Password Manager

Overview of Password Manager

You can use Password Manager in the SAS Management Console window to configure SPD Server user and group passwords. Use the Users and Groups tabs of the Password Manager to access the configuration information for individual users or for user groups.
If you open Password Manager in the SAS Management Console window when no server connection exists, the display resembles the following:
View of SAS Management Console with SPD Server Password Manager folder selected
When no server connection exists, no data is displayed. To display data, you must connect to an SPD Server. For more information, see Connect to an SPD Server.

Managing Users with Password Manager

Users Tab

On the Users tab in the SAS Management Console window, click List Users to display the defined users and groups.
Users tab in the SPD Server Password Manager
The window contains the following components:
User Name
name of the user. You cannot change this field directly. To change a user name, delete the user and then add a new user. For more information, see Delete a User and Add a User.
Auth Level
numeric authorization level, in the range 0–7. To change the value, select the field and edit it.
Perf Level
this setting is not yet implemented in SPD Server. In the future, this field will be used to indicate to the server how to manage resources for the associated user.
IP Address
IP address of the workstation that is being used by the individuals listed in the User Name column.
Def Group
default group for a user. Use the drop-down list to change the currently defined group.
Group 2 - Group 5
shows the numbered groups 2–5 that are assigned to each user. Use the drop-down list to change the currently defined groups.
number of days remaining until the current password expires. The value 0 indicates that the password never expires.
PW Last Modified
date and time when a user’s password was last modified.
Last Login
date and time of the last user login.
number of idle days since the user's last login. When the number of days since a user's last login equals the Time-out value, the user's access is disabled. For example, if the Time-out value is 7, and if a given user does not log in at least every seven days, then the user's access is disabled. The value 0 indicates that the user account never times out.
Allowed Login Failures
number of consecutive login failures that is allowed before the user's access is disabled. The value 0 indicates that unlimited login failures are allowed.
Accrued Login Failures
current number of consecutive failed login attempts by this user.

Add a User

To add a user, click Add Users. Complete the values for User, Password, Verify Password, Auth Level, Performance Level, IP Address, PW Expire, Def Group, Login Timeout, and Failed Logins. The Verify Password field requires you to re-enter the password to ensure that the two items match and that you did not make any keyboard errors when you entered the password string. Performance Level reflects the performance class of the user and should be Low, Medium, or High. For more information about performance levels, see Server Performance Levels.
Add Password User window with fields for User, Password, Verify Password,
User, Password, Auth Level, Def Group, and Failed Logins are required values. The IP Address, PW Expire, and Login Timeout values are optional. If you omit the optional settings, they default to "no limits".

Delete a User

To delete a user, select the user from the list and click Delete. The user is deleted and the list is updated.

Change a Password

To change a user's password, select the user and click Chg Pass User. Enter the user's old password and new password in the Change User Password dialog box, and click Change.
Change User Password window with fields for Old Password, New Password, and Verify Password.

Reset a Password

To reset the password for a selected user, click Reset Pass. Specify the user's new password and click Change. You do not need to know the user's current password to change it. The user must change the password before regaining the ability to connect to the server.
You use Reset Pass to reset a user's password after that user has been disabled. Users can be disabled for excessive login failures or for a login time-out.

Managing Groups with Password Manager

Groups Tab

On the Groups tab in the SAS Management Console window, click List to display the existing defined groups. When you first connect to the Password Manager or after you make changes to a group, the window lists the existing defined groups by default.
Groups tab of the SPD Server Password Manager, displaying a column of SPD Server group names.

Add a Group

To add a group, click Add. Enter a group name in the Add Group window and click Add. The group name is added, and the list is updated.

Delete a Group

To delete a group, select the group from the list and click Delete. The group is deleted and the list is updated.
Last updated: February 3, 2017