Chapter Contents


Introducing SAS/C Software, Release 6.50


In addition to the online documentation provided with the SAS/C software, you can order the following books:

Introducing SAS/C Software, Release 6.50 (order #A55936)
This introductory booklet is intended to give you a quick overview of SAS/C software products.

SAS/C Compiler and Library User's Guide, Fourth Edition, Release 6.00 (order #A55156)
Explains how to compile, link, and execute SAS/C programs under TSO, CMS, MVS batch, and the OpenEdition shell. This user's guide should be your starting point when learning how to use the SAS/C Compiler and Library and it will be a valuable source of information after you are familiar with the product.

SAS/C Library Reference, Third Edition, Volume 1, Release 6.00 (order #A55049)
The first of two books that comprise the auhoritative reference to the SAS/C Library. Volume 1 describes all the commonly used C functions and provides a detailed overview of the SAS/C Library's organization. It also provides extensive coverage of key topics such as signal handling, input/output facilities, and environmental variables.

SAS/C Library Reference, Third Edition, Volume 2, Release 6.00 (order #A55178)
The second volume of the library reference describes all the special purpose features of the SAS/C Library such as low-level I/O and IUCV functions. This volume also provides a complete reference for the SAS/C Socket Library and the POSIX functions.

SAS/C Debugger User's Guide and Reference, Third Edition (order #A56120)
Intended for both new and experienced debugger users, this book documents the SAS/C Debugger. The guide provides and extensive tutorial and essential reference material.

SAS/C CICS User's Guide, Second Edition, Release 6.00 (order #A55117)
This user's guide provides essential information for programmers who are developing CICS applications with the SAS/C Compiler.

SAS/C Full-Screen Support Library User's Guide, Second Edition (order #A56124)
This reference book provides all the information you will need to exploit the powerful SAS/C window interface to develop full-screen windowing applications in the IBM 3270 environment.

SAS/C Compiler Interlanguage Communication Feature User's Guide (order #A5684)
This user's guide explains how your SAS/C programs can communicate with programs written in other high-level languages such as FORTRAN, COBOL, PL/1, and Pascal.

SAS/C C++ Development System User's Guide, Release 6.50 (order #A55694)
This user's guide is the essential reference for the SAS/C C++ Development System. It explains how to compile C++ programs and also includes: detailed discussions of the basics of the product, such as header files and options; environment-specific details for using the Development System under each of the four supported environments (TSO, CMS, MVS batch, and the OpenEdition shell) ; information or how to debug C++ files using the SAS/C debugger.

SAS/C Cross-Platform Compiler and C++ Development System: Usage and Reference, First Edition, Release 6.00 (order #A55388)
Explains how to develop mainframe C and C++ applications from a UNIX workstation. This user's guide provides complete reference information for the SAS/C Cross-Platform Compiler and the SAS/C Cross-Platform C++ Development System.

SAS/C Software Diagnostic Messages, Release 6.50 (order #A56466)
Documents all the diagnostic messages generated by the various SAS/C software products, including error and warning messages.

SAS/C Compiler and Library Quick Reference Guide, First Edition, Release 6.00 (order #A55182)
This book provides handy reference tables for compiler and linker options, debugger commands, and library functions.

SAS/C Software: Changes and Enhancements, Release 6.50 (order #A55693)
Documents all the release 6.50 changes and enhancements that have not been incorporated into books that have been updated for Release 6.50. This technical report also included the documentation for the Release 5.50 and Release 6.00 changes to the SAS/C Debugger.

A Guide for the SAS/C Compiler Consultant, Release 6.50 (order #A55937)
This guide provides the essential information for installing software zaps, contacting and working with the SAS/C Technical Support Department, and using the SAS/C Web page and electronic support facilities.

SAS Technical Report C-113, SAS/C Connectivity Support Library, Release 1.00 (order #A59018)
Documents the SAS/C Connectivity Support Library, which provides an interface for SAS/C programs to the X Window System, the Network File System (NFS), Remote Procedure Call (RPC), and Simple Network Management Protocol/Distributed Program Interface (SNMP DPI).

SAS Technical Report C-115, The Generalized Operating System Interface for the SAS/C Compiler Run-Time System, Release 5.50 (order #A59025)
Documents the Generalized Operating System (GOS) features of the SAS/C Compiler, which enable you to write interface routines for the MVS and CMS operating systems.

To order, call 1-800-727-3228. (Customers outside the United States, contact your local SAS office, or order from our Web site: .)

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Copyright © Tue Feb 3 15:52:45 EST 1998 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.