Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseOLAPExportCommand Commands to export multidimensional data (usually named OLAP data) from within a web application to MS Excel. 

Uses of BaseOLAPExportCommand in

Subclasses of BaseOLAPExportCommand in
 class OLAPExportToCSVCommand
          Command to export to MS Excel multidimensional data as a stream of Comma Separated Values (CSV).
 class OLAPExportToExcelXMLCommand
          Command to export to MS Excel multidimensional data as an MS Excel XML stream of data.
 class OLAPExportToHTMLCommand
          Command to export to MS Excel multidimensional data as HTML text.
 class OLAPExportToTabSeparatedCommand
          Command to export to MS Excel multidimensional data as a stream of Tab Separated Values (TSV).

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