Fisher (1936) Iris Data

The following steps display information about the data set Sashelp.Iris and create Figure B.6:

title 'Fisher (1936) Iris Data';
proc contents data=sashelp.iris varnum; 
   ods select position; 

title 'The First Five Observations Out of 150';
proc print data=sashelp.iris(obs=5); 

title 'The Iris Species Variable';
proc freq data=sashelp.iris; 
   tables species; 

Figure B.6 Fisher (1936) Iris Data
Fisher (1936) Iris Data

Variables in Creation Order
# Variable Type Len Label
1 Species Char 10 Iris Species
2 SepalLength Num 8 Sepal Length (mm)
3 SepalWidth Num 8 Sepal Width (mm)
4 PetalLength Num 8 Petal Length (mm)
5 PetalWidth Num 8 Petal Width (mm)

The First Five Observations Out of 150

Obs Species SepalLength SepalWidth PetalLength PetalWidth
1 Setosa 50 33 14 2
2 Setosa 46 34 14 3
3 Setosa 46 36 10 2
4 Setosa 51 33 17 5
5 Setosa 55 35 13 2

The Iris Species Variable

Iris Species
Species Frequency Percent Cumulative
Setosa 50 33.33 50 33.33
Versicolor 50 33.33 100 66.67
Virginica 50 33.33 150 100.00