AUTHLIB Procedure

Example 7: Using the REMOVE Statement

REMOVE Statement and Options:


This example shows how to unbind a metadata-bound library. The code deletes metadata that describes the library and its tables from the SAS Metadata Repository, removes security bindings from the physical library and data sets, and removes the assigned password from the data sets, leaving them unprotected. The slash (/) after the password is optional and used to remove or replace the password from the data sets. Note that if a library is bound with Read, Write, and Alter passwords, as in Example 4, you must specify all of the passwords, and they must each have a /.


proc authlib lib=abcde;
   remove pw=newpassd/; 


Unbinding a Metadata-Bound Library
25   proc authlib lib=abcde;
26    remove pw=XXXXXXXX/;
27   run;

WARNING: Some or all the passwords on ABCDE.EMPINFO.DATA were removed along with the secured library
         object location, leaving the data set unprotected.
NOTE: The secured table object location for ABCDE.EMPINFO.DATA was successfully removed.
WARNING: Some or all the passwords on ABCDE.EMPLOYEES.DATA were removed along with the secured
         library object location, leaving the data set unprotected.
NOTE: The secured table object location for ABCDE.EMPLOYEES.DATA was successfully removed.
WARNING: Some or all the passwords on ABCDE.PRODUCT.DATA were removed along with the secured library
         object location, leaving the data set unprotected.
NOTE: The secured table object location for ABCDE.PRODUCT.DATA was successfully removed.
NOTE: Successfully deleted the secured library object that was located at:
           SecuredFolder:      /System/Secured Libraries/Department XYZZY
           SecuredLibrary:     ABCDEEmps
           SecuredLibraryGUID: 99F963DC-CD45-4704-96C7-DB9355B65857
NOTE: Successfully deleted the recorded location of the secured library object for the physical
      library ABCDE.
28   quit;

NOTE: PROCEDURE AUTHLIB used (Total process time):
      real time           0.75 seconds
      cpu time            0.26 seconds