
static int OLAPUtil.getMaximumTupleDepth(TupleInterface[] tuples)
          Return the maximum number of elements associated with any tuple on the axis.
 MeasureInterface MetadataInterface.getMeasure(Filter filter)
          Returns the measure with the appropriate restrictions
 MeasureInterface[] CubeInterface.getMeasures()
          Returns the measures associated with this cube.
 MeasureInterface[] MetadataInterface.getMeasures(Filter filter)
          Returns the measure(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 MemberInterface PropertyInterface.getMember()
          Returns the member that this property is a child of.
 int LevelInterface.getMemberCount()
          Returns the number of members associated with the level.
 int HierarchyInterface.getMemberCount()
          Returns the number of members in this hierarchy
 int DimensionInterface.getMemberCount()
          Returns the number of members in this dimension
 MemberInterface[] LevelInterface.getMembers()
          Returns the members associated with this level.
 MemberInterface[] HierarchyInterface.getMembers()
          Get all the members that belong to this hierarchy.
 MemberInterface[] DimensionInterface.getMembers()
          Get all the members that belong to this dimension.
 MemberInterface[] MetadataInterface.getMembers(Filter filter, int start, int count)
          Returns the member(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 MemberInterface[] LevelInterface.getMembers(int index, int count)
          Returns the members associated with a given range of indices.
 MetadataInterface SchemaInterface.getMetadata()
          Returns an instance of the MetadataInterface that is associated with this schema.
 MetadataInterface MetadataEntityInterface.getMetadata()
          Returns an instance of the MetadataInterface that is associated with this cube.
 int TupleElementInterface.getMinimumCoordinate()
          Returns the smallest axis coordinate spanned by the label.
 java.lang.String TupleElementInterface.getName()
          Returns the name for the tuple element.
 java.lang.String SchemaInterface.getName()
          Returns the schema's name.
 java.lang.String PropertyInterface.getName()
          Returns the property's name.
 java.lang.String MetadataEntityInterface.getName()
          Get the Name of this object
 java.lang.String CubeInterface.getNormalizedName()
          Get the Normalized name for the cube.
 int PerformanceTuning.getPageCount(int cacheType)
          Get the value for the page count for the specified cache.
 int PerformanceTuning.getPageSize(int cacheType)
          Get the page size for the specified cache.
 MemberInterface MemberInterface.getParentMember()
          Returns the parent member
 PerformanceTuning OLAPDataSetInterface.getPerformanceTuning()
          This method returns a performanceTuning object on the model.
 int MeasureInterface.getPrecision()
          Returns the precision for the measure format.
 java.util.Map TupleElementInterface.getProperties()
          Returns additional properties that were specified for this element
 PropertyInterface[] MemberInterface.getProperties()
          Returns the properties associated with this member.
 PropertyInterface[] LevelInterface.getProperties()
          Returns the properties associated with this level.
 PropertyInterface[] MetadataInterface.getProperties(Filter filter)
          Returns the properties with the appropriate restrictions
 PropertyInterface MetadataInterface.getProperty(Filter filter)
          Returns the property with the appropriate restrictions
 java.lang.String ResultSetInterface.getQueryStatement()
          Returns the most recent query statement.
 ResultSetInterface ResultSetMetadataInterface.getResultSet()
          Returns the ResultSet that is defined by this metadata.
 ResultSetMetadataInterface ResultSetInterface.getResultSetMetadata()
          Returns the metadata that defines the structure of the ResultSet
 ResultSetMetadataInterface AxisInterface.getResultSetMetadata()
          Returns the ResultSetMetadata that contains this axis.
 int MeasureInterface.getScale()
          Returns the scale associated for the measure format.
 SchemaInterface CubeInterface.getSchema()
          Returns the name of the schema to which the cube belongs.
 SchemaInterface MetadataInterface.getSchema(Filter filter)
          Returns the schema with the appropriate restrictions
 SchemaInterface[] MetadataInterface.getSchemas()
          Returns the schemas for this server's database.
 SchemaInterface[] MetadataInterface.getSchemas(Filter filter)
          Returns the schema(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 int TupleElementInterface.getSpan()
          Returns the number indicating the row/column span for this element.
 int TupleElementInterface.getSpanDepth()
          Return a value indicating the depth at which the element be position in a given span value.
 int HierarchyInterface.getStructure()
          Get the sturcture type of this hierarchy.
 MemberInterface HierarchyInterface.getTopMember()
          Returns the member at the highest level of rollup in the hierarcy.
 MemberInterface[] HierarchyInterface.getTopMembers()
          Returns member/s at the highest level of rollup in the hierarcy.
 TupleInterface TupleElementInterface.getTuple()
          Returns the parent tuple for this tuple element.
 TupleInterface AxisInterface.getTuple(int index)
          Returns the tuple at the given index, associated with the axis
 int AxisInterface.getTupleCount()
          Returns the number of tuples associated with the axis
 int TupleInterface.getTupleDepth()
          Return the number of elements associated with this tuple.
 int TupleElementInterface.getTupleElementIndex()
          Returns the element index.
static java.lang.Object[] OLAPUtil.getTupleElementsForLevel(int level, TupleInterface[] tuples)
          This method will return all of the tupleElements that map to a given level.
static TupleElementInterface[] OLAPUtil.getTupleElementsForLevel(int level, TupleInterface[] tuples, boolean includeDuplicates, int count)
          This method will return all of the tupleElements that map to a given level.
 int TupleInterface.getTupleIndex()
          Returns the tuple index.
