DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Data Monitoring Node

The Data Monitoring node enables you to apply a task to its input table in a data job. For example, a Data Source node could specify an input table to a Data Monitoring node. The Data Monitoring node could apply a task to that table. When the data job is executed, the events triggered by the task can be used to monitor the quality of the data in the input table.

The properties dialog for the Data Monitoring node includes the following elements:

Name - Specifies a name for the node.

Notes - Enables you to open the Notes dialog. You use the dialog to enter optional details or any other relevant information for the data source.

Task name - Enables you to select the task that you want to apply to the input table for this node. The task must have already been defined in the current repository. Tasks are created in the Business Rule Manager. Each task specifies one or more business rules and one or more events that can be triggered based on the results that are returned by a rule.

The Input table contains the following columns:

The Monitoring dimensions section of the dialog is used to specify attributes that will help make the output from this node more meaningful. The section contains the following fields:

Description - Specifies a description for the node, such as "Identifies records where profits per employee are less than the assets."

Run owner - Specifies the run owner for the node. This is typically the user ID for the person who is responsible for the entire job in which this node appears.

Source - Enables you to select a source that corresponds to the input table for this node. Sources are created in the Business Rule Manager. A source is the name of a table that contains a field that is monitored by a rule. Sources are used for documentation purposes. The source must have already been defined in the current repository.

Importance - Enables you to specify the default value for the importance of the node. You can see and modify this value in the Status tab of the Monitor Viewer after the data monitoring job has been run. The following values are available: Very Low, Low, Medium, High, and Critical.

Status - Enables you to specify the default value for the status of the dimension. You can see and modify this value in the Status tab of the Monitor Viewer after the data monitoring job has been run. The following values are available: Unresolved, Assigned, and Resolved.

Reason - Enables you to specify the default value for the reason for the dimension. You can see and modify this value in the Status tab of the Monitor Viewer after the data monitoring job has been run. The following values are available: Aging, Integration, Organizational, Process, Transformation, Usage, and User Error.

Assigned User - Enables you to specify the default value for a user name to be logged with the task. This user responds to triggers for this node. You can see and modify this value in the Status tab of the Monitor Viewer after the data monitoring job has been run.

The Dashboard section of the node contains the following field:

Dashboard - Enables you to select a dashboard that has been created in the Business Rule Manager. You can click Default to select the dashboard supplied with DataFlux Data Management Studio.

You can access the following advanced properties by right-clicking the Data Monitoring node:

Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: dfU_PFMon_Monitor.html