CDFPLOT Statement: CAPABILITY Procedure

Overview: CDFPLOT Statement

The CDFPLOT statement plots the observed cumulative distribution function (cdf) of a variable, defined as

\begin{eqnarray*}  F_{N}(\Mathtext{x}) &  = &  \mbox{percent of nonmissing values} \leq \Mathtext{x} \\ &  = &  \frac{\mbox{number of values} \leq x}{N} \times 100\%  \end{eqnarray*}

where N is the number of nonmissing observations. The cdf is an increasing step function that has a vertical jump of $\frac{1}{N}$ at each value of x equal to an observed value. The cdf is also referred to as the empirical cumulative distribution function (ecdf).

You can use options in the CDFPLOT statement to do the following:

  • superimpose specification limits

  • superimpose fitted theoretical distributions

  • specify graphical enhancements (such as color or text height)

You can also create a comparative cdf plot by using the CDFPLOT statement in conjunction with a CLASS statement.

You have three alternatives for producing cdf plots with the CDFPLOT statement:

  • ODS Graphics output is produced if ODS Graphics is enabled, for example by specifying the ODS GRAPHICS ON statement prior to the PROC statement.

  • Otherwise, traditional graphics are produced by default if SAS/GRAPH® is licensed.

  • Legacy line printer charts are produced when you specify the LINEPRINTER option in the PROC statement.

See Chapter 3: SAS/QC Graphics, for more information about producing these different kinds of graphs.