 TupleInterface[] AxisInterface.getTuples(int index, int count)
          Returns the tuples associated with the axis
 TupleInterface[] ResultSetMetadataInterface.getTuples(int axisNumber, int index, int count)
          Returns the tuples associated with a given axis. TupleElementInterface.getType()
          Get the type of this tuple element, supported types are Measures, totals, subtotals, and unspecified.
 int PropertyInterface.getType()
          Returns the type of the property.
 int MemberInterface.getType()
          Returns the type of the member.
 int LevelInterface.getType()
          Returns the type of the level.
 int DimensionInterface.getType()
          Returns the type of the dimension.
 java.lang.String CubeInterface.getType()
          Return the cube's type
 java.lang.String TupleElementInterface.getUniqueLevelName()
          Returns the unique level name associated with this tuple element.
 java.lang.String[] AxisInterface.getUniqueLevelNames()
          Retrun an array of unique Level names that are on the axis.
 java.lang.String MetadataEntityInterface.getUniqueName()
          Get the Unique name of this object
 java.lang.String MeasureInterface.getUnit()
          Returns the format name for this measure.
 java.util.Date MetadataEntityInterface.getUpdateDateTime()
          Get the last update/modified date time for this object
static boolean OLAPUtil.isAllLevel(LevelInterface level)
          Returns true if the specified level is an "All" level, otherwise false.
 boolean TupleElementInterface.isContextual()
          Returns whether this tuple element is part of the basic ResultSet, or whether it has been added for the purpose of providing additional context for the user.
 boolean TupleElementInterface.isContinued()
          Returns whether this member's parent is the same as the parent of the immediately preceding member.
 boolean TupleElementInterface.isDrilledDown()
          Returns whether this member is drilled down.
 boolean CubeInterface.isDrillThroughEnabled()
          Check if the drillthrough is enabled for this cube.
 boolean PerformanceTuning.isLookAheadEnabled(int cacheType)
          Check if the look ahead is set.
 boolean ResultSetInterface.isReadOnly()
          An instance of the OLAPDataSetInterface may be readOnly.
 void PerformanceTuning.setBufferSize(int cacheType, int size)
          Set the size for the cache.
 void ResultSetInterface.setCells(long startCell, long endCell, java.lang.Object[] cellValues)
          Sets the values for the cells.
 void OLAPDataSetInterface.setConnection(java.lang.Object con)
          Sets the connection to the OLAP server.
 void MetadataInterface.setConnection(java.lang.Object con)
          Sets the connection to the OLAP server.
 void OLAPDataSetInterface.setContextType(int contextType)
          Set the context type.
 void ResultSetInterface.setFormattedCells(long startCell, long endCell, java.lang.String[] cellValues)
          Sets the formatted values for the cells.
 void OLAPDataSetInterface.setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
          Sets the locale for the session object
 void MetadataInterface.setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
          Sets the locale for the session object
 void PerformanceTuning.setLookAheadEnabled(int cacheType, boolean lookAheadEnabled)
          Set if the look ahead is enabled or not.
 void TupleElementInterface.setMaximumCoordinate(int maximumCoordinate)
          Sets the largest axis coordinate spanned by the label.
 void TupleElementInterface.setMinimumCoordinate(int minimumCoordinate)
          Sets the smallest axis coordinate spanned by the label.
 void PerformanceTuning.setPageCount(int cacheType, int pageCount)
          Set the number of pages to get with a remote call.
 void PerformanceTuning.setPageSize(int cacheType, int size)
          Set the page size for the specified cache.
 void OLAPDataSetInterface.setPerformanceTuning(PerformanceTuning performanceTuning)
          Set the PerformanceTuning Object on this model.
 void OLAPDataSetInterface.setQueryStatement(java.lang.String queryStatement)
          Sets the query statement, but does not execute the query.
 void OLAPDataSetInterface.setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
          Sets the updateable state of the OLAPDataSet.
 void TupleElementInterface.setSpan(int span)
          Sets the number indicating the row/column span for this element.
 void TupleElementInterface.setSpanDepth(int depth)
          Sets the number indicating the depth of the lement in to span for this element.

Uses of OLAPException in

Methods in that throw OLAPException
 void ResultSetMetadata.addAxis(AxisInterface axis)
          Add an axis to this resultset.
 void ResultSet.addCells(long startCell, long endCell, java.lang.Object[] values)
          Deprecated. use setCells instead
 void Tuple.addElement(int index, TupleElementInterface element)
          Add a tupleElement at the specfied index.
 void Tuple.addElement(TupleElementInterface element)
          Append a tupleElement.
 void Axis.addTuple(int index, TupleInterface tuple)
          Add a tuple at the specified index.
 void Axis.addTuple(TupleInterface tuple)
          Append a tuple.
 void OLAPDataSet.close()
 void OLAPDataSet.executeQuery()
 void OLAPDataSet.executeQuery(java.lang.String queryStatement)
 AxisInterface[] ResultSetMetadata.getAxes(int index, int count)
          Return all the axes including slicer axis set for this restultset metadata.
 AxisInterface Tuple.getAxis()
          Returns the axis for the tuple.
