Uses of Class

Packages that use BaseEntity Provides the integrated set of classes that comprise the ActionProvider Framework (APF). Provides classes that support and define the default actions for relational Graph Viewer Components. Provides classes and interfaces to perform commands. Provides classes and interfaces to perform commands on relational data. The primary focus of the package is to provide the classes that perform the general action provider framework commands. The primary focus of the package is to provide the classes that perform the action provider framework commands for the InformationServices model. Defines interfaces and classes for Entities, which are a dynamic extension of Java Beans. Commands and utility classes to export non multidimensional data (usually named relational or jdbc data) from within a web application to MS Excel. Commands to export multidimensional data (usually named OLAP data) from within a web application to MS Excel. Provides the base classes and interfaces used to generate a table of data for a given data model. The primary focus of the package is to provide the classes used to manipulate the user interface when various toolbar, button, and popmenu actions are triggered.   

Uses of BaseEntity in

Subclasses of BaseEntity in
 class ActionList
           Viewer components acquire ActionList objects when they query an ActionProvider for Actions.
 class ActionSupportFilter
           An ActionSupportFilter encapsulates all the information needed by the ActionProvider Framework ( APF ) from the requesting component to carry out a single query for Actions.
 class BaseAction
          The BaseAction class is the base class for all Actions acquired via the Action Provider Framework (APF).
 class HttpAction
          The HttpAction class is the base class for all actions acquired from the HttpActionProvider.
 class SelectorAction
          The SelectorAction class defines additional type-based attributes specific to actions used by selectors.
 class SwingAction
          The SwingAction class is the base class for all actions acquired from the SwingActionProvider.

Uses of BaseEntity in

Subclasses of BaseEntity in
 class MapBaseCommand
 class MapClearSelectionsCommand
          This class implements the map's clear selections command.
 class MapExportToExcelCommand
          This class implements the map's clear selections command.
 class MapFilterSelectionsCommand
          This class implements the map's filter selections command.
 class MapFullExtentsCommand
          This class implements the map's full extents command.
 class MapIdentifyCommand
          This class implements the map's identify command.
 class MapPanCommand
          This class implements the map's pan command.
 class MapPropertyCommand
          This class implements the map's show property sheet command.
 class MapRectangularSelectCommand
          This class implements the map's select command.
 class MapReportLinkingCommand
          This class implements the map's report linking command.
 class MapSelectCommand
          This class implements the map's select command.
 class MapSetMeasureCommand
          This class implements the map's select command.
 class MapZoomInCommand
          This class implements the map's zoom in command.
 class MapZoomOutCommand
          This class implements the map's zoom out command.

Uses of BaseEntity in

Subclasses of BaseEntity in
          The command used by the ActionProvider to resize a column in an OLAPTableView

Uses of BaseEntity in

Subclasses of BaseEntity in
 class BaseCommand
          BaseCommand is the base class for all commands.
 class CompositeDynamicAttributeCommand
           A command which manages the order of execution and rollback for a group of sub-commands.

Uses of BaseEntity in

Subclasses of BaseEntity in
 class AdvancedFilterSelectorCommand
          This class implements the Advanced Filter Selector Command.
 class AdvancedFilterSelectorCommandFacade
          This class is a facade that unifies the functionalities of the AdvancedFilterSelectorCommand plus the additional filtering funcionalities provided by the OLAPTimeBasedFilterCommand.
 class BaseSelectorCommand
          This class will provide the base functionality for all selector commands.
 class DataItemSelectorCommand
          This class is responsible for assisting in the processing of user actions through a user-interface representation of a Query selector.
 class ExportSelectorCommand
          This class handles the data exporting operations in conjunction with the Export Selector.
 class FilterAndRankSelectorCommand
          This class provides command support for the "Filter and Rank" Selector.
 class FindSelectorCommand
          Assists the Find selector with business model interactions needed to perform the find functions.
 class FormatSelectorCommand
          This class provides command support for the "Filter and Rank" Selector.
 class MemberPropertiesCommand
          Assists the Find selector with business model interactions needed to perform the find functions.
 class OLAPSortSelectorCommand
 class OLAPTimeBasedFilterCommand
 class PercentCalculationsCommand
          Assists the Find selector with business model interactions needed to perform the find functions.
 class RankingCommand
          This class handles the ranking of a data model in conjunction with the Ranking Selector.
 class ShowDetailSelectorCommand
 class SimpleCalculatedItemSelectorCommand
          This class implements the command for processing calculated items in the simple calculated item selector command.
 class SortSelectorCommand
          This class implements the simple calculated item selector command.
 class TotalsCommand
          This class handles the applying of totals and subtotals in conjunction with the Totals Selector.

Uses of BaseEntity in

Subclasses of BaseEntity in
 class ExceptionHighlightingChartCommand
          The command processes actions, via the Action Provider Framework, as they are initiated by the visual in response to user input.
 class ExceptionHighlightingCommand
          The command processes actions, via the Action Provider Framework, as they are initiated by the visual in response to user input.

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