DataFlux Data Management Studio 2.8: User Guide

QKB Difference Viewer - Build Differences Dialog

From the QKB Difference Viewer, click File > Build Difference File. The Build Differences dialog opens.

The following sections explain the Build Difference dialog in more detail.

Comparison Mode

Separate QKBs- Select this option to compare two different QKBs. All of the files in the first QKB are compared with the files in the second QKB. During this process, if a file exists in one QKB but not the second, the file is flagged as added or deleted.

When this option is selected, two list boxes appear under Selection. Select two different QKBs to compare.

Installed QKB - If this option is selected, the current QKB is compared with the installer version. The "clean install" version of the QKB is saved as a .anc file, at the time of installation. Each file with the .qkb extension is compared with the corresponding .anc file to show the changes made since the QKB was installed. In the case of multiple installations, the difference shows only the changes since the most recent installation.

Note Note: If multiple QKB versions were installed into the same directory, a merge will have occurred among the QKB files. The .anc files are identical to the files contained in the most recently applied installer package, and do not contain any information about the previous installations.

When this option is selected, a list box appears under Selection. Select the QKB that you want to compare with the installer version.

Single QKB Files - If you select this option, two files are compared during the difference process. These files can be from the same or different QKBs. These files do not have to have the same name or similar contents but they do have to be the same type. Examples include regexlib and scheme.

When this option is selected, a File Type drop-down list appears under Selection. Select one file from each list box.

Note Note: The same QKB file can be selected from each list box.

As you select a QKB in each list box, the File drop-down list appears. Here, you can select a specific file that you want to compare.


File Type

The File Type drop-down list appears when you select the Single QKB Files option under Comparison Mode. Click the drop-down list and select a file type.

Current QKB

Name - The Name column displays the names of all the QKBs available.

Directory - This is the directory path for each QKB displayed.


Name - This column displays the names of all the QKBs available.

Directory - The Directory column displays the directory path for each QKB displayed in the list.


The File drop-down list appears when you select Single QKB Files and a File Type under Comparison Mode. Click the drop-down list and select a file.


Difference File - In each of the Comparison Modes, you must specify a location for the difference file. The difference file is saved with a .qkd extension. If you do not specify this extension, it will be appended to the file name.

Log File - The log file is saved with a .log extension. If you do not specify the .log extension, it will be appended to the file name.

Include Vocab differences in main file - When this option is selected, the vocabulary will be included in the difference process. This check box is selected by default.

NoteNote: If OK is disabled, all of the required fields for the selected Comparison Mode have not been populated.

Once you are finished building your QKB Differences, click OK. The QKB Diff Tool dialog opens.

The process steps through the QKB Difference process in this dialog. Once the process is finished, the final line will show, Completed.

NoteNote: This process can take a considerable amount of time. The amount of time is dependent on the size of the QKB and the number of locales installed.

Once the process is complete, close the QKB Difference Tool dialog and the difference results appear in the QKB Difference Viewer.

Refer to QKB Difference Viewer for additional information.

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Note: Always include the Doc ID when providing documentation feedback.

Doc ID: DMCust_QKBDiff_30001.html