SOAP Procedure

Methods of Calling SAS Registered Web Services

You can use two methods to call SAS registered Web services. The first method requires that you know the URL of the Service Registry Service and the URL of the endpoint of the service that you are calling. You must set the URL of the Service Registry Service on the SRSURL option. The URL option indicates the endpoint of the service that you are calling. See Calling a SAS Registered Web Service Using the Service Registry Service for an example.
The second method used to call SAS registered Web services uses the SAS environments file to specify the endpoint of the service that you are calling. Using this method, you can indicate the location of the SAS environments file in one of two ways:
  • use the ENVFILE option in PROC SOAP
  • define the Java property env.definition.location in JREOPTIONS on the SAS command line or in the SAS configuration file
Use the following –JREOPTIONS syntax:
-jreoptions (-Denv.definition.location=http://your-SAS-environment.xml)
You must also specify the desired environment within that file using the ENVIRONMENT option, and specify the name of the service that you are calling using the SERVICE option. See Calling a SAS Registered Web Service Using the SAS Environments File for an example.
In both cases, the WSUSERNAME and WSPASSWORD options will be set to the user name and password that are required to contact the Security Token Service.