SAP BW Browser: Toolbar

The SAP BW Browser toolbar is located below the navigation tree in the SAP BW Browser page. The buttons on this toolbar correspond to the options in the pop-up menu that displays when you right-click a selected object in the navigation tree. These buttons and menu options enable you to select display options that show more detailed information about the selected object.
The SAP BW Browser toolbar contains the following buttons:
Display data model
enables you to view the data model for the selected InfoCube. When you select this option, a tree view that illustrates the data structure of the selected InfoCube displays in a dialog box. The data model metadata identifies the dimensions and analysis variables that make up the InfoCube, and it provides detailed information about the dimensions.
Display tables
enables you to view all tables that are included in the selected InfoCube as well as metadata about those tables. When you select this option, a list of tables displays in a dialog box.
Display info objects
enables you to display all InfoObjects within the selected InfoCube. When you select this option, a tree view shows all InfoObjects that are associated with the selected InfoCube. You can view detailed metadata about the InfoObjects (InfoCube metadata), such as the key figures, dimensions, and characteristics that are associated with the InfoCube.
Display table metadata
enables you to view metadata about the selected ODS object. When you select this option, the Displaying Metadata for SAP Table dialog box displays.
Display table contents
enables you to view the data that is stored in the selected ODS object. When you select this option, the Selected SAP Table dialog box displays.