If you use the NOPRINT option in the PROC ICLIFETEST statement, the procedure does not display any output.
The "Data and Method Information" table is displayed each time PROC ICLIFETEST is called. The table displays the following:
input SAS data set name
input left and right boundaries
FREQ variable name
method used to compute survival estimates
number of observations read
number of observations used
number of bootstrap samples
number of multiple imputation for calculating standard errors of the survival estimates
number of multiple imputation for estimating covariance matrix of the generalized log-rank statistics (if the TEST statement is specified)
seed for multiple imputation
seed for bootstrap (if the BOOTSTRAP option is specified in the PROC ICLIFETEST statement)
The ODS name of this table is DataInfo.
The "Nonparametric Survival Estimates" table is displayed by default. The table displays the following:
left boundary of time intervals
right boundary of time intervals
estimate of survival probability
estimate of failure probability
standard error of the survival estimate by the multiple imputation method
bootstrapped standard error of the survival estimate (if the BOOTSTRAP option is specified in the PROC ICLIFETEST statement)
Lagrange multiplier (if METHOD=TURNBULL|EM is specified in the PROC ICLIFETEST statement)
The ODS name of this table is ProbabilityEstimates.
The "Estimates at Right Boundaries of Turnbull Intervals" table is displayed when you specify the SHOWTI option. The table displays the following:
left boundary of Turnbull intervals
right boundary of Turnbull intervals
estimate of survival probability at the right boundary
estimate of failure probability at the right boundary
standard error of the survival estimate by the multiple imputation method
bootstrapped standard error of the survival estimate (if the BOOTSTRAP option is specified in the PROC ICLIFETEST statement)
Lagrange multiplier (if METHOD=TURNBULL is specified in the PROC ICLIFETEST statement)
The ODS name of this table is TurnbullIntervals.
The "Iteration History of Probability Estimates Associated with Turnbull Intervals" table is displayed when you specify the ITHISTORY option. The table displays the following:
iteration index
type of updating method (EM or ICM) for the current iteration
nonparametric log likelihood at each iteration
probability estimate that is associated with each Turnbull interval
The ODS name of this table is IterHistory.
The "Summary of Censored and Uncensored Values" table is displayed by default. The table displays the following:
STRATA variables, if there are any, and their values
index of strata that are formed by the specified STRATA variables
TEST variable, if there is one, and its values
index of groups that are formed by the specified TEST variable
frequency of exact observations
frequency of left censorings
frequency of interval censorings
frequency of right censorings
percentage of each type of censoring within a stratum
The ODS name of this table is CensoredSummary.
The "Quartiles Estimates" table is displayed if nonparametric estimation finds an MLE successfully. The table displays the following:
point estimates of the quartiles of the survival times
lower and upper confidence limits for the quartiles
The ODS name of this table is Quartiles.
The "Rank Statistics" table contains the test statistics of the nonparametric K-sample tests. The ODS name of this table is HomStats.
The "Covariance Matrix for the Log-Rank Statistics" table is displayed together with the generalized log-rank statistics. The ODS name of this table is HomCov.
The "Test of Equality over Group" table is displayed if an unstratified K-sample test is performed. The table contains the chi-square statistics, degrees of freedom, and p-value of the generalized log-rank test. The ODS name of this table is HomTests.
The "Stratified Test of Equality over Group" table is displayed if a stratified test is carried out. The table contains the chi-square statistics, degrees of freedom, and p-values of the stratified tests. The ODS name of this table is HomTests2.
The "Scores for Trend Test" table is displayed if the TREND option is specified in the TEST statement. The table contains the set of scores that are used to construct the trend test. The ODS name of this table is TrendScores.
The "Trend Tests" table is displayed if the TREND option is specified in the TEST statement. The table contains the results of the trend test. The ODS name of this table is TrendTest.
The "Pairwise Group Comparisons" table is displayed if a multiple-comparison adjustment method is specified. The table contains the chi-square statistics and the raw and adjusted p-values of the paired comparisons. The ODS name of this table is SurvDiff.