SAS Viya

Titre Niveau Types de formation
SAS Learning Conferences - Programmation et Analytique New
Venez découvrir une nouvelle manière de vous former à SAS !

Se former plus rapidement tout en traitant plus de sujets, une approche par la pratique avec beaucoup de manipulation, être plus proche de vos challenges quotidiens, tels sont les objectifs de nos learning conferences.

Devenez plus efficace dans votre usage de SAS, développez votre expertise, découvrez les meilleures pratiques et des trucs & astuces en Programmation et en Analytique sur une journée complète.

Des Experts à Votre Service

Les formateurs présents à l'événement font partis de nos meilleurs instructeurs et disposent de plusieurs années d'expérience en SAS et dans l'enseignement.

La journée est organisée sous forme de sessions de formation d'environ 1h chacune ponctuée de mise en pratique et de cas d'études. Vous avez également la possibilité de questionner les formateurs par rapport à vos propres enjeux et problématiques.

0 Sans niveau Classroom
The Magic of Compelling Reports and Visualizations with SAS

Whether you’re a SAS programmer or a SAS Visual Analytics user, we’ve hand-picked a range of topics to advance your report development and data visualisation skills. With three conference streams to choose from and sessions delivered by our expert trainers, you’ll also have the chance to get hands-on experience, gain extended access to your own SAS environment and try out the techniques you’ve seen.

Register soon and make advantage of the early bird discount of 30% which is valid until 9 October. Please use the Promotion Code LC2020.

0 Sans niveau Live Web Classroom e-Learning
Summer Fast Track Accessible Analytics New
This course is for those who are working with big data and want to prepare their data, explore their data and model their data in a visual way. Results will be presented in an interactive report. SAS Visual Analytics and SAS Visual Statistics are the tools that are used in the training. This fast track combines the courses SAS Visual Analytics 1, SAS Visual Analytics 2 and SAS Visual Statistics on SAS Viya.

1 Débutant Classroom
Introduction to Data Science
The goal of this course is to make analytics approachable and comprehensible. After completing this course, you will be able to perform the main data-related tasks for the citizen data scientist using the point-and-click capabilities of SAS Visual Analytics and SAS Visual Statistics: accessing and manipulating data, exploring data using analytics, and building predictive models.

1 Débutant Live Web Classroom
SAS Viya: Overview for Beginners and SAS9 Users
Are you already using elements of SAS 9 and would like to know what innovations and advantages SAS Viya offers?

You know SAS Viya from hearsay and want to get an understanding of the usage and architecture of this modern, cloud-enabled part of the SAS Platform?

This course is aimed at users who want to gain insight into the SAS Viya world in a short time. During the course, you learn the elements of the SAS Viya architecture and SAS Viya applications, create interactive analyses and reports, and get to know the new way of programming with the CAS language. At the appropriate points, the interaction between SAS 9 and SAS Viya, as well as the differences, are discussed.

1 Débutant Live Web Classroom
FDP-Shaping a Data Science Curriculum
This FDP supports developing a data science program that covers a variety of topics and enables students to acquire the skills that industry is looking for their employees to have. The FDP helps universities develop a pool of talent with the range of analytical and technology skills to work in a data-rich business environment.

1 Débutant Live Web Classroom
SAS Viya Administration: Getting Started Free e-learning
This course provides an overview of administering SAS Viya.

The self-study e-learning includes:

  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.

1 Débutant Live Web Classroom
Machine Learning Leadership and Practice – End-to-End Mastery Business Knowledge Series
Presented by Eric Siegel, Ph.D., founder of Predictive Analytics World, author of Predictive Analytics, and former Columbia University professor

  • Accessible to business learners and yet vital to techies as well

  • A vendor-neutral, universally applicable curriculum

  • Equivalent to a full-semester MBA or graduate-level course

Machine learning is booming. It reinvents industries and runs the world. According to Harvard Business Review, machine learning – also known as predictive analytics – is “the most important general-purpose technology of our era.”

