SPD Server is designed to meet the storage and performance demands that are associated with
processing large amounts of data using SAS. As the size of the data grows, the demand
to process that data increases, and storage architecture must change to keep up with
business needs. One way that the server enables access to large amounts of data is
by offering dynamic cluster tables. A
dynamic cluster table is a collection of SPD Server tables that are presented to the end-user application
as a single table through a metadata layer acting similar to a view. The cluster table
is Read-only. However, features are available that enable creators to add, remove,
and replace member tables while keeping the cluster table available to end users.
This ability to update the cluster while it remains online provides for rolling updates.
When SPD Server is used with SAS/CONNECT Multi-processing CONNECT
(MP CONNECT) software, cluster tables can quickly and easily deliver
consolidated results from analytic processes that are run on multiple
grid nodes. The MP CONNECT software uses multiple CPUs to process
tasks concurrently, in parallel. Each CPU delivers an output table,
which becomes a member of the cluster table.