Class PlotVariableList

public class PlotVariableList

PlotVariableLists are used to form an ordered list of PlotVariables. Graphs support multiple data column associations on some of their variable roles. For example graphs allow multiple data columns to be associated with their Column and Row Variables via the graph's DataModel. Some graphs like the BarChart also support multiple data column associations on other graph variables roles (such as the ResponseVariable in this example) to enable better data comparisons.


You can chain PlotVariableList objects together via the "next" property.


You can chain together the "Product" and "Region" data columns by doing one of the following:

 PlotVariableList myVariable1 = new PlotVariableList();
 PlotVariableList myVariable2 = new PlotVariableList();

As a convenience the constructor supports constructing a list this same way as follows:

 myVariable = new PlotVariableList( new String[]{"Product","Region"});
Example as applicable to a BarChart
 BarChart barChart = new BarChart();
 TableModel tableModel = myTableModel();
 // <...set up tableModel...>
 BarChartTableDataModel barChartTableDataModel = new BarChartTableDataModel(tableModel);
 barChartTableDataModel.setColumnVariable(new PlotVariableList( new String[]{"Product","Region"}));
 barChart.setDataModel( barChartTableDataModel );


PlotVariableList acts as a simple linked list of PlotVariable objects.

SAS 9.1
See Also:
Variable, VariableList, PlotVariable, AnalysisVariable, AnalysisVariableList

Constructor Summary
PlotVariableList(int columnIndex, java.lang.String format, java.lang.String informat, java.lang.String label, PlotVariableList next)
PlotVariableList(PlotVariable[] variableArray)
          Construct a list of VariableList objects whose properties and order are defined by the Variables in the array.
PlotVariableList(java.lang.String[] columnNames)
          Construct a list of VariableList objects designated by column name in the order provided.
PlotVariableList(java.lang.String columnName, java.lang.String format, java.lang.String informat, java.lang.String label, PlotVariableList next)
          Constructor designating data column by name.
Method Summary
 PlotVariable[] asArray()
          Provides a conversion into a Variable array.
 java.util.ArrayList asArrayList()
          Provides a conversion into an ArrayList.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Determines whether another object is equal to this PlotVariableList.
 PlotVariableList getNext()
          Returns the next PlotVariableList in the list.
 int hashCode()
          Computes the hash code for this PlotVariableList.
 java.util.Iterator iterator()
          Provides an iterator to the list.
Methods inherited from class
getHighColumnIndex, getHighColumnName, getHighLabel, getLowColumnIndex, getLowColumnName, getLowLabel, getTargetColumnIndex, getTargetColumnName, getTargetLabel
Methods inherited from class
getCategorizationModel, getColumnIndex, getColumnName, getFormat, getInformat, getLabel, getSegmentedRangeStyle
Methods inherited from class
addPropertyChangeListener, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, removePropertyChangeListener, setContainedModel

Constructor Detail


public PlotVariableList(java.lang.String columnName,
                        java.lang.String format,
                        java.lang.String informat,
                        java.lang.String label,
                        PlotVariableList next)
Constructor designating data column by name.

columnName - the name identifying the data column
format - the name of the SAS format applied (by the graph) on the values found in this variable's data column
informat - the name of the SAS informat applied (by the graph) on the values found in this variable's data column
label - the label the chart will display via data tips, axis labels and legend labels (where applicable)
next - the next variable in the list

The supported informats are:

  • DATE5. - "ddMMM"
  • DATE7. - "ddMMMyy"
  • DATE9. - "ddMMMyyyy"
  • DATETIME13. - "ddMMMyy:HH:mm"
  • DATETIME16. - "ddMMMyy:HH:mm:ss"
  • DATETIME18. - "ddMMMyyyy:HH:mm:ss"
  • DATETIME20. - "ddMMMyy:HH:mm:ss.SSS"
  • DATETIME22. - "ddMMMyyyy:HH:mm:ss.SSS"
  • TIME5. - "HH:mm"
  • TIME8. - "HH:mm:ss""
  • TIME12. - "HH:mm:ss.SSS"


public PlotVariableList(int columnIndex,
                        java.lang.String format,
                        java.lang.String informat,
                        java.lang.String label,
                        PlotVariableList next)


public PlotVariableList(java.lang.String[] columnNames)
Construct a list of VariableList objects designated by column name in the order provided.

columnNames - the column names


public PlotVariableList(PlotVariable[] variableArray)
Construct a list of VariableList objects whose properties and order are defined by the Variables in the array.

variableArray - the array of variables
Method Detail


public PlotVariableList getNext()
Returns the next PlotVariableList in the list.

the next classifcaiton variable list


public PlotVariable[] asArray()
Provides a conversion into a Variable array.


public java.util.ArrayList asArrayList()
Provides a conversion into an ArrayList. Please note that modifying the ArrayList will not have an affect on the graph but modifying the properties of the elements in the List will.

See Also:


public java.util.Iterator iterator()
Provides an iterator to the list. Note: Since the VariableList class is immutable the remove method will not have any affect on the list.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Determines whether another object is equal to this PlotVariableList.

The result is true if and only if the argument is not null and is a PlotVariableList object that has the same property values as this object.

equals in class PlotVariable
obj - the object to test for equality with this PlotVariableList
true if the objects are the same; false otherwise.


public int hashCode()
Computes the hash code for this PlotVariableList.

hashCode in class PlotVariable
a hash code value for this object.

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