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Converting Metadata for Environments and Warehouses


If you have used SAS/Warehouse Administrator Release 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 to create Data Warehouse Environments, you must convert the metadata repositories in these old Environments to Release 2.0 format in order to use these Environments in SAS/Warehouse Administrator Release 2.0. A Metadata Conversion wizard is provided that will convert Release 1.x metadata to Release 2.0 metadata.

To invoke the Metadata Conversion wizard, run SAS/Warehouse Administrator Release 2.0, add a new Environment to the desktop. In the Path field for the new Environment, specify the path to a Release 1.x Environment's metadata repository that has not been converted to Release 2.0 format. The Metadata Conversion wizard will display.

The Metadata Conversion wizard

The Metadata Conversion wizard operates under the following rules:

Note:   The conversion wizard does not alter the old Environment.  [cautionend]

The wizard copies the old metadata, converts the copy to Release 2.0 format, and saves the Release 2.0 metadata to the locations that you specify.

Note:   The conversion wizard only converts the Environment metadata repository (libname _MASTER) and the Warehouse metadata repositories (libname _DWMD) for each Data Warehouse within the Environment.  [cautionend]

The converted Warehouse Environment and its Data Warehouses will point to the data stores, code libraries, and other resources as they are specified in the metadata for the original Environment. For details, see Verifying Local Resources in the Converted Environment.

Note:   You cannot use the Release 2.3 SAS/Warehouse Administrator Metadata API to access metadata from previous releases.   [cautionend]

If such access is attempted, when the _SET_PRIMARY_REPOSITORY_ method is called, a message will appear indicating that the metadata must first be converted. The only way to convert the metadata is to invoke the Metadata Conversion wizard, as previously described.

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