If the font file contains
a Type1 font, then you can also specify its corresponding PFM or AFM
file as well. You must specify the full host name (directory and filename)
for each file, and all files must be grouped together and enclosed
in quotation marks, as in this example:
fontfile 'c:\winnt\fonts\alpinerg.pfb,
If you specify an AFM
file but do not specify a PFM file, then you must use a comma as a
placeholder for the missing PFM file, as in this example:
fontfile 'c:\winnt\fonts\alpinerg.pfb, ,
If you specify a PFM
file but do not specify an AFM file, then you do not need a comma
as a placeholder for the missing AFM file, as in this example:
fontfile 'c:\winnt\fonts\alpinerg.pfb,
When you specify a PFM
or an AFM file, SAS attempts to open the file and determine whether
the file is of the specified type. If it is not, then SAS writes a
message to the log and the file is not used.
The PFM file is a file
specific to Windows that contains font metrics as well as a value
for the Windows Font Name field. If you specify a valid PFM file,
then SAS opens the file, retrieves the value in Windows Font Name,
and saves it with the font in the SAS registry. SAS uses this field
when it creates a file (such as an EMF formatted file) to export into
a Windows application.