Assigning Data to Roles

You can subset the data in the input data set by applying an SQL WHERE clause. In the Where string box, enter your valid SQL syntax. Operands that are character strings must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks. To view this WHERE clause with the resulting graph, select the Include as footnote check box.
To run the Pie Chart task, you must assign a column to the Category variable role.
Option Name
Category variable
specifies the variable that classifies the observations into distinct subsets.
Response variable
specifies a numeric response variable for the plot.
Group variable
specifies a variable that is used to group the data.
URL variable
specifies a character variable that contains URLs for web pages to be displayed when parts of the plot are selected within an HTML page.
Note: If the task generates an “Other” slice in the pie chart, there is not a URL associated with this slice. Therefore, this slice does not contain a link.
Starting point
specifies where to create the first slice in the pie chart. The remaining slices appear counterclockwise.
Center the first slice
specifies whether to offset the first slice.