SAS 9.1.3 Integration Technologies » SAS Web Infrastructure Kit: Developer's Guide

Developing Custom Portlets
Development Steps
Creating a Deployment Descriptor
Creating Display Resources Files
Developing the Presentation JSP Page
Creating Action Classes
Implementing Portlet Help
Creating a PAR File
Use Cases
Simple Display Portlet
Localized Portlet
Portlet Template (Editable Portlet)
Remote Portlet
Tips and Best Practices
Using the Portlet API
Sample Portlets
Localized Display Portlet (Welcome)
Interactive Form Portlet (FormExample)
Portlet Template, or Editable Portlet (DisplayURL)
Web Application (HelloUserWikExample)
Remote Portlet (HelloUserRemote
Development Steps: Creating a Deployment Descriptor

Example Deployment Descriptor for a Remote Portlet

Remote portlets are portlets that execute outside of the portal container. You can use remote portlets to incorporate data from external applications into the portal Web application. When a user interacts with a remote portlet, the remote portlet appears to be the same as a local portlet.

Many of the elements in the portlet deployment descriptor DTD relate only to local portlets. Therefore, a portlet deployment descriptor for a remote portlet requires fewer elements than a descriptor for a local portlet.

An example of a portlet deployment descriptor for a remote portlet follows. You can use this example as a template for creating portlet deployment descriptors for your own remote portlets. Simply replace the element values with your own values as appropriate.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE portlets SYSTEM "">

  <remote-portlet name="MyRemotePortlet" title="MyRemotePortlet" >
    <localized-resources locales="en" />
    <deployment scope="group" autoDeploy="true"
      <portlet-action name="display" default="true">