 AxisInterface ResultSetMetadata.getAxis(int index)
          Return axis at the given index
 java.lang.String[] Axis.getAxisHeaders()
          Return the axis headers for this axis
 int Axis.getAxisNumber()
          Returns the axis number
 long ResultSet.getCellCount()
          Return the cell count for this result set based on the tuples set.
 long OLAPDataSet.getCellCount()
 java.lang.Object[] ResultSet.getCells(long startCell, long endCell)
          Returns the data beginning with the startCell ordinal and ending with endCell.
 java.lang.Object[] OLAPDataSet.getCells(long startCell, long endCell)
 int TupleElement.getChildCount()
          Returns the number of children for this member.
 java.lang.Object OLAPDataSet.getConnection()
          This will always return null, since there is on connection in the embedded version
 int OLAPDataSet.getContextType()
 java.lang.String OLAPDataSet.getCubeName()
          Return the cubeName for the embedded model if it is set, otherwise null
 MetadataInterface OLAPDataSet.getDatabaseMetadata()
          This implementation returns null.
 java.lang.String[] Axis.getDimensionNames()
          Return the an array of names of all the dimensions projected on the axis.
 TupleElementInterface Tuple.getElement(int index)
          Returns TupleElement for this tuple
 TupleElementInterface[] Tuple.getElements(int index, int count)
          Returns TupleElements for this tuple
 TupleElementInterface[] ResultSetMetadata.getElements(int axisIndex, int tupleCoordinate, int index, int count)
          Return the elements associated with a given tuple coordinate and axis starting from index upto count.
 java.lang.String TupleElement.getFormat()
          This method will always return null for now.
 java.lang.String[] ResultSet.getFormattedCells(long startCell, long endCell)
          Returns the data beginning with the startCell ordinal and ending with endCell.
 java.lang.String[] OLAPDataSet.getFormattedCells(long startCell, long endCell)
 java.lang.String[] Axis.getHierarchyNames()
          Return the Hierarchy names set on this axis
 java.lang.String TupleElement.getLabel()
          Return the label for the tuple element.
 int TupleElement.getLevelDepth()
          Return the number of levels associated with this tupleElement.
 java.util.Locale OLAPDataSet.getLocale()
          This will always return null, since there is on connection in the embedded version
 int TupleElement.getMaximumCoordinate()
          Returns the largest axis coordinate spanned by the label.
 int Axis.getMaximumTupleDepth()
          Return the number of labels associated with each tuple.
 int TupleElement.getMinimumCoordinate()
          Returns the smallest axis coordinate spanned by the label.
 PerformanceTuning OLAPDataSet.getPerformanceTuning()
 java.util.Map TupleElement.getProperties()
          Returns additional properties that were specified for this element
 java.lang.String ResultSet.getQueryStatement()
          Returns the MDX query that defines this MultiDimensional dataset
 java.lang.String OLAPDataSet.getQueryStatement()
 ResultSetInterface ResultSetMetadata.getResultSet()
          Return the resultSet set for this resultSet metadata.
 ResultSetMetadataInterface ResultSet.getResultSetMetadata()
          Return the resultSetMetadata for this result set
 ResultSetMetadataInterface OLAPDataSet.getResultSetMetadata()
 ResultSetMetadataInterface Axis.getResultSetMetadata()
          Return ResultSetMetaData for this axis
 int TupleElement.getSpan()
          Return the span for this tuple element
 int TupleElement.getSpanDepth()
          Get the span depth of this tupleelement.
 TupleInterface TupleElement.getTuple()
          Return the parent tuple for this tuple element
 TupleInterface Axis.getTuple(int index)
          Returns the tuple at given index associated with the axis
 int Tuple.getTupleCoordinate()
 int Tuple.getTupleDepth()
          Return the number of elements in this tuple.
 int TupleElement.getTupleElementIndex()
          Return unique index of this tuple element
 int Tuple.getTupleIndex()
          Returns the tuple ordinal if set.
 TupleInterface[] Axis.getTuples(int index, int count)
          Returns the tuples associated with the axis
 TupleInterface[] ResultSetMetadata.getTuples(int axisIndex, int index, int count)
          Return the number of tuples associated with the axis starting with index upto count. TupleElement.getType()
          Get the type of this tupleelement.
 java.lang.String TupleElement.getUniqueLevelName()
          Return the unique level name that this element is associated with
 java.lang.String[] Axis.getUniqueLevelNames()
          Get the uniqueLevel names
 boolean TupleElement.isContextual()
          This method indicates whether this tuple element is part of the basic result set or added for additional info.
 boolean TupleElement.isContinued()
          Returns whether this member's parent is the same as the parent of the immediately preceding member.
 boolean TupleElement.isDrilledDown()
          Returns whether this member is drilled down.
 boolean ResultSet.isReadOnly()
          return the readonly flag
 boolean OLAPDataSet.isReadOnly()
          This implementation will always return true.
 AxisInterface ResultSetMetadata.removeAxis(int axisNumber)
          Remove an axis on this result set.
 void ResultSet.removeCells(long startCell, long endCell)
          Remove a block of cells.
 TupleElementInterface Tuple.removeElement(int index)
          Remove a tuple element from this tuple.