But while there are so many how-to courses for hands-on techies, there are practically none that also serve the business leadership of machine learning. This is a striking omission since success with machine learning relies on a very particular project leadership practice just as much as it relies on adept number crunching. Without that leadership, most machine learning projects fail.

By filling that gap, this course empowers you to generate value with machine learning, whether you are a techie, a business leader, or some combination of the two. It delivers the end-to-end expertise that you need, covering both the core technology and the business-side practice.

Why cover both sides? Because both sides need to learn both sides! Everyone leading or participating in the deployment of machine learning must study them both.

Beyond the core tech. As with most machine learning courses, you'll learn how the technical methods work “under the hood” – in an accessible way that's understandable to all learners. But you'll also continue beyond that to master critical business-side best practices that are usually omitted.

1 Débutant e-Learning
SAS Viya Administration: Getting Started Free e-learning
Get started on your journey to becoming a SAS Viya platform administrator by spending a bit of time each day with a new aspect of SAS Viya administration. Over the course of three weeks, you'll get a good idea of the skills you may need to develop and the tasks that will be needed to manage and maintain a well-functioning deployment.

At the end of your journey be sure to explore formal enablement opportunities you can take advantage of to continue your quest in becoming a SAS Viya administrator.

1 Débutant e-Learning
Explore and Visualize: Getting Started Free e-learning
This journey will help you get started using SAS Visual Analytics fast. We have provided a collection of free assets in a variety of formats to help you bring in your data, build reports with tips and tricks from working with multiple data sources, individual object examples, to recommendations on how to create beautiful interactive reports.

1 Débutant e-Learning
SAS Viya Overview
Cette formation donne un aperçu des applications de SAS Viya et présentecomment chaque application peut être utilisée dans les différentes étapes(Données, découverte de connaissances, déploiement et organisation) du cycleanalytique.

1 Débutant Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
Construire des flux SAS Studio dans SAS Viya (4)
Ce cours s’adresse à des utilisateurs n’ayant pas d’expérience en programmation SAS mais devant accéder et préparer des données ainsi que les présenter sous forme de rapports synthétiques. Il se concentre sur l’utilisation des Flux, outils interfacés de SAS Studio qui permet de visualiser les processus de transformation des données.

1 Débutant Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
SAS Visual Investigator: Construction de l'interface
Ce cours fournit une introduction à SAS Visual Investigator et apprend comment développer un projet d'investigation.

1 Débutant Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
Getting Started with SAS and Kubernetes Free e-learning
This course teaches the fundamentals of SAS on Kubernetes.

1 Débutant Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
Analyse statistique - niveau 1
A l’issue de cette formation, vous saurez mettre en œuvre la méthodologie statistique, choisir parmi les modèles statistiques de base, le modèle adapté à votre problématique métier, valider le contexte d’utilisation du modèle et interpréter vos résultats.

1 Débutant Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
System Tuning Using SAS Enterprise Session Monitor
This course is a one-day introduction to SAS Enterprise Session Monitor. SAS Enterprise Session Monitor brings visibility to complex analytic workloads, enabling SAS administrators and developers to keep business-critical SAS servers and applications stable and performing well, control cloud costs, and enable optimal efficiency at scale.

The self-study e-learning includes:

  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
  • Virtual lab time to practice.

