コース名 レベル 受講形態
本コースは、SAS/STAT® を使用して統計解析を行うSASのユーザー向けです。t検定、線形回帰、及び集計表の解析に焦点が当てられています。本コースの(またはそれと同等の)知識は、統計解析のカリキュラムにおけるコースの多くで必須な条件となります。
本コースは、SAS認定資格「SAS® Certified Professional:Clinical Trials Programming Using SAS 9.4」および「SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS®9: Regression and Modeling」の準備にも適しています。

0 - Classroom Live Web Classroom
本コースは、SAS認定資格「SAS® Certified Professional:Clinical Trials Programming Using SAS 9.4」および「SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS®9: Regression and Modeling」の準備にも適しています。

0 - Classroom Live Web Classroom
本コースは、SAS認定資格「SAS® Certified Professional:Clinical Trials Programming Using SAS 9.4」および「SAS Certified Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS®9: Regression and Modeling」の準備にも適しています。

0 - Classroom Live Web Classroom
SAS Enterprise Guideによる分散分析
本コースは、統計分析をSAS Enterprise Guideで行いたい方向けのコースです。分散分析に焦点が当てられています。

1 入門 Classroom Live Web Classroom
SAS Enterprise Guideによる回帰分析
本コースは、統計分析をSAS Enterprise Guideで行いたい方向けに作成されています。

1 入門 Classroom Live Web Classroom
SAS Enterprise Guide による統計解析
本コースは、統計分析をSAS Enterprise Guideで行いたい方向けのコースです。統計学の基礎に焦点が当てられています。

1 入門 Classroom Live Web Classroom
Programming with SAS/IML Software
This course teaches you how to use the IML procedure via the programming language. You benefit from this course if you plan to use SAS/IML for manipulating matrices, simulating data, writing custom statistical analyses, or working with R. The programs in this course require SAS/IML 12.3 or later to run.

The self-study e-learning includes:

  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
  • Virtual lab time to practice.

1 入門 e-Learning
Forecasting Using SAS Forecast Server Software
This course prepares you to generate large volumes of forecasts automatically using the SAS Forecast Studio interactive interface. This course includes practice data and exercises.

This course supports both the desktop and client/server versions. Additional topics for students that license the client/server version of SAS Forecast Studio include producing reports using sample stored processes and a demonstration of SAS Time Series Studio.

The self-study e-learning includes:

  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
  • Virtual Lab time to practice.

1 入門 e-Learning
Introduction to Statistical Concepts
This course covers basic statistical concepts that are critical for understanding and using statistical methods. This course explains what statistics is and why it is important to understand the characteristics of your data.

The information in this course is a prerequisite for many other statistical courses that SAS Education offers. The course is appropriate for Base SAS and SAS Enterprise Guide users. Data, practices, and a case study are included.

1 入門 e-Learning

1 入門 e-Learning
SAS Programming for R Users
This course is for experienced R users who want to apply their existing skills and extend them to the SAS environment. Emphasis is placed on programming and not statistical theory or interpretation. Students in this course should have knowledge of plotting, manipulating data, iterative processing, creating functions, applying functions, linear models, generalized linear models, mixed models, stepwise model selection, matrix algebra, and statistical simulations.

3 中級 e-Learning
Conjoint Analysis: Evaluating Consumer Preferences Using SAS Software
This course discusses a method in marketing research called conjoint analysis that is used to analyze consumer preferences for products and services.The e-learning version of this course includes data so that you can practice the software demonstration steps in your own SAS environment.

3 中級 e-Learning
Discrete Choice Modeling Using SAS Software
This marketing research course shows how to design a discrete choice experiment and how to analyze discrete choice data in SAS software. Analytical advice regarding number of choice sets, the number of alternatives, and number of subjects is also given.

This course includes practice data and exercises.

3 中級 e-Learning
Establishing Causal Inferences: Propensity Score Matching, Heckman's Two-Stage Model, Interrupted Time Series, and Regression Discontinuity Models Business Knowledge Series
This course introduces some methods commonly used in program evaluation and real-world effectiveness studies, including two-stage modeling, interrupted time-series, regression discontinuity, and propensity score matching. These methods help address questions such as: Which medicine is more effective in the real world? Did an advertising program have an impact on sales? More generally, are the changes in outcomes causally related to the program being run?

