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- label data type
- LANG=C option
- LC370 EXEC
- LCCCL procedure
- LCCCP CLIST "Creating C++ CICS Applications under TSO"
- LCCCP CLIST "Preprocessing, Compiling, and Linking under TSO"
- LCCCP EXEC "Creating C++ CICS Applications under CMS"
- LCCCP EXEC "Preprocessing, Compiling, and Linking under CMS"
- LCCCP procedure
- LCCCPC procedure
- LCCCPCL procedure
- LCCCXXL procedure
- LCCPCXX procedure
- LCCPCXXA procedure
- LCCPCXXL procedure
- LIB, COOL option
- LINK command
- link-editing, transaction creation tutorial
- linkage editor, invoking
- _linkage option
- linking all-resident libraries
- COOL option for
- SAS/C programs under CMS
- SAS/C programs under OS/390 TSO
- linking C++ programs
- OS/390 batch "Creating C++ CICS Applications under OS/390 Batch"
- OS/390 batch "Preprocessing, Compiling, and Linking under OS/390 Batch"
- OS/390 TSO
- linking external CICS interface
- linking SAS/C programs
- CMS, for VSE
- CMS, with CMS EXECs
- OS/390, for VSE
- OS/390 batch
- OS/390 TSO
- OS/390 TSO, all-resident programs
- OS/390 TSO, CLK370 CLIST
- OS/390 TSO, with TSO CLISTs
- linking with CMS EXECs
- LKED, COOL option
- LOAD, COOL option
- LOAD command
- LOADLIB, COOL option
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by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.