Host Services for Clients

The server provides for the following host services to clients:
  • concurrent Read access and retrieval of data.
  • high-speed access to very large tables.
  • server-side query processing. The server reads, sorts, and subsets entire server tables using a common storage facility, and then returns answer sets. A query subset replaces large file downloads to the client machine, reducing network traffic. The common storage facility enables multiple client users to use the same data on the server without each client having to transfer the data to their workstations.
  • leverages client abilities. SPD Server divides the labor. The server retrieves, sorts, and subsets SPD Server data. The client reviews and analyzes the data that the server returns.
  • multi-platform support. The product enables clients to share SAS data across computing platforms with other SAS users.
Last updated: February 8, 2017