Uses of Class

Packages that use DataRetrievalError Provides adapter components used to convert native models to models which can then be used with filter components. 

Uses of DataRetrievalError in

Methods in that throw DataRetrievalError
static javax.swing.tree.MutableTreeNode FilterValuesToTreeModelAdapter.convertList(FilterValuesInterface listRoot)
          Converts the given filter values list to a tree node model and returns the root of that new model.
 FilterValueInterface BaseFilterObjectFactory.findMatchingFilterValue(FilterItemInterface filterItem, java.lang.Object searchValue)
          This method attempts to locate and return any previously constructed filter value object for the given search value from the native filter model.
 java.util.List OLAPMemberTreeModel.getFirstValues(long lThreshold)
          Returns the first list of values.
 java.util.List OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode.getFirstValues(long lThreshold)
 java.util.List FilterValuesInterface.getFirstValues(long lThreshold)
          Returns the first group in a list of objects for an Item.
 java.util.List DefaultFilterValueList.getFirstValues(long lThreshold)
          Returns the first group in a list of objects for an Item.
 java.util.List AdvancedFilterValueList.getFirstValues(long lThreshold)
          Deprecated. Gathers and returns the first set of values held in this list.
 java.util.List OLAPMemberTreeModel.getNextValues(long lThreshold)
          Returns the next list of values.
 java.util.List OLAPMemberDeferredRetrievalTreeNode.getNextValues(long lThreshold)
 java.util.List FilterValuesInterface.getNextValues(long lThreshold)
          Returns the next group in a list of objects for an Item.
 java.util.List DefaultFilterValueList.getNextValues(long lThreshold)
          Returns the next group in a list of objects for an Item.
 java.util.List AdvancedFilterValueList.getNextValues(long lThreshold)
          Deprecated. Gathers and returns the next set of values held in this list.

Constructors in that throw DataRetrievalError
FilterValuesToTreeModelAdapter(FilterValuesInterface listRoot)
          Constructs a new adapter with a structure defined by converting the given values list to a tree model.
FilterValuesToTreeModelAdapter(FilterValuesInterface listRoot, boolean asksAllowsChildren)
          Constructs a new adapter with a structure defined by converting the given values list to a tree model.

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