 TupleInterface Axis.removeTuple(int index)
          Remove a tuple at the specified index.
 void ResultSetMetadata.setAxes(AxisInterface[] axes)
          Replace the axes associated with this ResultSet.
 void Tuple.setAxis(AxisInterface axis)
          Set the axis for this tuple.
 void Axis.setAxisHeaders(java.lang.String[] labels)
          Replace the axis header labels for this axis
 void ResultSet.setCells(long startCell, long endCell, java.lang.Object[] values)
          Add/Replace a block of cell values for the cells based on startOrdinal and endOrdinal.
 void OLAPDataSet.setCells(long startCell, long endCell, java.lang.Object[] cellValues)
 void TupleElement.setChildCount(int childCount)
          Sets the number of children for this member.
 void OLAPDataSet.setConnection(java.lang.Object connection)
          This defines a connection to the SAS OLAP server.
 void OLAPDataSet.setContextType(int contextType)
 void TupleElement.setContextual(boolean isContextual)
          Set whether this tuple is part of the basic result set
 void TupleElement.setContinued(boolean isContinued)
          Sets whether this member's parent is the same as the parent of the immediately preceding member.
 void OLAPDataSet.setCubeName(java.lang.String cubeName)
          Set the cube name for this olap dataset
 void Axis.setDimensionNames(java.lang.String[] dimensionNames)
          Replace all the dimension names with the dimension names passed in
 void TupleElement.setDrilledDown(boolean isDrilledDown)
          Sets whether this member is drilled down.
 void Tuple.setElements(int index, int endIndex, TupleElementInterface[] tupleElements)
          Sets TupleElements for this tuple
 void ResultSet.setFormattedCells(long startCell, long endCell, java.lang.String[] values)
          Sets the values for the cells
 void OLAPDataSet.setFormattedCells(long startCell, long endCell, java.lang.String[] cellValues)
 void Axis.setHierarchyNames(java.lang.String[] hierarchyNames)
          Set the hierarchy names for this axis
 void TupleElement.setLabel(java.lang.String label)
          Set the label for the tuple element.
 void TupleElement.setLevelDepth(int levelDepth)
          Set the levelDepth for this tuple element.
 void OLAPDataSet.setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
          This defines a connection to the SAS OLAP server.
 void TupleElement.setMaximumCoordinate(int maximumCoordinate)
          Sets the largest axis coordinate spanned by the label.
 void TupleElement.setMinimumCoordinate(int minimumCoordinate)
          Sets the smallest axis coordinate spanned by the label.
 void TupleElement.setName(java.lang.String name)
          Sets the unique name for the tuple element.
 void TupleElement.setProperties(java.util.Map properties)
          Sets additional properties that were specified for this element
 void OLAPDataSet.setQueryStatement(java.lang.String queryStatement)
 void OLAPDataSet.setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
          The readOnly state may only be set to true.
 void ResultSetMetadata.setResultSet(ResultSetInterface resultSet)
          Sets the ResultSet that is defined by this metadata.
 void ResultSet.setResultSetMetadata(ResultSetMetadataInterface rsm)
          Set the resultsetmetadata for this result set.
 void Axis.setResultSetMetadata(ResultSetMetadataInterface rsm)
          Set the resultset metadata for this axis.
 void ResultSetMetadata.setSlicerAxis(AxisInterface slicerAxis)
          Set the SlicerAxis on this resultset metadata.
 void TupleElement.setSpan(int span)
          Set the span value of this element
 void Axis.setTuple(int index, TupleInterface tuple)
          Replace the tuple at the given index
 void TupleElement.setTuple(TupleInterface tuple)
          Set the parent tuple of this tuple element
 void Axis.setTuples(int startIndex, int endIndex, TupleInterface[] tuples)
          Replace the tuples associated with the axis
 void TupleElement.setType( elementType)
          Set the type of this element.
 void TupleElement.setUniqueLevelName(java.lang.String uniqueLevelName)
          Set unique level name for this element
 void Axis.setUniqueLevelNames(java.lang.String[] levelNames)
          Set the unique level names on the axis

Constructors in that throw OLAPException
Axis(int axisIndex)
          Create an axis based on the index.
Axis(int axisIndex, java.lang.String[] axisHeaders, TupleInterface[] tuples)
          Create a new Axis
OLAPDataSet(ResultSetInterface resultSet)
ResultSet(ResultSetMetadataInterface rsm)
          Create an empty ResultSetMetadata
ResultSetMetadata(AxisInterface[] axes)
          Create a resultSetMetadata with the axes.
          Default tuple with no elements
Tuple(TupleElementInterface[] tupleElements)
          Create a tuple with the elements
TupleElement(TupleElementInterface tupleElement)

Uses of OLAPException in

Methods in that throw OLAPException
 void OLAPDataSet.cancelQuery()
static void Metadata.clearCache(Filter filter, java.lang.Object connObject, int cacheType)
          Clear the cache that matches the filter and cache type.
static void Metadata.clearCache(java.lang.Object connObject, int cacheType)
          Clear either member cache, non member cache or all caches.
 void ResultSet.close()
          Close the ResultSetInterface
 void OLAPDataSet.close()
          Closes the result set and clears the cache
protected  void OLAPDataSet.establishConnection()
          Establish connection, if the connection is not established yet.
protected  void Metadata.establishConnection()
 void OLAPDataSet.executeQuery()
          Executes a query that is set, using the setQueryStatement.
 void OLAPDataSet.executeQuery(java.lang.String queryStatement)
          Execute a passed in query.