3 中級 e-Learning
2 x 2表の解析(相対リスク、オッズ比など)や、r x c 表の解析(χ2乗検定)、また層別因子がある場合の解析(CMH検定、調整済オッズ比など)を、FREQプロシジャを用いて実行する方法について説明します。

3 中級 Classroom Live Web Classroom
ランダム化比較試験は、治療や介入の効果を検証するための最も強力な研究デザインの一つですが、現実にはランダム化が不可能だったり、結果の一般化には不十分だったりします。そこで、ランダム化を伴わない観察研究もこうした評価に不可欠となりますが、「交絡」とよばれる現象のために結果にバイアスを生じる可能性があります。本コースでは、「交絡」の調整を目的として観察研究で使用例の増えている傾向スコア(プロペンシティスコア)の正しい理解と、基本的な解析方法(層別、マッチング、重み付け)の理論的・実践的解説を行います。また、特別コース「SASによる応用的因果解析」の入門的位置づけとして、Proc PSMATCHも一部演習に取り入れます。

講師は、「東京理科大学 工学部情報工学科 講師 篠崎 智大 氏」が担当します。

3 中級 Classroom Live Web Classroom
Fitting Poisson Regression Models Using the GENMOD Procedure
This course is for those who analyze the number of occurrences of an event or the rate of occurrence of an event as a function of some predictor variables. For example, the rate of insurance claims, colony counts for bacteria or viruses, the number of equipment failures, and the incidence of disease can be modeled using Poisson regression models.

This course includes practice data and exercises.

3 中級 e-Learning
Managing SAS Analytical Models Using SAS Model Manager Version 14.2
This course focuses on the following key areas: managing SAS Model Manager data sources, creating a SAS Model Manager project, importing models into SAS Model Manager, using the SAS Model Manager Query Utility, creating scoring tasks, exporting models and projects into a SAS repository, and creating and configuring version life cycles. The course also covers generating SAS Model Manager model comparison reports, publishing and deploying SAS Model Manager models, creating SAS Model Manager production model monitoring reports, and creating user-defined reports.

The self-study e-learning includes:

  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
  • Virtual Lab time to practice.

3 中級 e-Learning
Using SAS Forecast Server Procedures
This course teaches you how to create and manage a complete forecasting system using the SAS Forecast Server procedures, giving you the power to confidently plan your business operations.

3 中級 e-Learning
Categorical Data Analysis Using Logistic Regression
This course focuses on analyzing categorical response data in scientific fields. The SAS/STAT procedures addressed are PROC FREQ, PROC LOGISTIC, PROC VARCLUS, and PROC GENMOD. The ODS Statistical Graphics procedures used are PROC SGPLOT and PROC SGPANEL. The course is not designed for predictive modelers in business fields, although predictive modelers can benefit from the content of this course.

3 中級 e-Learning
Statistics 2: ANOVA and Regression
This course teaches you how to analyze continuous response data and discrete count data. Linear regression, Poisson regression, negative binomial regression, gamma regression, analysis of variance, linear regression with indicator variables, analysis of covariance, and mixed models ANOVA are presented in the course.

3 中級 e-Learning
Statistical Process Control Using SAS/QC Software New
This course is designed for professionals who use quality control or SPC methods to monitor, evaluate, and improve the quality of their processes. It is an ideal statistical training module to complement or supplement corporate quality training programs and Six Sigma programs.

The self-study e-learning includes:

  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
  • Virtual Lab time to practice.

3 中級 e-Learning
SAS Enterprise Guide: ANOVA, Regression, and Logistic Regression
This course is designed for SAS Enterprise Guide users who want to perform statistical analyses. The course is written for SAS Enterprise Guide 8 along with SAS 9.4, but students with previous SAS Enterprise Guide versions will also get value from this course.

3 中級 e-Learning
Models for Time Series and Sequential Data
This course teaches students to build, refine, extrapolate, and in some cases, interpret models designed for a single, sequential series. There are three modeling approaches presented. The traditional, Box-Jenkins approach for modeling time series is covered in the first part of the course. This presentation moves students from models for stationary data (or ARMA) to models for trend and seasonality (ARIMA) and concludes with information about specifying transfer function components in an ARIMAX, or time series regression, model. A Bayesian approach to modeling time series is considered next. The basic Bayesian framework is extended to accommodate autoregressive variation in the data as well as dynamic input variable effects. Machine learning algorithms for time series is the third approach. Gradient boosting and recurrent neural network algorithms are particularly well suited for accommodating nonlinear relationships in the data. Examples are provided to build intuition on the effective use of these algorithms. The course concludes by considering how forecasting precision can be improved by combining the strengths of the different approaches. The final lesson includes demonstrations of creating combined (or ensemble) and hybrid model forecasts.

3 中級 e-Learning
【注意】 本コースは、英語版テキストを使用し日本語で説明を行います。


3 中級 Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
Multilevel Modeling of Hierarchical and Longitudinal Data Using SAS
This course teaches how to identify complex and dynamic patterns within multilevel data to inform a variety of decision-making needs. The course provides a conceptual understanding of multilevel linear models (MLM) and multilevel generalized linear models (MGLM) and their appropriate use in a variety of settings.

The self-study e-learning includes:

  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
  • Virtual lab time to practice.

4 上級 e-Learning
Survival Data Mining: A Programming Approach
This advanced course discusses predictive hazard modeling for customer history data. Designed for data analysts, the course uses SAS/STAT software to illustrate various survival data mining methods and their practical implementation.