2 Fondamentaux Live Web Classroom e-Learning
SAS Data Management in SAS Viya: Fast Track
In this course, you explore the visual interfaces and learn the programming techniques for loading and preparing your data in SAS Viya. Both the interfaces, SAS Data Preparation (SAS Data Studio) and SAS Studio flows, can be used to create jobs that prepare and load data in CAS. SAS Data Preparation focuses on in-memory data preparation and data wrangling done by the business analyst. SAS Studio flows can be used for other data management use cases like ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) processing of data on the SAS server where data is first loaded to SAS data sets or a databases before making data available in-memory in CAS. The course also introduces SAS programming techniques to load data in SAS Viya and ways to migrate your Base SAS programs to make use of new capabilities in the DATA step, FedSQL, and procedures to enable fast, parallel in-memory processing in SAS Viya. When explaining the core concepts of data management in SAS Viya, we introduce you to the data architecture of SAS Viya and the CAS data life cycle. CAS IO in SAS Viya introduces you to ways to improve load-processing time using techniques like parallel and multi-node loading. In discussing physical data modeling in CAS, several techniques are discussed to improve the size and performance of in-memory tables. Finally, a discussion of data processing in CAS presents the data manipulation techniques using common procedures, CAS actions, SAS DS2, FedSQL, and data quality algorithms.

3 Intermédaire Live Web Classroom
SAS Viya et intégration Python pour Machine Learning
Au cours de cette formation, vous apprendrez à utiliser API Python pour exécuter vos analyses sur le server SAS Cloud Analytic Service (CAS) depuis l’application web Jupyter Notebook. Vous apprendrez à faire des mises à jour des données dans un environnement In-Memory distribué, à analyser ces données et créer des modèles prédictifs dans CAS en utilisant des fonctionnalités familières en Python via la package SWAT (SAS Wrapper Analytics Transfer).Vous apprendrez à charger les résultats de vos analyses effectuées sur le server CAS sur votre client Python pour, par exemple, comparer les modèles estimés.

3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom
SAS Viya and R Integration for Machine Learning
In this course, you learn to use the R API to take control of SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS) actions from Jupyter Notebook. You learn to upload data into the in-memory distributed environment, analyze data, and create predictive models in CAS using familiar R functionality via the SWAT (SAS Wrapper for Analytics Transfer) package. You then learn to download results to the client and use native R syntax to compare models.

3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom
Risk Modeling Add-on for SAS Visual Machine Learning: Using Credit Scoring Nodes
This course provides an overview of the Risk Modeling nodes in SAS Visual Machine Learning. It prepares members of your organization to develop scorecards. The course includes hands-on demonstrations and teaches you key concepts, terminology, and base functionality that are integral to visual risk modeling.

3 Intermédaire e-Learning
Using SAS Viya REST APIs with Python and R
In this course, you learn to use the R and Python APIs to take control of SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS) and submit actions from Jupyter Notebook. You learn to upload data into the in-memory distributed environment, analyze data, and create predictive models on CAS using familiar open-source functionality via the SWAT (SAS Wrapper for Analytics Transfer) package.

This course provides access to SAS Viya for Learners, which enables students to use the software to complete the practices.

3 Intermédaire e-Learning
Using Azure DevOps and Azure Pipelines in SAS Viya
Learn how Azure DevOps supports, enhances, and accelerates the Analytics lifecycle in SAS Viya.

3 Intermédaire e-Learning
Using SAS Data Preparation in SAS Viya
This course provides training on SAS Data Preparation. It covers the SAS Viya applications of SAS Drive, SAS Data Explorer, SAS Data Studio, SAS Environment Manager: Jobs and Flows, and SAS Lineage.

3 Intermédaire e-Learning
Data Management on SingleStore on the SAS Viya Platform
Introducing a true database management system into Viya opens the door to several new possibilities including easily managing data change. SingleStore’s UPSERT capability quickly and easily propagates source data change to the database that CAS reads directly. In this course, we continuously ingest data files that are dropped in real-time in a cloud object storage location (ADLS), load/update a SingleStore table accordingly and see if SAS Visual Analytics can capture those updates seamlessly.

3 Intermédaire e-Learning
Generative AI Using SAS Free e-learning
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is a rapidly developing area of machine learning, with application across business, government, and academia. In this course, you will learn about different types of GenAI and see examples of how SAS can enhance your efforts to make the most of these techniques.