 void OLAPDataSet.executeQuery(java.lang.String queryStatement, java.lang.String queryId)
          QueryStatement should have queryID appended to it otherwise the id will be ignored.
 int Measure.getAggregator()
 AxisInterface[] ResultSetMetadata.getAxes(int index, int count)
          Get the axes beginning at start index upto count for this resultset
 AxisInterface Tuple.getAxis()
 AxisInterface ResultSetMetadata.getAxis(int index)
 java.lang.String[] Axis.getAxisHeaders()
          Get the axis headers or level labels for this axis.
 int Axis.getAxisNumber()
          Returns the axis number
 long ResultSet.getCellCount()
          Get the cell count
 long OLAPDataSet.getCellCount()
          Get the number of cells for the query.
 java.lang.Object[] ResultSet.getCells(long startCell, long endCell)
          Returns the unformatted data slice beginning with the startCell (upper left corner ordinal) and ending with endCell (lower right corner ordinal).
 java.lang.Object[] OLAPDataSet.getCells(long startCell, long endCell)
          Get the unformatted cells starting at the start Ordinal upto end ordinal.
 int TupleElement.getChildCount()
          Get the number of children for this element
 int Member.getChildCount()
 MemberInterface[] Member.getChildren()
          Return children of this member.
 java.lang.Object OLAPDataSet.getConnection()
          Get the connection(IMDXServer) or session(ISession) object set on this class.
 java.lang.Object Metadata.getConnection()
          The connection returned will be an IMDXServer or
 int OLAPDataSet.getContextType()
          Get the context type for this md dataset
 java.util.Date Member.getCreationDateTime()
 java.util.Date Measure.getCreationDateTime()
 java.util.Date Level.getCreationDateTime()
          This method is not supported
 java.util.Date Hierarchy.getCreationDateTime()
 java.util.Date Dimension.getCreationDateTime()
          This method is not supported
 java.util.Date Cube.getCreationDateTime()
          Returns the date/time the cube was created.
 CubeInterface Member.getCube()
 CubeInterface Measure.getCube()
 CubeInterface Level.getCube()
          Get this level's cube
 CubeInterface Hierarchy.getCube()
          The the cube that this hierarchy belongs to
 CubeInterface Dimension.getCube()
          Get the dimension's cube object
 CubeInterface Metadata.getCube(Filter filter)
          Returns the cube(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 java.lang.String OLAPDataSet.getCubeName()
          Get the cubename for this query.
 CubeInterface[] Schema.getCubes()
 CubeInterface[] Metadata.getCubes(Filter filter)
          Returns the cube(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 MetadataInterface OLAPDataSet.getDatabaseMetadata()
 java.lang.Class Property.getDataType()
 java.lang.Class Measure.getDataType()
 HierarchyInterface Dimension.getDefaultHierarchy()
          Get the default hierarchy for this dimension
 MemberInterface Hierarchy.getDefaultMember()
          Get the default memebr of this hierarchy
 int Level.getDepth()
          Get the depth of this level
 java.lang.String Property.getDescription()
          Return the description of a property
 java.lang.String Member.getDescription()
          Return the description of a member.
 java.lang.String Measure.getDescription()
          Return the description of measure
 java.lang.String Level.getDescription()
          Return the description of level
 java.lang.String Hierarchy.getDescription()
          Return the description of hierarchy
 java.lang.String Dimension.getDescription()
          Return the description of dimension
 java.lang.String Cube.getDescription()
          Return the description of a cube
 DimensionInterface Member.getDimension()
 DimensionInterface Hierarchy.getDimension()
          Get the diemnsion for this hierarchy
 DimensionInterface Metadata.getDimension(Filter filter)
 java.lang.String[] Axis.getDimensionNames()
          Get the dimension Names (labels) that belong on this axis.
 DimensionInterface[] Cube.getDimensions()
          Returns the dimensions for this cube.
 DimensionInterface[] Metadata.getDimensions(Filter filter)
          Returns the dimension(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 TupleElementInterface Tuple.getElement(int index)
 TupleElementInterface[] Tuple.getElements(int index, int count)
          Returns TupleLabels for this tuple
 TupleElementInterface[] ResultSetMetadata.getElements(int axisNumber, int tupleCoordinate, int index, int count)
          Convenience method to get the tuple elements for a tuplecoordinate on an axis
 Filter Schema.getFilter()
 Filter Property.getFilter()
 Filter Member.getFilter()
 Filter Measure.getFilter()
 Filter Level.getFilter()
          Get the Filter with the properties used to create this object
 Filter Hierarchy.getFilter()
          Get the filter with the properties used to create this object.
 Filter Dimension.getFilter()
          A filter object containing information used in creating this dimension.
 java.lang.String TupleElement.getFormat()
          Get the Format associated with this element if it is a measure element null otherwise
 java.lang.String Measure.getFormat()
          Returns the format string for this measure.
 java.lang.String[] ResultSet.getFormattedCells(long startCell, long endCell)
          Returns the formatted data slice beginning with the startCell (upper left corner ordinal) and ending with endCell (lower right corner ordinal).
 java.lang.String[] OLAPDataSet.getFormattedCells(long startCell, long endCell)
          Get the formatted cells starting at the start Ordinal upto end ordinal.
