Converting Metadata for Environments and Warehouses |
As previously noted, the converted Warehouse Environment and its Data Warehouses will point to the data stores, code libraries, and other resources as they are specified in the metadata for the original Environment. This is especially significant for local resources.
Local Resources with Fully Qualified Pathnames |
If the pathname for a local resource is specified as a fully qualified pathname in the original Warehouse Environment, the converted Environment will use the same resource as the original Environment. SAS/Warehouse Administrator Release 2.0 can use resources that were registered in Release 1.x Warehouse Environments. No updates are necessary to make them work in Release 2.0.
For example, suppose that a R1.x Environment resides in the directory D:\r13_projects\_env . Suppose also that the global metadata for the R1.x Environment specifies a source code library that has a fully qualified pathname of D:\r13_projects\_src_code . When you convert the R1.3 Environment to a R2.0 Environment, the path for the new Environment might be D:\r20_projects\_env . However, the global metadata for the R2.0 Environment still points to the source code library at D:\r13_projects\_src_code .
You might want your new R2.0 Environment to point to resources that reside in locations that were convenient for the old R1.3 Environment. If you do not want to use an old local resource that is specified in the converted metadata, you could
copy the old resource to an appropriate local directory for the new Environment. Update the Release 2.0 metadata for that resource so that it points to the new location.
create a new local resource and update the Release 2.0 metadata for that resource so that it points to the new location.
Local Resources with Relative Pathnames |
If the pathname for a local resource is specified as a relative pathname in the original Warehouse Environment, the converted Environment will attempt to resolve the pathname relative to the current directory shown at the lower right of the SAS window. It is possible that a relative path that worked in the old Environment will not work in the new Environment. To address that issue, you could do either of the following:
Copy the old resource to an appropriate local directory for the new Environment. Update the Release 2.0 metadata for that resource so that it points to the new location.
Create a new local resource. If necessary, update the Release 2.0 metadata for that resource so that it points to the new location.
If the Release 2.0 metadata specifies the location of local resources with relative pathnames, and if you create a directory structure for the new Environment that is similar to the directory structure for the old Environment, you might not have to update the metadata for the local resources.
For example, suppose that a Release 1.x Environment included a SAS library definition whose pathname was specified as .\_lib-1 . If the directory structure that you create for the Release 2.0 Environment included a .\_lib-1 directory, you might not have to update the metadata for this library in order for it to be accessible in the Release 2.0 Environment. If you want to access the old content at the new location, copy the contents of the old directory to the new directory. If you want to create new content in the new directory, leave the new directory empty for now. Later, in SAS/Warehouse Administrator Release 2.0, you can specify new information to be written to the .\_lib-1 library.
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