This course will be released several lessons at a time until all lessons are available. We expect that each lesson can be completed in about an hour, and you can work at your own pace to complete the material. As we release new lessons, you might lose progress through the material that you have completed, so please make a note of where you are leaving off before exiting the course.

3 Intermédaire e-Learning

La certification SAS est la reconnaissance que vous maîtrisez parfaitement et êtes reconnus expert sur un domaine de compétences déterminé. Les certifications SAS sont reconnues dans le monde entier !

Grâce à nos cursus de certifications, formez-vous sur une thématique donnée et devenez certifié ! Ce cursus certification combine la formation fast track, la formation e-learning, la préparation en PDF, examen blanc et passage de la certification.

Le cursus Viya Administration vise à vous former sur tous les sujets en administration SAS Viya via des démonstrations et cours donnés par nos experts. Vous utiliserez différents outils comme SAS Environment Manager, le mode CLI (Command Line Interface) et les API RESTs.

Le cursus combine le programme suivant à réaliser à votre rythme sous 3 à 6 mois :
  • SAS Viya Administration Fast Track
  • SAS Viya Administration : Fast Track en e-learning
  • <
  • Préparation à la certification administration Viya
  • Examen blanc
  • Passage de la certification SAS Viya administration

  • 3 Intermédaire Classroom e-Learning
    Working with SAS Viya Jobs
    This course provides information about how to create, design, manage, and run SAS Viya jobs from SAS Studio.
    This e-learning course includes virtual lab time to practice.