 HierarchyInterface[] Dimension.getHierarchies()
          Get the hierarchies belonging to this dimension
 HierarchyInterface[] Metadata.getHierarchies(Filter filter)
          Returns the hierarchies(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 HierarchyInterface Level.getHierarchy()
          Get the hierarchy that this level belongs to
 HierarchyInterface Metadata.getHierarchy(Filter filter)
 java.lang.String[] Axis.getHierarchyNames()
          Get the HierarchyNames that belong on this axis.
 java.lang.String TupleElement.getLabel()
          Get the label for this element
 java.lang.String Schema.getLabel()
 java.lang.String Property.getLabel()
 java.lang.String Member.getLabel()
 java.lang.String Measure.getLabel()
 java.lang.String Level.getLabel()
 java.lang.String Hierarchy.getLabel()
          Get the label for this hierarchy
 java.lang.String Dimension.getLabel()
          Get the label of this dimension
 java.lang.String Cube.getLabel()
          Returns the label of the cube.
 LevelInterface Property.getLevel()
 LevelInterface Member.getLevel()
          Returns a level that this member belongs to.
 LevelInterface Metadata.getLevel(Filter filter)
 int TupleElement.getLevelDepth()
          Get the depth of the level
 LevelInterface[] Hierarchy.getLevels()
          Get the levels that belong to this hierarchy
 LevelInterface[] Metadata.getLevels(Filter filter)
          Returns the level(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 java.util.Locale OLAPDataSet.getLocale()
          Return the locale used to create a session object
 java.util.Locale Metadata.getLocale()
          Return the locale used to create a session object
 int TupleElement.getMaximumCoordinate()
          Get the maximum coordinate of this element
 int Axis.getMaximumTupleDepth()
          Get the maximum tuple depth for this axis.
 MeasureInterface Metadata.getMeasure(Filter filter)
          Returns the measure(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 MeasureInterface[] Cube.getMeasures()
          Returns the measures for this cube.
 MeasureInterface[] Metadata.getMeasures(Filter filter)
          Returns the measure(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 MemberInterface Property.getMember()
 int Level.getMemberCount()
          Get the number of members for this hierarchy
 int Hierarchy.getMemberCount()
          Get the number of memebrs that belong to this hierarchy
 int Dimension.getMemberCount()
          Get the number of member that belongs to this dimension
 MemberInterface[] Level.getMembers()
          Get all the members for this level
 MemberInterface[] Hierarchy.getMembers()
 MemberInterface[] Dimension.getMembers()
          Get the member's belonging to the dimension
 MemberInterface[] Metadata.getMembers(Filter filter, int start, int count)
          Returns a count number of members(s) with the appropriate restrictions
 MemberInterface[] Level.getMembers(int index, int count)
          Get the count number of members beginning at the index
 MetadataInterface Schema.getMetadata()
 MetadataInterface Property.getMetadata()
 MetadataInterface Member.getMetadata()
          Returns the metadataSession for this member.
 MetadataInterface Measure.getMetadata()
 MetadataInterface Level.getMetadata()
          Returns the metadataSession for this hierarchy.
 MetadataInterface Hierarchy.getMetadata()
          Get the metadata object
 MetadataInterface Dimension.getMetadata()
          Returns the metadata for this dimension.
 MetadataInterface Cube.getMetadata()
          Get the metadata associated with this object
 int TupleElement.getMinimumCoordinate()
          Get the minimum coordinate of this element
 java.lang.String TupleElement.getName()
          Get the unique name (member unique name) of this element
 java.lang.String Schema.getName()
 java.lang.String Property.getName()
 java.lang.String Member.getName()
 java.lang.String Measure.getName()
 java.lang.String Level.getName()
 java.lang.String Hierarchy.getName()
          Get the name of this hierarchy
 java.lang.String Dimension.getName()
          Get the name of this dimension
 java.lang.String Cube.getName()
          Returns the name of the cube.
 java.lang.String Cube.getNormalizedName()
 MemberInterface Member.getParentMember()
 PerformanceTuning OLAPDataSet.getPerformanceTuning()
          This method returns a performanceTuning object on the model.
 MetadataPerformanceTuning Metadata.getPerformanceTuning()
          Return a performanceTuning object that can be used to improve the performance of a metadata query.
 int Measure.getPrecision()
 java.util.Map TupleElement.getProperties()
          Get the element properties
 PropertyInterface[] Member.getProperties()
 PropertyInterface[] Level.getProperties()
          Get the properties associated with this level
 PropertyInterface[] Metadata.getProperties(Filter filter)
          Returns the properties with the appropriate restrictions
 PropertyInterface Metadata.getProperty(Filter filter)
          Returns the properties with the appropriate restrictions
 java.lang.String ResultSet.getQueryStatement()
          Returns the query statement that defines this MultiDimensional dataset
 java.lang.String OLAPDataSet.getQueryStatement()
 ResultSetInterface ResultSetMetadata.getResultSet()
 ResultSetMetadataInterface ResultSet.getResultSetMetadata()
          Get the resultSetMetadata for this result set
 ResultSetMetadataInterface OLAPDataSet.getResultSetMetadata()
 int Measure.getScale()
 SchemaInterface Cube.getSchema()
          Returns the schema for this cube.
