MACHART Statement: MACONTROL Procedure

Reading Preestablished Control Limit Parameters

Note: See Uniformly Weighted Moving Average Chart in the SAS/QC Sample Library.

In the previous example, the OUTLIMITS= data set saved the control limit parameters in the data set Cliplim. This example shows how to apply these parameters to new data provided in the following data set:

data Clips1a;
   label Gap='Gap Measurement (mm)';
   input Day @;
   do i=1 to 5;
      input Gap @;
   drop i;
21  14.86 15.01 14.67 14.67 15.07
22  14.93 14.53 15.07 15.10 14.98
23  15.27 14.90 15.12 15.10 14.80
24  15.02 15.21 14.93 15.11 15.20
25  14.90 14.81 15.26 14.57 14.94
26  14.78 15.29 15.13 14.62 14.54
27  14.78 15.15 14.61 14.92 15.07
28  14.92 15.31 14.82 14.74 15.26
29  15.11 15.04 14.61 15.09 14.68
30  15.00 15.04 14.36 15.20 14.65
31  14.99 14.76 15.18 15.04 14.82
32  14.90 14.78 15.19 15.06 15.06
33  14.95 15.10 14.86 15.27 15.22
34  15.03 14.71 14.75 14.99 15.02
35  15.38 14.94 14.68 14.77 14.83
36  14.95 15.43 14.87 14.90 15.34
37  15.18 14.94 15.32 14.74 15.29
38  14.91 15.15 15.06 14.78 15.42
39  15.34 15.34 15.41 15.36 14.96
40  15.12 14.75 15.05 14.70 14.74

The following statements create a moving average chart for the data in Clips1a using the control limit parameters in Cliplim:

ods graphics on;
title 'Moving Average Chart for Second Set of Gap Measurements';
proc macontrol data=Clips1a limits=Cliplim;
   machart Gap*Day / odstitle=title;

The ODS GRAPHICS ON statement specified before the PROC MACONTROL statement enables ODS Graphics, so the moving average chart is created using ODS Graphics instead of traditional graphics. The chart is shown in FigureĀ 9.17.

Figure 9.17: Using Control Limit Parameters from a LIMITS= Data Set

Using Control Limit Parameters from a LIMITS= Data Set

The LIMITS= option in the PROC MACONTROL statement specifies the data set containing the control limits parameters. By default, this information is read from the first observation in the LIMITS= data set for which

  • the value of _VAR_ matches the process name Gap

  • the value of _SUBGRP_ matches the subgroup-variable name Day

Note that the moving average plotted for the 39th day lies above the upper control limit, signalling an out-of-control process.

In this example, the LIMITS= data set was created in a previous run of the MACONTROL procedure. You can also create a LIMITS= data set with the DATA step. See LIMITS= Data Set for details concerning the variables that you must provide, and see Example 9.6 for an illustration.