    3 Intermédaire Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    Réseaux neuronaux : Essentiels
    Cette formation vous permet d’acquérir les notions de base sur les réseaux de neurones en combinant théorie et pratique à l’aide d’exemples d’applications. Vous apprendrez à programmer un réseau de neurones et découvrirez les méthodes pour ajuster les paramètres du modèle pour résoudre vos problématiques métiers. Vous implémenterez les notions de « early stopping » et de « weight decay » et réaliserez une recherche automatique des valeurs des hyperparamètres du modèle. Une dernière section aborde la notion de Deep Learning. Vous gagnerez de l’aisance dans la construction d’un réseau de neurones avec SAS 9.4 et avec la plateforme SAS Viya.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    Supervised Machine Learning avec SAS Viya
    Cette formation se focalise sur le processus d’analyse des données. De la phase d’exploration à la phase de mise en place du score, de nombreuses techniques de Machine Learning et de modélisation sont couvertes, avec des rappels théoriques sur les méthodes et leur mise en pratique via l’interface SAS Studio.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    SAS Viya Administration Fast Track (3.5)
    Sur 3 jours (21 heures) ce cours présente l’environnement SAS Viya 3.5. Les points fondamentaux de l’administration de SAS Viya 3.5 seront traités et illustrés par des démonstrations en utilisant différents outils comme SAS Environment Manager, le mode CLI (Command Line Interface) et les API RESTs.Lors de la formation, vous disposerez d’un support de formation au format PDF ainsi que d’une machine pour effectuer des tests.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    SAS Health Cohort Builder
    This course explores the features and functionality specific to SAS Health: Cohort Builder in SAS Viya 4. Students gain competence in identifying patient cohorts of interest using simple or compound expressions, augmenting the patient cohort data with analysis variables, and leveraging templated analytics to gain knowledge and insights.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    SAS Viya and Python Integration Fundamentals New
    In this course, you learn to use the SWAT (SAS Wrapper for Analytics Transfer) package to take advantage of the SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS) engine in SAS Viya for massively parallel processing (MPP) using familiar Python syntax. You learn about SAS Viya and the CAS engine, how to leverage the strengths of the CAS engine and your local Python client, how to connect Python to CAS, and how to access and load data into CAS's MPP environment. You then learn to explore, analyze, and prepare the data on the CAS server, taking advantage of the distributed processing power using familiar Pandas API and CAS actions from the SWAT package. Lastly, you learn how to return summarized results from the CAS server to your local Python client for additional processing and visualization using native Python packages.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    Préparation de données pour SAS Viya
    Cette formation propose un aperçu des possibilités de SAS Data Preparation sur SAS Viya pour préparer vos données à l’analyse. Les étapes de préparation des données incluent l’importation de diverses sources de données, la préparation et le nettoyage de ces données pour l’analyse mais aussi le partage et la diffusion des données.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    Large-Scale Forecasting Using SAS Viya: A Programming Approach
    This course teaches students how to develop and maintain a large-scale forecasting project using SAS Visual Forecasting tools. For the course project, students build and then refine a large-scale forecasting system. Emphasis is initially on selecting appropriate methods for data creation and variable transformations, model generation, and model selection. Students are then asked to improve overall baseline forecasting performance by modifying default processes in the system.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    Network Analysis and Network Optimization in SAS Viya
    This course provides a set of network analysis and network optimization solutions using the NETWORK and OPTNETWORK procedures in SAS Viya. Real-world applications are emphasized for each algorithm introduced in this course, including using network analysis as a stand-alone unsupervised learning technique, as well as incorporating network analysis and optimization to augment supervised learning techniques to improve machine learning model performance through input/feature creation.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    SAS Visual Statistics : Construction Interactive de Modèles
    Ce cours présente SAS Visual Statistics pour la construction de modèles prédictifs. SAS Visual Statistics introduit le concept d'exploration de données et de construction interactive des modèles qui sont essentiels dans le traitement et la modélisation des Big Data.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    Programmation sous SAS Viya
    Ce cours s'adresse aux programmeurs SAS qui souhaitent exécuter leurs traitements sous SAS Viya. Ce cours met en avant la puissance du serveur CAS pour accéder, gérer et manipuler les tables en mémoire. Ce cours ne s'adresse pas aux programmeurs débutants sous SAS.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    Deep Learning avec SAS Viya
    Ce cours présente les composantes essentielles de l'apprentissage profond. Vous apprendrez à construire des réseaux profonds feedforward, convolutifs et récurrents, ainsi que des variantes d'autoencodeurs de débruitage. Les réseaux neuronaux sont utilisés pour résoudre des problèmes tels que la classification traditionnelle, la classification d'images et les résultats dépendant de la séquence. Le cours contient un mélange sain de théorie et d'application. Des démonstrations et des problèmes pratiques sont inclus pour renforcer les concepts clés. Des méthodes de recherche d'hyperparamètres sont décrites et démontrées pour trouver un ensemble optimal de modèles d'apprentissage profond. L'apprentissage par transfert est abordé car l'émergence de ce domaine s'est avérée prometteuse pour l'apprentissage profond. Enfin, vous apprendrez à personnaliser un modèle d'apprentissage profond SAS afin de rechercher de nouveaux domaines d'apprentissage profond.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    Using the Report Components Library in the SAS Viya SDK for JavaScript
    This course describes how to embed SAS Visual Analytics content into your custom web pages and applications using the SAS Viya SDK for JavaScript.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    Développement d'étapes personnalisées avec SAS Studio Analyst
    Cette formation vous apprend à développer des étapes personnalisées pour créer une interface utilisateur permettant de personnaliser dynamiquement le code SAS qui peut ensuite être partagé, réutilisé et exécuté dans SAS Studio.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    Machine Learning en utilisant SAS Viya
    Ce cours vous présente la théorie des différentes méthodes disponibles en Machine Learning. Au travers une étude de cas, le participant apprendra à mettre en œuvre toutes les étapes de l’analyse pour résoudre une problématique métier allant de la compréhension du problème jusqu’au déploiement du modèle, en passant par les phases de préparation des données, la sélection des modèles candidats et la validation du modèle champion. Les démonstrations et les exercices sont réalisés avec l’interface Model Studio, composant de SAS Viya. Vous apprendrez à utiliser les modèles de Machine Learning pour tirer profit de vos « Big Data » et mieux diriger la stratégie de votre entreprise.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    Leveraging the Power of the SAS Quality Knowledge Base
    This course is for those who need to learn data manipulation techniques using the SAS DATA step and procedures to access, transform, and summarize data. The course builds on the concepts that are presented in the Programmation SAS I : les fondamentaux course and is not recommended for beginning SAS software users.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    Traitement de données haute performance avec CASL dans SAS Viya.
    Dans ce cours, vous apprenez à tirer parti de SAS Cloud Analytics Services (CAS), le moteur d'analyse et de calcul distribué en mémoire de SAS Viya. Vous apprenez à accéder aux données, à les explorer, à les préparer, à les charger en mémoire, à les analyser et à les agréger à l'aide du langage de programmation CAS natif (CASL). Le CASL est un nouveau langage de script conçu pour prendre en charge l'ensemble du cycle de vie de l'analyse.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    SAS Viya Administration Fast Track
    This course is a four-day immersion into a SAS Viya environment. This course provides essential topics for SAS Viya administration and demonstrates how to perform administration tasks using SAS Environment Manager, the command-line interface, and basic Kubernetes commands to administer a SAS Viya environment.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    SAS Viya Platform Administration
    This course introduces SAS administrators to SAS Viya platform administration. This course provides essential topics for SAS Viya application administration, and demonstrates how to perform essential administration tasks. The e-Learning includes: lesson videos, demonstrations, practices, course slides and notes, and virtual lab time to practice.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    SAS Viya Platform Operations
    This course introduces SAS administrators to SAS Viya platform operations. This course provides an overview of the SAS Viya architecture as it pertains to Kubernetes operations and shows how to perform essential SAS operations tasks. The e-Learning includes: lesson videos, demonstrations, practices, course slides and notes, and virtual lab time to practice.

