INSET Statement: CAPABILITY Procedure

Example 5.15 Inset for Goodness-of-Fit Statistics

Note: See Inset for Goodness-of-Fit Statistics in the SAS/QC Sample Library.

This example fits a normal curve to the torsion strength data used in the section Getting Started: INSET Statement. The following statements fit a normal curve and request an inset summarizing the fitted curve with the mean, the standard deviation, and the Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit test:

title 'Torsion Strength of Copper Wire';
proc capability data=Wire noprint;
   spec lsl=22 usl=38;
   histogram Strength / normal(noprint)
                        odstitle = title;
   inset normal(mu sigma ad adpval) / format = 7.2;

The resulting histogram is displayed in Output 5.15.1. The NOCURVELEGEND option in the HISTOGRAM statement suppresses the default legend for curve parameters.

Output 5.15.1: Inset Table with Normal Curve Information