CALENDAR Procedure

DUR Statement

Specifies the variable that contains the duration of each activity.
Interaction: If you use both a DUR and a FIN statement, then DUR is ignored.
Supports: Schedule calendars
Tip: To produce a schedule calendar, you must use either a DUR or FIN statement.
Schedule Calendar with Holidays: 5-Day Default

Schedule Calendar Containing Multiple Calendars

Multiple Schedule Calendars with Atypical Work Shifts (Separated Output)

Multiple Schedule Calendars with Atypical Work Shifts (Combined and Mixed Output)

Schedule Calendar, Blank or with Holidays


DUR variable;

Required Argument

contains the duration of each activity in a schedule calendar.
Range:The duration can be a real or integral value.
Restriction:This variable must be in the activities data set.
See:For more information about activity durations, see Activities Data Set and Calendar Data Set


Duration is measured inclusively from the start of the activity (as given in the START variable). In the output, any activity that lasts part of a day is displayed as lasting a full day.
The INTERVAL= option in a PROC CALENDAR statement automatically sets the unit of the duration variable, depending on its own value as follows:
INTERVAL= Settings
Default Length of the Duration Unit
DAY (the default)
24 hours
8 hours
You can override the default length of a duration unit by using one of the following:
  • the DAYLENGTH= option
  • a D_LENGTH variable in the CALEDATA= data set