    3 Intermédaire Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    Regression Methods Using SAS Viya
    This course covers nine regression methods. The models include linear, logistic, quantile, generalized linear, generalized additive, mixed, survival, nonlinear, and partial least squares. The applications, strengths, and weaknesses of each method are discussed, along with how the methods are implemented in SAS Viya. A comparison of the SAS Viya procedures and SAS/STAT procedures for each method is also shown. Examples in the course show applications in banking, financial services, direct marketing, insurance, telecommunications, medical, and academic fields.

    The self-study e-learning includes:

    • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
    • Virtual lab time to practice.

    4 Expert e-Learning
    SAS Viya Architecture
    This workshop introduces various architecture topics and identifies architecture recommended practices and considerations when preparing for a software deployment on the SAS Viya platform.

    4 Expert e-Learning
    Deploying SAS Viya
    In this course you learn how to deploy SAS Viya regardless of cadence and release.

    4 Expert e-Learning
    SAS Viya: Deployment on Azure Kubernetes Service
    In this course, you learn how to deploy SAS Viya on Azure Kubernetes Service.

    4 Expert e-Learning
    SAS Viya: Data Management on Azure Cloud
    This course prepares you to use Azure data sources with SPRE/SAS and SAS Viya/CAS. Topics include the Azure Eco system, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLS2), MS SQL Server, Azure Synapse, and connecting SAS and CAS to Azure data sources. The course provides practical hands-on exercises to fortify the material.

    4 Expert e-Learning
    Architecture and Administration for SAS Workload Management on SAS Viya
    This course provides an overview of SAS Workload Management on SAS Viya. The workshop examines SAS Workload Orchestrator software and outlines general concepts and usage scenarios, architecture and deployment considerations and administration and monitoring functions. Hands-on exercises are provided for the student to explore SAS Workload Management tasks and features in a SAS Viya environment deployed on Kubernetes.

