Describing an Instance of the Item
- Next to the item type label that appears in the Description of Item field, type a brief description of the selected item. The description is used as an annotation for the item when listed in the Items to Include in Package field in the What to Publish tab.
This step is optional, but recommended.
Use the Clear button to erase the contents of the field, as needed.
- In the Package Item Name/Value (optional) field, enter one or more name/value pairs that describe the content of the package item.
You should develop conventions for name/value pairs and publicize them throughout the business enterprise. Knowledge of name/value pair conventions allows channel subscribers or developers of package retrieval programs to write filters for incoming package content. For example, some package recipients might be interested only in result data that is rendered in tables, graphs, and memos. Others might be package producers who depend on SAS data inputs for continued processing.
Here is an example of three name/value pairs for a SAS data set package item:
type=SAS dataset content=ticketsales priority=low
In this example, the publisher identifies the package item type as a SAS data set. Subscribers that filter out SAS data sets will not receive this package entry. Furthermore, a retrieval program that filters only high-priority package items will not select this package entry for delivery with the package. However, filters that select content that relates to ticket sales will be delivered.
- After you have finished specifying the item, click OK to return to the What
to Publish tab.
The added item is displayed in the Items to Include in Package window.
You can click the Add Item button to add more items to the package, or you can
select an item from the window to edit (click Edit Item), to delete (click Remove), or to rearrange (click Move Up or Move Down).