SAS® Flash Cards

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SAS® Flash Cards


SAS® Flash Card gives you the ability to create, learn, and share through an easy to use flash card application for the iPhone and iPad. With SAS® Flash Cards you can browse flash card decks in numerous subjects on the web, create new flash card decks in a variety of question formats, and share the flash card decks you create with others. Students of all ages can create flash card decks for virtually any subject they are studying. Once a flash card deck has been created, students can then upload the deck to share with friends. SAS® Flash Cards is truly an app for everyone!

    My Decks

    Browse through your collection of downloaded flash card decks - including those that you created.


    Pinpoint thousands of flash cards for math, science, social studies, English, and foreign languages across the internet, using this safe search feature.


    Create your own deck of flash cards. Easily create true/false, fill in the blank, multiple choice, and traditional flash cards. Questions can be math or text, image, and sound based. You can submit your deck to be shared with others, or maintain it privately on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch.

    Practice and Quiz Modes

    Easily launch each deck in Practice mode or Quiz mode using the settings available from the Deck Detail view. Replay the cards answered incorrectly in Quiz mode, replay the same cards in a quiz, or launch a new quiz from the Quiz Review panel. Quiz results can easily be emailed from an option available on the Quiz Review panel.

    Scratch Pad

    Easily take notes, draw pictures or write down steps to solve math problems with the integrated Scratch Pad. Your images are saved in practice mode and are retrieved with each practice. Quiz mode (see above) reveals a blank scratch pad for each card.

    Gestures and Animations

    Double tap to flip flash cards, swipe left to go to the next card, and swipe right to go to the previous card.


    Autoplay automatically plays through decks of flash cards that have audio recorded. Autoplay continues to play your audio decks even when the screen is locked. Autoplay is a perfect way to study while you are on the go.

    World View

    Explore an interactive map to see which flash cards are being played around the world.


    Bring SAS Flash Cards to the classroom! Display your flash card decks with a projector using Apple's iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter.

    Deck Upload Utility

    Easily turn your spreadsheets into decks of Flash Cards with the new Deck Upload Web Utility. Visit to learn more!

    Email Integration

    Send links to decks through email or send teachers your quiz results. Links will open the app to the deck on an iPod touch, iPhone or iPad.

    Twitter Integration

    Share decks with friends through twitter or tweet your own quiz results.

SAS® Flash Cards


See Video Tutorials for detailed instructions on creating decks.

SAS® Flash Cards


SAS® Flash Cards


Download a deck template in .CSV or .XLS format. These are available for you to use to follow when uploading a deck:


CSV XLS Sample Sample Card
Multiple Choice SASFCTextMC.csv SASFCTextMC.xls SampleTextMC.csv Image
Fill in the Blank SASFCTextFITB.csv SASFCTextFITB.xls SampleTextFITB.csv Image
Plain/Front Back SASFCTextPLAIN.csv SASFCTextPLAIN.xls SampleTextPLAIN.csv Image
True/False SASFCTextTF.csv SASFCTextTF.xls SampleTextTF.csv Image


CSV XLS Sample Sample Card
Multiple Choice SASFCMathMC.csv SASFCMathMC.xls SampleMathMC.csv Image
Fill in the Blank SASFCMathFITB.csv SASFCMathFITB.xls SampleMathFITB.csv Image
Plain/Front Back SASFCMathPLAIN.csv SASFCMathPLAIN.xls SampleMathPLAIN.csv Image
True/False SASFCMathTF.csv SASFCMathTF.xls SampleMathTF.csv Image

Open the file in spreadsheet application such as Numbers or Microsoft Excel. Complete one row for each flash card in your flash card deck. Each row refers to one flash card. Therefore 20 rows of data will turn into 20 flash cards. It is important that no changes are made to the first row of the template. Without the first row provided in the template your deck will fail to upload. Note the type of deck (multiple choice, fill in the blank, plain, or true/false) you are making. You will need this information in the next step. When you complete the spreadsheet be sure to save or export the file as either an .xls or .csv file. Other file types will fail to upload.

Note: CSV uses commas to separate individual pieces of flash cards into columns. Therefore, if you choose to use CSV do not include commas in your directives, instructions, answers, or clarifications.

Complete the form below with the Deck information about your deck. Include the title of the deck, the author, and a description of your flash card deck content. This information will help others search and find your flash card deck. Be sure to browse and find the CSV or XLS file you created in Step 2. When you are sure you have completed the information as desired select Submit to upload your deck.

After a successful upload of your deck, it will be reviewed by the SAS® and made publicly available if approved.

  • Check to agree to the Public Deck Agreement: In addition to the terms of the SAS Institute Inc. License Agreement for SAS® Flash Cards Software, the following terms apply. By submitting your content for upload, you represent and warrant that: (a) you own or control all necessary rights to the materials that appear in your content; (b) your content is not obscene, objectionable or otherwise inappropriate; and (c) your content does not contain any viruses or other harmful elements that would cause damage to this site, or any network or third party property. You must obtain written permissions for any third party materials (such as pictures or quotations), that appear in your deck, and provide such permissions to SAS upon request. You certify that you are not from a country that is subject to United States embargo or trade sanctions. SAS reserves the right in its sole discretion to publish or not to publish your content.

SAS® Flash Cards


Share the content you create in SAS Flash Cards with your students and students around the world. Create decks of flash cards that sync with your curriculum and publish them to our repository making them available to all users. Learn more about building decks of flash cards in the Video Tutorials or the Upload a Deck page.

Project flash cards using Apple's video output to share flash cards with the entire class. Watch this tutorial on Projecting SAS Flash Cards for more information.

Making flash cards is a great way to practice problems, learn a language, or memorize facts. Asking students to create decks for themselves and to share with other students is a great retention exercise. Students can utilize Text, Audio (including recordings of their own voice), and Images to create multimodal flash cards that engage learners. SAS Flash Cards also provides a Quiz mode which holds feedback until the student has completed all cards in the quiz. Students can easily share their quiz results with teachers or themselves via email or twitter.

SAS® Flash Cards


SAS® Flash Cards


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