DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Job Specific Data Node

You can use the Job Specific Data node to feed sample data to an External Data Provider node for the purpose of testing and debugging. The properties dialog for this node includes the following elements:

Name - Specifies a name for the node.

Notes - Enables you to open the Notes dialog. You use the dialog to enter optional details or any other relevant information for the node.

The Fields section of the properties dialog includes the following elements:

Fields Table - Enables you to define each field in your text file, including Field Name, Field Type, and Field Length. You can click Add to define a new field and use the up and down arrows to change the order of fields. Finally, you can click Delete to remove field definitions.

Import - Enables you to restore a file layout from a DFL file that you have exported.

Export - Enables you to store a given file layout that can be shared for parsing other input files. In this case you can set the text qualifier and the delimiter and store the file layout to create. The Export option lets you save the file layout as a DFL file.

The Values section of the properties dialog includes the following elements:

Values Table - Enables you to add values to your job. You can click Add to define a new value and use the up and down arrows to change the order of fields. Finally, you can click Delete to remove values.

Insert from clipboard - Enables you to insert the current contents of the clipboard into a field added to the Values Table.

You can access the following advanced properties by right-clicking the Job Specific Data node:

Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: dfU_PFInput_JobSpec.html