DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

Web Service Node

You can add a Web Service node to a data job to issue SOAP requests to a SOAP server. The requests are constructed utilizing an XML Template that may be discovered. You can extract fields from the response with an XML Template that defines where the fields occur in the response. You can review an example of a job that uses web services in Managing an HTTP Request. See also any usage notes for the Web Service node.

Once you have added the node to the job, you can double-click it to open its properties dialog. The Web Service node contains the following elements:

Name - Specifies a name for the node.

Notes - Enables you to open the Notes dialog. You use the dialog to enter optional details or any other relevant information for the input.

Address - Contains the address of the web service being called.

Action - Specifies the action to call on the web service.

Discovery - Displays the Discovery dialog, which enables you to retrieve information about the web service based on a WSDL file. This dialog enables you to specify the binding and operation of the web service. Then, the input parameters are populated based on these settings. This node supports WSDL v1.1, but not WSDL v2.0.

Security - Displays the Security dialog, which enables you to enter credentials for connecting to the web service. You can also enter information about a proxy, if one is used.

Input - Enables you to enter and display information about the inputs to the web service, which are defined in the web service request. These input parameters are listed in a table that includes columns for NAME, TYPE, VALUE, and REQUIRED. The available parameter types are COLUMN, FILE, and STRING.

You can click Edit to set the input variable type and value. The Edit Input dialog enables you to specify a name. You can also determine whether the input is contained in a Field (COLUMN type), a File (FILE type), or Text (STRING type). For example, a weather forecasting web service could pass in a ZIP parameter to specify the location for the forecast. You can set the type for the ZIP parameter in the Text field so that you can enter the numerical ZIP Code.

Web service authors can specify inputs as required. When you process a WSDL, mark required parameters by surrounding the parameter name with curly braces (for example, {UserName}). Required inputs are marked in the Required column in the Input table.

Request - Displays the Edit Request dialog, which enables you to manually enter or edit the web service request.

Output - Displays information about the outputs from the web service, which are defined in the web service response.

Response - Displays the Edit Response dialog, which enables you to manually enter or edit the web service response.

Additional Outputs - Displays the Additional Outputs dialog. This dialog enables you to specify the fields that you can make available to the next node in your data job.

You can access the following advanced properties by right-clicking the Web Service node:

Documentation Feedback:
Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: dfDMStd_WebServiceNode.html