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Maintaining Data Warehouses and Subjects

Example: Creating a Local Data Warehouse

This example summarizes how to create a local Data Warehouse--a Warehouse whose metadata repository is stored on the SAS/Warehouse Administrator host. The following explanations describe the metadata and methods used to achieve the desired results. It is assumed that the parent Environment exists.

Define Data Warehouse Properties

Open the appropriate Warehouse Environment in the Explorer, as described in Opening a Warehouse Environment in the Explorer. The following display illustrates what a new Warehouse Environment would look like after an ODD Group has been defined (as described in the "Registering Data Sources" chapter), but before any Data Warehouses have been defined:

[untitled graphic]

In the Explorer, position the cursor on the Environment, for example, Toy Store Env, click the right mouse button, select Add Item, and then Data Warehouse. A properties window for the Warehouse displays for you to enter the appropriate information.

General Tab

specifies the Warehouse's name, such as Toy Store Whouse, as well as a description, an owner, and an administrator.

[untitled graphic]

To specify an owner or an administrator, click the down arrow to select a name from a list. If you need to add a new Contact record, click the right arrow to display a properties window. For details about that window, click its Help button.

The next task is to specify the location of the metadata library for this Warehouse.

Metadata Location Tab

specifies the metadata library (libref _DWMD) for the Warehouse. Before the metadata library has been defined, the Warehouse Library field is blank, as follows:

[untitled graphic]

On the Metadata Location tab, click the right arrow to define a metadata library for this Warehouse. A properties window for the Warehouse library displays for you to enter the appropriate information.

Name Tab

specifies a display name for the local metadata library you are creating in this example, such as ToyStore Whouse Lib.

[untitled graphic]

For a local metadata library, the next task is to specify the physical path for the library.

Details Tab

specifies the physical path for the metadata library that you are creating, such as ./toytstore_1/_wh1. For a local Data Warehouse, leave the Engine and Options fields blank, as follows:

[untitled graphic]

When you have specified a path in the Path field, click OK to return to the Metadata Location tab for the Data Warehouse.

Metadata Location Tab

After defining the metadata library, the Metadata Location tab specifies the display name (ToyStore Whouse Lib) for the libref _DWMD:

[untitled graphic]

After specifying a name and metadata library for the Data Warehouse, click OK. The new Warehouse is added under the Environment in the Explorer, as follows:

[untitled graphic]

You are finished entering properties for this local Data Warehouse. You are ready to add a Subject to the Warehouse.

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