Chapter Contents


Introducing SAS/C Software, Release 6.50

Online Documentation

With Release 6.50, we are continuing our move to online documentation. You will find the following documentation on a CD-ROM titled SAS/C OnlineDoc, Release 6.50, which is included with the SAS/C software distribution package:

The CD is readable on PC, Macintosh, and UNIX platforms. It is organized as indicated below:

Directory Contains
overview This book.
changes The Release 6.50 changes and enhancements technical report.
cplus C++ Development System user's guide.
diag Diagnostic messages manual.
techsup The compiler consultant's guide.
lr1 and lr2 The library reference manual.
cross The cross-platform compiler user's guide.
postscript Postscript files for each online book.
rogue Documentation for the SAS/C C++ Foundation Libraries
clug The compiler and library user's guide.

The directories and files contained on the CD can be installed on a web server at your site or viewed from a stand-alone PC or workstation. The index.htm file is your entry point to the SAS/C online documentation, and it contains links to each of the books. You can open this file in any HTML 3.2 compatible browser. 

You are authorized to print copies of these books, from the files in the postscript subdirectory, for use at your licensed SAS/C site. These books are also available for purchase from SAS, as described in the next section.

Chapter Contents



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Copyright © Tue Feb 3 15:52:45 EST 1998 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.