Server Performance Levels

You can specify different performance levels based on the performance class of the user. You can also specify a performance level based on whether the user is assigned the SPD Server locking proxy by the LOCKING=YES LIBNAME option. Every user in the SPD Server password database is assigned a performance class attribute. For more information about how the performance classes are assigned, see Password Database Utility. Each performance class is associated with a keyword in the spdsserv.parm parameter file that controls how user resources are allocated.
Users in the password database are designated as either low-, medium-, or high-performance users. The spdsserv.parm parameter file supports MED, HIGH, and LOCKING keywords to make the performance-level parameter assignments:
  • Users with a low designation get the unlabeled values that are specified in the spdsserv.parm parameter file.
  • Users with a medium designation get the unlabeled values plus any values redefined in the MED section of the spdsserv.parm parameter file.
  • Users with a high designation get the unlabeled values plus any values redefined in the HIGH section of the spdsserv.parm parameter file.
  • LOCKING=YES is a special user class that is activated by a LOCKING=YES LIBNAME assignment for the user. LOCKING=YES users get the unlabeled values plus any values redefined in the LOCKING section of the spdsserv.parm parameter file.
Last updated: February 3, 2017