 SchemaInterface Metadata.getSchema(Filter filter)
          Return the schema that match the filter restriction
 SchemaInterface[] Metadata.getSchemas()
          Return all the schemas for this connection
 SchemaInterface[] Metadata.getSchemas(Filter filter)
          Return the schemas that match the filter restriction
 int TupleElement.getSpanDepth()
 MemberInterface Hierarchy.getTopMember()
          Get the top member for this dimension
 MemberInterface[] Hierarchy.getTopMembers()
 TupleInterface TupleElement.getTuple()
          Get the tuple this element belongs to
 TupleInterface Axis.getTuple(int index)
          Get the tuples with specified index upto count.
 int Tuple.getTupleCoordinate()
          Deprecated. use getTupleIndex()
 int Axis.getTupleCount()
          Get the tuple count for this axis
 int Tuple.getTupleDepth()
          Get the number of elements belonging to this tuple.
 int Axis.getTupleDepth()
          Get the base tuple depth of this axis.
 int TupleElement.getTupleElementIndex()
          Get the index of this element in a tuple
 int Tuple.getTupleIndex()
          Get the index of the tuple on the axis
 TupleInterface[] Axis.getTuples(int index, int count)
          Get the tuples with specified index upt0 count.
 TupleInterface[] ResultSetMetadata.getTuples(int axisNumber, int index, int count)
          Convenience method to get the tuples for the given axis TupleElement.getType()
 int Property.getType()
 int Member.getType()
 int Level.getType()
          Get the type of the level
 int Dimension.getType()
          Get the type of dimension at DimensionInterface
 java.lang.String TupleElement.getUniqueLevelName()
          Get the unque level name of the element's level
 java.lang.String[] Axis.getUniqueLevelNames()
          Get the unique level names for this axis headers
 java.lang.String Member.getUniqueName()
 java.lang.String Measure.getUniqueName()
 java.lang.String Level.getUniqueName()
 java.lang.String Hierarchy.getUniqueName()
          Get the unique name of this hierarchy
 java.lang.String Dimension.getUniqueName()
          Get the unique name of this diemsnion
 java.lang.String Cube.getUniqueName()
          Returns the name of the cube.
 java.lang.String Measure.getUnit()
 java.util.Date Member.getUpdateDateTime()
 java.util.Date Measure.getUpdateDateTime()
 java.util.Date Level.getUpdateDateTime()
 java.util.Date Hierarchy.getUpdateDateTime()
 java.util.Date Dimension.getUpdateDateTime()
          this information is not supported
 java.util.Date Cube.getUpdateDateTime()
          Return the date/time the cube's data was last updated.
protected  void OLAPDataSet.init()
 boolean TupleElement.isContextual()
          Return if this element is part of the query or it is there to show the context info.
 boolean TupleElement.isContinued()
          Return if this element has the same parent as previous element
 boolean TupleElement.isDrilledDown()
          Return if the element is in a drilled down state
 boolean ResultSet.isReadOnly()
          This implementation will always return true.
 boolean OLAPDataSet.isReadOnly()
          This implementation will always return true.
 void OLAPDataSet.setCells(long startCell, long endCell, java.lang.Object[] cellValues)
          This method is not supported
 void OLAPDataSet.setConnection(java.lang.Object connection)
          This method can use a connection object or a session object associated with a connection.
 void Metadata.setConnection(java.lang.Object con)
          The connection type for this implementation is the or the connection type is
 void OLAPDataSet.setContextType(int contextType)
          Set the contextType for this dataSet.
 void OLAPDataSet.setFormattedCells(long startCell, long endCell, java.lang.String[] cellValues)
          This is not supported
 void OLAPDataSet.setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
          Set the Locale used to create the session.
 void Metadata.setLocale(java.util.Locale locale)
          Set the Locale used to create the session.
 void TupleElement.setMaximumCoordinate(int maximumCoordinate)
          Set the maximum coordinate for this element
 void TupleElement.setMinimumCoordinate(int minimumCoordinate)
          Set the minimum coordinate for this element
 void Metadata.setPerformanceTuning(MetadataPerformanceTuning performanceTuning)
          Set the performance tuning object on the metadata.
 void OLAPDataSet.setPerformanceTuning(PerformanceTuning performanceTuning)
          Set the PerformanceTuning Object on this model.
 void OLAPDataSet.setQueryStatement(java.lang.String queryStatement)
          Set the query statement.
 void OLAPDataSet.setQueryStatement(java.lang.String queryStatement, java.lang.String queryID)
 void OLAPDataSet.setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
          The readOnly state may only be set to true.

Constructors in that throw OLAPException
Axis( cache, int axisNumber, int tupleCount, int tupleDepth, java.lang.String[] dimensionNames, ResultSetMetadataInterface resultSetMetadata)
          Create an axis with the cache object.
Axis( cache, int axisNumber, int tupleCount, int tupleDepth, java.lang.String[] hierarchyNames, java.lang.String[] dimensionNames, ResultSetMetadataInterface resultSetMetadata)
          Create an axis with the cache object.
Axis( cache, int axisNumber, ResultSetMetadataInterface resultSetMetadata)
          Create an axis with the cache object.
