The GLMSELECT Procedure


The PARTITION statement specifies how observations in the input data set are logically partitioned into disjoint subsets for model training, validation, and testing. Either you can designate a variable in the input data set and a set of formatted values of that variable to determine the role of each observation, or you can specify proportions to use for random assignment of observations for each role.

An alternative to using a PARTITION statement is to provide a variable named _ROLE_ in the input data set to define roles of observations in the input data. If you specify a PARTITION statement then the _ROLE_ variable if present in the input data set is ignored. If you do not use a PARTITION statement and the input data do not contain a variable named _ROLE_, then all observations in the input data set are assigned to model training.

The following mutually exclusive options are available:

ROLEVAR | ROLE=variable(<TEST=’value’> <TRAIN=’value’> <VALIDATE=’value’>)

names the variable in the input data set whose values are used to assign roles to each observation. The formatted values of this variable that are used to assign observations roles are specified in the TEST=, TRAIN=, and VALIDATE= suboptions. If you do not specify the TRAIN= suboption, then all observations whose role is not determined by the TEST= or VALIDATE= suboptions are assigned to training. If you specify a TESTDATA= data set in the PROC GLMSELECT statement, then you cannot also specify the TEST= suboption in the PARTITION statement. If you specify a VALDATA= data set in the PROC GLMSELECT statement, then you cannot also specify the VALIDATE= suboption in the PARTITION statement.

FRACTION(<TEST=fraction> <VALIDATE=fraction>)

requests that specified proportions of the observations in the input data set be randomly assigned training and validation roles. You specify the proportions for testing and validation by using the TEST= and VALIDATE= suboptions. If you specify both the TEST= and the VALIDATE= suboptions, then the sum of the specified fractions must be less than one and the remaining fraction of the observations are assigned to the training role. If you specify a TESTDATA= data set in the PROC GLMSELECT statement, then you cannot also specify the TEST= suboption in the PARTITION statement. If you specify a VALDATA= data set in the PROC GLMSELECT statement, then you cannot also specify the VALIDATE= suboption in the PARTITION statement.