SPDO Procedure


Lists information about the members in a cluster table.

See: For detailed information about cluster tables, see “Dynamic Cluster Tables” in SAS Scalable Performance Data Server: User’s Guide.


CLUSTER LIST cluster-tablename [/VERBOSE] [OUT=SAS-data-set-name];

Required Argument


specifies the name of an existing cluster table.

Optional Arguments

OUT= SAS-data-set-name

(optional) specifies the name of an output SAS data set to store the output. Specify the data set name in this form:

In the specification, libref is a Base engine libref. When the OUT= option is omitted, the CLUSTER LIST statement writes output to STDOUT.
The output data set has two columns, named Cluster Name and Member Name, unless the CLUSTER LIST statement includes the /VERBOSE option.


specifies to write detail information about each member table. When OUT= is also specified, it adds columns named Variable Name, Minimum Value, and Maximum Value to the OUT= data set. When the OUT= option is omitted, the CLUSTER LIST statement writes output to STDOUT.

Interaction The /VERBOSE argument must precede the OUT= argument in the CLUSTER LIST command.


Apart from identifying the members in a cluster table, CLUSTER LIST can be used to determine the member number of a particular table for use with the MEMNUM= table option. The MEMNUM= table option limits a query or Read operation to a specific table in the cluster.


Example 1

This CLUSTER LIST statement specifies to list the members in cluster table Sales_History in the SAS log:
cluster list Sales_History;

Example 2

This CLUSTER LIST statement specifies to write detail information about the members of cluster table Sales_History to a SAS data set named MyLib.Outfile.
cluster list Sales_History /verbose out=mylib.outfile;
Last updated: February 3, 2017