    4 Expert e-Learning
    Viya Integration with SingleStore: Architecture and Deployment Guidance
    This course provides content and examples to convey architecture concepts and considerations for the SAS Viya with SingleStore software offering. Hands-on exercises are provided to guide the student to deploy SAS Viya with SingleStore to a Microsoft Azure cloud environment.

    4 Expert e-Learning
    SAS Viya: Cloud Data Exchange
    The SAS Cloud Data Exchange enables SAS users to connect and access data from a co-located database or from an on-premises database. The Cloud Data Exchange enables users to securely exchange on-premises data from behind a firewall to the SAS Viya platform in the cloud. All data transfer/exchange occurs on secured standard-based communications along with sophisticated authentication and authorization. The on-premises data center requires a single port opened through the firewall to facilitate the data exchange.

    4 Expert e-Learning
    SAS Container Runtime: Architecture and Deployment on Azure Cloud
    This course aims to provide key details for architecture and deployment of SAS Container Runtime on Azure based technology.

    4 Expert e-Learning
    Using SAS Studio Flows and Custom Steps in SAS Viya
    This course provides training on SAS Studio Flow in SAS Viya. It also covers how to create Custom Steps.

    4 Expert e-Learning
    CAS Data Management on the SAS Viya Platform
    This course provides an in-depth look at the features and functionality of SAS Viya Data Management architecture, design, lifecycle, and programming.

    4 Expert e-Learning
    Applying Updates on SAS Viya
    This case study provides an outline of various update scenarios typically expected of a SAS Administrator for maintenance of a SAS Viya deployment. It provides hands-on exercises for an opportunity to work through practical examples of the update scenarios, which include: applying patch updates to a Viya deployment, switching from one cadence to another, and updating SAS Viya software to a later version. The accompanying workshop environment includes the SAS Deployment Operator, which is the recommended tool for applying updates to a SAS Viya environment.

    4 Expert e-Learning
    Advanced Topics in Authentication on SAS Viya
    This course covers advanced topics in authentication for SAS Viya. Authentication into, within, and out of the platform will be covered. Third-party protocols will be dealt with initially in separate lessons with follow-on lessons detailing how the third-party protocols are leveraged by SAS Viya.

    4 Expert e-Learning
    Advanced Topics in Encryption on SAS Viya
    This course covers advanced topics in encryption for the SAS Viya environment. Both encryption in-motion and at-rest will be covered. A general background in encryption protocols and objects is provided before showing how these are applied to the SAS Viya environment. This workshop will provide the details of how encryption can be leveraged in SAS Viya. You will practice implementing changes to the encryption options in a hands-on environment.

    4 Expert e-Learning
    Tree-Based Machine Learning Methods in SAS Viya
    Decision trees and tree-based ensembles are supervised learning models used for problems involving classification and regression. This course covers everything from using a single tree to more advanced bagging and boosting ensemble methods in SAS Viya. The course includes discussions of tree-structured predictive models and the methodology for growing, pruning, and assessing decision trees, forest and gradient boosting models. The course also explains isolation forest (an unsupervised learning algorithm for anomaly detection), deep forest (an alternative for neural network deep learning), and Poisson and Tweedy gradient boosted regression trees. In addition, many of the auxiliary uses of trees, such as exploratory data analysis, dimension reduction, and missing value imputation, are examined, and running open source in SAS and running SAS in open source are demonstrated.

    The self-study e-learning includes:

    • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
    • Virtual lab time to practice.

    4 Expert Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
    High-Performance Data Manipulation with SAS DS2
    This course teaches DS2 programming. DS2 is a fourth-generation SAS language, designed for advanced data manipulation. It blends DATA step and SQL syntax using modern programming structures and can process multiple rows of data in parallel in Base SAS and in supported massively parallel processing environments such as Hadoop, Teradata, and SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS). A brief introduction to SAS Viya and Cloud Analytic Services is included.

    The self-paced e-learning includes:

    • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
    • Virtual lab time to practice.

    4 Expert Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning