Benefits of SPD Server

The server provides the following high-performance features:
  • A threaded server system to perform concurrent processing tasks that are distributed across multiple processors. The threading supports parallel loads, parallel index creation, and parallel queries.
  • A partitioned, component file structure. Use of component files provides the ability to optimize the I/O throughput by spreading SPD Server metadata, data, and indexes across multiple data paths. The partitioned file structure bypasses the file size limits that are imposed by many applications and operating systems. By using partitioned component files, the server can support any file system transparently.
  • Users access data by using domains and a name server, instead of connecting to data directly. Use of domains and a name server enables administrators to manage data storage hardware without affecting users.
  • Dynamic cluster tables can be defined to enable users to access many server tables as if they were one table. Users can read and analyze large amounts of data. Administrators can switch out the tables included in the cluster, but still keep the cluster table available, providing for rolling updates. When SPD Server is used with SAS/CONNECT Multi-processing CONNECT software, cluster tables can quickly and easily deliver consolidated results from analytic processes that are run on multiple grid nodes. Multi-processing CONNECT software uses multiple CPUs to process tasks concurrently, in parallel. Each CPU delivers an output table, which becomes a member of the cluster table.
  • The product enables you to register users and define security independently of the operating system.
Last updated: February 8, 2017