Cube(MetadataInterface metadata, _session, java.lang.String catalogName, java.lang.String schemaName, java.lang.String cubeName, java.lang.String cubeType, java.util.Date creationDateTime, java.util.Date updateDateTime, java.lang.String cubeDescription, boolean isDrillthroughEnabled)
          A constructor
Dimension(MetadataInterface metadata, _session, java.lang.String catalogName, java.lang.String schemaName, java.lang.String cubeName, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String uniqueName, java.lang.String label, int type, int nMems, java.lang.String defaultHier, java.lang.String description)
Hierarchy(MetadataInterface metadata, _session, java.lang.String catalogName, java.lang.String schemaName, java.lang.String cubeName, java.lang.String uniqueDimensionName, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String uniqueName, java.lang.String label, int memberCount, java.lang.String defaultMemberName, java.lang.String allMemberName, java.lang.String description, int structure)
Level(MetadataInterface metadata, _session, java.lang.String catalogName, java.lang.String schemaName, java.lang.String cubeName, java.lang.String uniqueDimensionName, java.lang.String uniqueHierarchyName, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String uniqueName, java.lang.String label, int type, int memberCount, int depth, java.lang.String description)
Measure(MetadataInterface metadata, _session, java.lang.String catalogName, java.lang.String schemaName, java.lang.String cubeName, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String uniqueName, java.lang.String label, int dataType, int aggregator, int precision, int scale, java.lang.String unit, java.lang.String description)
Measure(MetadataInterface metadata, _session, java.lang.String catalogName, java.lang.String schemaName, java.lang.String cubeName, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String uniqueName, java.lang.String label, int dataType, int aggregator, java.lang.String unit, java.lang.String description)
Member(MetadataInterface metadata, _session, java.lang.String catalogName, java.lang.String schemaName, java.lang.String cubeName, java.lang.String uniqueDimensionName, java.lang.String uniqueHierarchyName, java.lang.String uniqueLevelName, int levelDepth, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String uniqueName, java.lang.String label, int type, int childCount, java.lang.String parentMemberName, int propertyDataTypes, java.lang.String[] propertyNames)
Metadata( connection)
Metadata( connection, java.util.Locale locale)
Metadata( session)
Metadata(java.lang.String host, int port, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
Metadata(java.lang.String host, int port, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.util.Locale locale)
          default constructor
OLAPDataSet(java.lang.Object connection)
          Create a OLAPDataSet object with the connection that is IMDXServer or ISession object
OLAPDataSet(java.lang.Object connection, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String queryStatement)
          Create an OLAPDataSet with the passed in connection and query
OLAPDataSet(java.lang.Object connection, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String queryStatement, int contextType)
          Create an OLAPDataSet with the passed in connection and query
OLAPDataSet(java.lang.Object connection, java.lang.String queryStatement)
          Create an OLAPDataSet with the passed in connection and query
OLAPDataSet(java.lang.Object connection, java.lang.String queryStatement, int contextType)
          Create an OLAPDataSet with the passed in connection and query
OLAPDataSet(java.lang.Object connection, java.lang.String queryStatement, java.lang.String queryId)
          Create an OLAPDataSet with the passed in connection and query
OLAPDataSet(java.lang.String host, int port, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
          Create an OLAPDataSet with passed in connection properties.
OLAPDataSet(java.lang.String host, int port, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String queryStatement)
          Create an OLAPDataSet with passed in connection properties.
OLAPDataSet(java.lang.String host, int port, java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password, java.lang.String queryStatement)
          Create an OLAPDataSet with passed in connection properties.
Property(MetadataInterface metadata, _session, java.lang.String cubeName, LevelInterface level, java.lang.String uniqueLevelName, MemberInterface member, java.lang.String uniqueMemberName, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String label, int type, int dataType, java.lang.String description)
Property(MetadataInterface metadata, _session, java.lang.String cubeName, java.lang.String uniqueLevelName, java.lang.String uniqueMemberName, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String label, int type, int dataType, java.lang.String description)
Property(MetadataInterface metadata, _session, java.lang.String cubeName, java.lang.String dimensionName, java.lang.String hierarchyName, java.lang.String uniqueLevelName, java.lang.String uniqueMemberName, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String label, int type, int dataType, java.lang.String description)
          Default constructor
ResultSet( cache, java.lang.String queryStatement, _mdDataSet)
          Create a result set generated by the query statement for the cache
          Default constructor
ResultSetMetadata( cache, ResultSetInterface resultSet)
          Used internally
Schema(MetadataInterface metadata, _session, java.lang.String schemaName)
          A constructor
Tuple(AxisInterface axis, int tupleIndex)
TupleElement(TupleInterface tuple)
          Create a tuple element with a tuple that it is part of.
TupleElement(TupleInterface tuple, int elementIndex, java.lang.String memberUniqueName, java.lang.String memberLabel, java.lang.String levelUniqueName, java.lang.String levelDepth, java.lang.String displayInfo, java.util.Map properties)
TupleElement(TupleInterface tuple, int elementIndex, java.lang.String memberUniqueName, java.lang.String memberLabel, java.lang.String levelUniqueName, java.lang.String levelDepth, java.lang.String displayInfo, java.util.Map properties, type)

Uses of OLAPException in

Constructors in that throw OLAPException
OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode(AxisInterface axis)
OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode(OLAPDataSetInterface model, int[] axesShown, boolean axesVisible)
OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode(TupleElementInterface element)
OLAPMemberTreeNode(AxisInterface axis)
OLAPMemberTreeNode(OLAPDataSetInterface model)
OLAPMemberTreeNode(TupleElementInterface element)

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