Interface BaseAttributeDescriptorInterface

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
AttributeDescriptorInterface, AttributeGroupInterface, AttributeTypeInterface
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActionAttributeDescriptor, AttributeDescriptor, AttributeGroup, AttributeType, BaseAttributeDescriptor

public interface BaseAttributeDescriptorInterface

Base AttributeDescriptorInterface defines a core API for AttributeDescriptors, AttributeGroups, and AttributeTypes. Each of these elements surface the same basic features:

  1. name
  2. label, localizable
  3. description, localizable
  4. small icon, localizable
  5. large icon, localizable
  6. customizer
  7. configuration XML

Method Summary
 java.util.List getAttributeCustomizerContexts()
          Returns a list of customizer contexts defined for this object.
 java.util.Map getAttributeCustomizers()
          Returns a mapping of all of the customizers defined for this object.
 java.lang.String getConfigurationXML()
          Return the XML which is used to configure or constrain this object.
 java.lang.String getCustomizer(java.lang.String context)
          Return this object's customizer.
 java.lang.String getDescription(java.util.Locale locale)
          Return the description of this object; this is the description which the user will see in a UI (User Interface) component.
 java.util.Map getDescriptions()
          Returns a mapping of all of the descriptions defined for this object.
 java.lang.String getLabel(java.util.Locale locale)
          Return the label of this object; this is the name which will the user will see in a UI (User Interface) component.
 java.util.Map getLabels()
          Returns a mapping of all of the labels defined for this object.
 java.lang.String getLargeIconURL(java.util.Locale locale)
          Return a URL that contains the large icon representing this object.
 java.util.Map getLargeIconURLs()
          Returns a mapping of all of the large icon URLs defined for this object.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Return the name of this object.
 java.lang.String getSmallIconURL(java.util.Locale locale)
          Return a URL that contains the small icon representing this object.
 java.util.Map getSmallIconURLs()
          Returns a mapping of all of the small icon URLs defined for this object.
 void setConfigurationXML(java.lang.String configurationXML)
          Assign XML which can be used to configure or constrain this object.
 void setCustomizer(java.lang.String context, java.lang.String customizer)
          Set the customizer for a specific context.
 void setDescription(java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String description)
          Set the description of this object;this is the description which the user will see in a UI (User Interface) component.
 void setLabel(java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String label)
          Set the label of this object; this is the name which will the user will see in a UI (User Interface) component.
 void setLargeIconURL(java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String largeIconURL)
          Set a locale-sensitive URL that contains the large icon representing this object.
 void setName(java.lang.String name)
          Set the name of this object.
 void setSmallIconURL(java.util.Locale locale, java.lang.String smallIconURL)
          Set a locale-sensitive URL that contains the small icon representing this object.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getName()
Return the name of this object. This is an identifier and is not locale sensitive.

object name
See Also:
setName(String name)


void setName(java.lang.String name)
Set the name of this object. This is an identifier and is not locale sensitive.

name - object name
See Also:


java.lang.String getLabel(java.util.Locale locale)
Return the label of this object; this is the name which will the user will see in a UI (User Interface) component. It is a locale-sensitive string. If no label is associated with the locale, then the label associated with the null locale is returned. If that does not exist, the name is returned.

locale - the locale with which the label is associated. This parameter may be null.
object label
See Also:
setLabel(Locale locale, String label)


void setLabel(java.util.Locale locale,
              java.lang.String label)
Set the label of this object; this is the name which will the user will see in a UI (User Interface) component. It is a locale-sensitive string.

locale - the locale with which the label is associated. This parameter may be null.
label - the visible name
See Also:
getLabel(Locale locale)


java.util.Map getLabels()
Returns a mapping of all of the labels defined for this object. The first item of each entry is the locale and the second item is the label.

label map


java.lang.String getDescription(java.util.Locale locale)
Return the description of this object; this is the description which the user will see in a UI (User Interface) component. It is a locale-sensitive string. If no description is associated with the locale, then the description associated with the null locale is returned. If that does not exist, the name is returned.

locale - the locale with which this description is associated. This may be null.
object description
See Also:
setDescription(Locale locale, String description)


void setDescription(java.util.Locale locale,
                    java.lang.String description)
Set the description of this object;this is the description which the user will see in a UI (User Interface) component.

locale - the locale with which this description is associated. This may be null.
description - description of the object
See Also:
getDescription(Locale locale)


java.util.Map getDescriptions()
Returns a mapping of all of the descriptions defined for this object. The first item of each entry is the locale and the second item is the description.

description map


java.lang.String getCustomizer(java.lang.String context)
Return this object's customizer. A customizer is a standalone editor used to customize or edit a value. It does not reside inside a UI (User Interface) element as an editor does, but defines its own window.

context - the context in which the customizer is instantiated/used; it is a platform specification from EntityContextInterface
object customizer
See Also:
setCustomizer(String context, String customizer), EntityContextInterface


void setCustomizer(java.lang.String context,
                   java.lang.String customizer)
Set the customizer for a specific context.

context - the context in which the customizer is instantiated/used; it is a platform specification from EntityContextInterface
customizer - the name of the customizer
See Also:
getCustomizer(String context), EntityContextInterface


java.util.Map getAttributeCustomizers()
Returns a mapping of all of the customizers defined for this object. The first item of each entry is the context and the second item is the class name of the customizer.

customizer map


java.util.List getAttributeCustomizerContexts()
Returns a list of customizer contexts defined for this object.

customizer map


java.lang.String getConfigurationXML()
Return the XML which is used to configure or constrain this object. This XML can be used by this object's validators, editors, and customizers.

this object's configuration XML.
See Also:
setConfigurationXML(String configurationXML)


void setConfigurationXML(java.lang.String configurationXML)
Assign XML which can be used to configure or constrain this object.

configurationXML - the XML configuration for this object
See Also:


java.lang.String getSmallIconURL(java.util.Locale locale)
Return a URL that contains the small icon representing this object.

locale - the locale in which to express the small icon. If no small icon URL is associated with the locale, then the small icon URL associated with the null locale is returned. If that does not exist, then null is returned.
this object's small icon.
See Also:
setSmallIconURL(Locale locale, String smallIconURL)


void setSmallIconURL(java.util.Locale locale,
                     java.lang.String smallIconURL)
Set a locale-sensitive URL that contains the small icon representing this object.

locale - the locale in which to express the small icon. This may be null.
smallIconURL - the icon's url
See Also:
getSmallIconURL(Locale locale)


java.util.Map getSmallIconURLs()
Returns a mapping of all of the small icon URLs defined for this object. The first item of each entry is the locale and the second item is the small icon URL.

map of small icon URLs


java.lang.String getLargeIconURL(java.util.Locale locale)
Return a URL that contains the large icon representing this object.

locale - the locale in which to express the icon. If no large icon URL is associated with the locale, then the large icon URL associated with the null locale is returned. If that does not exist, then null is returned.
this object's large icon.
See Also:
setLargeIconURL(Locale locale, String largeIconURL)


void setLargeIconURL(java.util.Locale locale,
                     java.lang.String largeIconURL)
Set a locale-sensitive URL that contains the large icon representing this object.

locale - the locale in which to express the large icon. This may be null.
largeIconURL - the icon's url
See Also:
getLargeIconURL(Locale locale)


java.util.Map getLargeIconURLs()
Returns a mapping of all of the large icon URLs defined for this object. The first item of each entry is the locale and the second item is the large icon URL.

map of large icon URLs

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