Starting SPD Server Performance Server

The performance server is started by running the rc.perf script. SPD Server is shipped with a partially configured rc.perf script. This rc.perf script is in your SPD Server installation folders at .../samples/rc.perf. Before running the script, modify the rc.perf script as follows:
  1. Modify the NSPORT assignment to be the NSPORT assignment in your rc.spds start-up script.
  2. Modify the SNPORT assignment to be the SNPORT assignment in your rc.spds start-up script.
  3. Modify the PFPOPT assignment to be an available listen port to your spdsperf server for the SPD Server SAS Management Console client to connect to.
  4. The script uses the -PARGS setting to specify how many times the performance server should capture performance information snapshots before shutting down. The rc.spds script specifies 0, which indicates an infinite number of performance information captures. If you do not change the default number of information captures from 0 (infinity), consider modifying your rc.killspds script to shut down the rc.perf process when you shut down SPD Server.
Then, run rc.perf from PROC SPDO by using the SPDSCMD command option. Here is an example:
libname special sasspds 'public' host="hostname" service="5400" user="spdsadm"
  passwd="spdsadmpw" aclspecial=yes;
  %let tmp=path-to-domain-definitions/public;
  %let site=path-to-server-install;
  %let log=path-to-server-install/logs/

   proc spdo lib=special;
     spdscmd "&site/rc.perf -log &tmp/spdsperf.out";
Last updated: February 3, 2017