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Using Telnet to Administer the Spawner

The spawner may be controlled and monitored using a telnet client connected to the sasOperatorPort/sasOperatorService.

Connecting to a Spawner

To connect to an executing spawner, telnet to the administrator interface port/service (sasOperatorPort/sasOperatorService) that is specified in the sasSpawner or sasDependentSpawner definition.

The following example, run on UNIX, assumes 6337 was specified as the sasOperatorPort:

   myHost> telnet serverhost 6337
   Connected to serverhost.
   Escape character is '^]'. 

After the telnet conversation is active, enter the password that is specified (sasOperatorPassword). If the sasOperatorPassword was not specified, use sasobjspawn as the password.

Note: You will not be prompted for the password as follows: 

   Operator conversation established

You may now interact with the executing spawner by issuing any of the Available Commands.

Available Commands

The following is a list of commands that are available via the spawner's administrator interface:

btrace filename Begin trace. filename is a fully qualified path to the file in which to log spawner activity. On OS/390, filenames should be specified similarly to //dsn:myid.objspawn.log
bye Terminate the spawner execution.
etrace End trace.
help List available administrator commands.
kill pid or all Windows NT only. Kill the process that was launched by this spawner (the process identified by the pid); or kill all processes that were launched by this spawner.
list List all known sasServers that are supported by this spawner. This is a shortcut for lista followed by listi.
lista List sasServer definitions in which the spawner is currently listening for requests. This display includes information about dependents (if a spawner) and masters (if a dependent spawner). In addition to the sasServer definitions, if this spawner was configured as an UUID Generator Daemon, the UUIDGEND information is reported as well.
listi List sasServer definitions in which the spawner is not currently listening for requests. This display includes information about dependents (if a spawner) and masters (if a dependent spawner).
listl Windows NT only. List the pid for active SAS object servers that are launched by this spawner.
quit Exit administrator conversation.
start Attempt to start idle services. In addition, if this is a dependent spawner, connections not yet made to master spawner will be attempted.

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