Uses of Interface

Packages that use AttributeTypeFactoryInterface Provides the integrated set of classes that comprise the ActionProvider Framework (APF). Defines interfaces and classes for Entities, which are a dynamic extension of Java Beans. 

Uses of AttributeTypeFactoryInterface in

Methods in that return AttributeTypeFactoryInterface
static AttributeTypeFactoryInterface BaseAction.getAttributeTypeFactory()
          Deprecated. in v9.1.2. AttributeTypes not used by Actions anymore.

Uses of AttributeTypeFactoryInterface in

Classes in that implement AttributeTypeFactoryInterface
 class AttributeTypeFactory
          AttributeTypeFactory contains constants for creating AttributeTypes

Constructors in with parameters of type AttributeTypeFactoryInterface
AttributeGroup(RemoteEntityInterface entity, java.util.Map entityStaticProperties, AttributeTypeFactoryInterface atfi)
          Constructs an instance of AttributeGroup.
AttributeGroup(RemoteEntityInterface entity, java.util.Map entityStaticProperties, AttributeTypeFactoryInterface atfi, java.util.Map supplementalProperties)
          Constructs an instance of AttributeGroup.
Entity(AttributeTypeFactoryInterface atfi)
          Constructs an instance of Entity with a unique GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) or entity key.
Entity(java.util.Map supplementalAttributeProperties, AttributeTypeFactoryInterface atfi)
          Constructs an instance of Entity with a unique GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) or entity key.
RemoteEntity(AttributeTypeFactoryInterface atfi)
          Constructs an instance of Entity with a unique GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) or entity key.
RemoteEntity(AttributeTypeFactoryInterface atfi, java.util.Map supplementalProperties)
          Constructs an instance of RemoteEntity with a unique GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) or entity key.

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