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- SAS/C CICS Command Language Translator
- ANSI Standard trigraphs, accepting
- BMS maps and command translation
- C code, displaying
- C code, uppercasing
- CBMSMAPS option
- character arguments
- CICS option
- CICS releases supported
- coding conventions
- command format
- command translation
- command translation, enabling
- comments, nesting
- COMNEST option
- cvda data type
- DEBUG option
- debugging
- DLI option
- doubleword arguments
- EDF command interception
- EDF option
- EXEC DLI command processing
- EXPAND option
- FILES option
- FLAG option
- fullword arguments
- halfword arguments
- hhmmss data type
- JAPAN option
- label data type
- message levels, setting
- messages, directing to a terminal
- name data type
- OPTIONS option
- OUTLRECL option
- OUTRECFM option
- OUTSEQ option
- PAGESIZE option
- #pragma options statement
- PRINT option
- PROTO option
- SOURCE option
- special characters, printing as overstrikes
- special characters, translating
- SYS file prefix, replacing
- TERM option
- TRANS option
- translator options, descriptions
- translator options, listing
- translator options, specifying
- TRIGRAPHS option
- UPPER option
- XREF option
- SAS/C libraries, and CICS
- SAS/C library functions
- SAS/C programs
- abend handling "Abend Codes"
- abend handling "CICS Considerations"
- BMS definitions
- data declarations
- debugging
- displaying code
- efficiency
- environment variable support "CICS Considerations"
- environment variable support "Using Run-Time Options"
- error handling
- global external variables
- HANDLE AID command
- header files
- I/O functions
- indep compiler option
- interval control
- main() function, passing arguments to
- $MAIN0 entry point
- preparing for CICS
- program control
- run-time options
- SAS/C library functions
- SQL statements
- task control
- translating to C++
- uppercasing code
- SAS/C programs under CMS
- compiling
- COOL utility
- LC370 EXEC
- linkage editor control statements
- linking all-resident programs
- linking for VSE
- linking with CMS EXECs
- listing files
- translator input files
- SAS/C programs under OS/390
- all-resident programs
- compiling in batch mode
- compiling with TSO
- LCCCL procedure
- LCCCPCL procedure
- linking for VSE
- linking in batch mode
- linking with COOL
- linking with TSO
- linking with TSO CLISTs
- linking without COOL
- preprocessing in batch mode
- preprocessing with TSO
- SAS/C Socket Library
- SASCALL program
- SASCBRW program
- SASCMNU program
- screen definition
- browse function
- inquiry functions
- main menu
- SASCALL program
- SASCBRW program
- SASCMNU program
- update functions
- sequence numbers, translator output files
- socket libraries
- BSD UNIX Socket Library
- SAS/C Socket Library
- TCP/IP Socket Library
- SOURCE option
- SPE, COOL option
- SPE libraries
- SPE (Systems Programming Environment)
- special characters
- printing as overstrikes
- translating
- SQL database support
- SQL statements in SAS/C programs
- _stack option
- symbolic maps
- SYS file prefix, replacing
- SYSIN files
- SYSPRINT files
- SYSPUNCH files
- system services, CICS
- Systems Programming Environment (SPE)
- SYSTERM files
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Copyright © 2001
by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.