Note: Formerly titled Survival Data Mining: Predictive Hazard Modeling for Customer History Data, this course now includes hands-on exercises so that you can practice the techniques that you learn. Other additions include a chapter on recurrent events, new features in SAS/STAT software, and an expanded section that compares discrete time approach versus the continuous time models such as Cox Proportional Hazards models and fully parametric models such as Weibull.

4 上級 e-Learning
Robust Regression Techniques in SAS/STAT
This course is designed for analysts, statisticians, modelers, and other professionals who have experience and knowledge in regression analysis and who want to learn available procedures in SAS/STAT software for robust regression. The two procedures addressed in the course are the ROBUSTREG procedure and the QUANTREG procedure.

This course includes practice data.

4 上級 e-Learning
「SASよる因果推論入門:傾向スコア解析」では、ランダム化を伴わない観察研究における「交絡」という現象と、それに対処するための統計解析手法として、特に傾向スコア(プロペンシティスコア)の働く原理、またそれを用いた交絡調整法(マッチング、条件付け、重み付け)をSASプログラムとともに解説しています。本コースでは、これらの知識を下敷に、より踏み込んだ解析手法の習得を目的とします。SAS/STAT 14.2より実装されたPSMATCHプロシジャ(広範なマッチングまたは重み付け手法の実行)、CAUSALTRTプロシジャ(平均因果効果のセミパラメトリック推定)の紹介とともに、これらのプロシジャだけでは対応できない、1)時間とともに変化する曝露変数の効果推定や、2)アウトカムに打ち切りを含む場合の解析手法など解説します。

4 上級 Classroom Live Web Classroom
Probability Surveys 1: Design, Descriptive Statistics, and Analysis
This course focuses on designing business and household surveys and analyzing data collected under complex survey designs. The course addresses the SAS procedures POWER, SURVEYSELECT, SURVEYMEANS, SURVEYFREQ, SURVEYREG, SURVEYLOGISTIC, and SURVEYIMPUTE. In addition, the graphing procedures GPLOT, SGPLOT, and SGPANEL are also covered.

4 上級 e-Learning
Multivariate Statistics for Understanding Complex Data
This course teaches how to apply and interpret a variety of multivariate statistical methods to research and business data. The course emphasizes understanding the results of the analysis and presenting your conclusions with graphs.

4 上級 e-Learning
Feature Engineering and Data Preparation for Analytics
This course introduces programming techniques to craft and feature engineer meaningful inputs to improve predictive modeling performance. In addition, this course provides strategies to preemptively spot and avoid common pitfalls that compromise the integrity of the data being used to build a predictive model. This course relies heavily on SAS programming techniques to accomplish the desired objectives.

The self-study e-learning includes:

  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
  • Virtual Lab time to practice.

4 上級 e-Learning
Longitudinal Data Analysis Using Discrete and Continuous Responses
This course is for scientists and analysts who want to analyze observational data collected over time. It is not for SAS users who have collected data in a complicated experimental design. They should take the SASによる混合効果モデル course instead.

The self-study e-learning includes:

  • Annotatable course notes in PDF format.
  • Virtual lab time to practice.

4 上級 e-Learning
Design of Experiments for Direct Marketing
This course deals with the concepts and techniques that are used in the design and analysis of experiments. The course primarily focuses on direct marketing applications, but it is also relevant for someone interested in designing experiments in the fields of physical, chemical, biological, medical, economic, social, psychological, and industrial sciences; engineering; or agriculture. This course teaches you how to design efficient marketing experiments with more than one factor, analyze the results that your experiments yield, and maximize the information that is gleaned from a marketing campaign. Factorial and fractional factorial designs are discussed in greater detail.

4 上級 e-Learning
SASによる一般化線形混合効果モデル(PROC GLIMMIX)
【注意】 本コースは、英語版テキストを使用し日本語で説明を行います。またサービスチケットのご利用はいただけません。

4 上級 e-Learning
Applied Clustering Techniques
The course looks at the theoretical and practical implications of a wide array of clustering techniques that are currently available in SAS. The techniques considered include cluster preprocessing, variable clustering, k-means clustering, and hierarchical clustering.

4 上級 e-Learning
本コースは、SAS認定試験「SAS®認定プロフェッショナル Statistical Business Analyst Using SAS®9 :Regression and Modeling」の準備にも適しています。

なお、e-Learningの内容は本ページ記載の内容と異なるため、こちらのカタログ P43をご参照ください。

4 上級 Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
【注意】 本コースは、英語版テキストを使用し日本語で説明を行います。

4 上級 Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning
【注意】 本コースは、英語版テキストを使用し日本語で説明を行います。本コースは、PHREG、GENMOD、MCMCプロシジャを使用した、ベイズ分析に焦点をあてています。

4 上級 Classroom Live Web Classroom e-Learning