DATASETS Procedure

MODIFY Statement

Changes the attributes of a SAS file and, through the use of subordinate statements, the attributes of variables in the SAS file.
Restriction: You cannot change the length of a variable using the LENGTH= option on an ATTRIB statement.
Modifying SAS Data Sets


Summary of Optional Arguments

restricts processing to a certain type of SAS file.
Modify generation groups
modifies the maximum number of versions for a generation group.
modifies a historical version.
Modify passwords
modifies an Alter password.
modifies a Read, Write, or Alter password.
modifies a Read password.
modifies a Write password.
Specify data set attributes
changes the character-set encoding.
specifies a creation date and time.
assigns or change a data set label.
specifies how the data are currently sorted.
assigns or changes a special data set type.

Required Argument

specifies a SAS file that exists in the procedure input library.

Optional Arguments

assigns, changes, or removes an Alter password for the SAS file named in the MODIFY statement. password-modification is one of the following:
  • new-password
  • old-password / new-password
  • / new-password
  • old-password /
  • /
enables you to change the encoding indicator, which is recorded in the file's descriptor information, in order to match the actual encoding of the file's data.
See: “CORRECTENCODING= Option” in SAS National Language Support (NLS): Reference Guide
specifies a date and time to substitute for the date and time stamp placed on a SAS file at the time of creation. You cannot use this option in parentheses after the name of each SAS file; you must specify DTC= after a forward slash:
modify mydata / dtc='03MAR00:12:01:00'dt;
Restrictions:A SAS file's creation date and time cannot be set later than the date and time the file was actually created.

DTC= cannot be used with encrypted files or sequential files.

DTC= can be used only when the resulting SAS file uses the V8 or V9 engine.

Tip:Use DTC= to alter a SAS file's creation date and time before using the DATECOPY option in the COPY procedure, CPORT procedure, SORT procedure, and the COPY statement in the DATASETS procedure.
specifies the maximum number of versions. Use this option in parentheses after the name of SAS file.
Range:0 to 1,000
restricts processing for generation data sets. You can specify GENNUM= either in parentheses after the name of each SAS file or after a forward slash. Valid value is integer, which is a number that references a specific version from a generation group. Specifying a positive number is an absolute reference to a specific generation number that is appended to a data set's name (that is, gennum=2 specifies MYDATA#002). Specifying a negative number is a relative reference to a historical version in relation to the base version, from the youngest to the oldest (that is, gennum=-1 refers to the youngest historical version). Specifying 0, which is the default, refers to the base version.
See:“Understanding Generation Data Sets” in SAS Language Reference: Concepts
LABEL='data-set-label' | ' '
assigns, changes, or removes a data set label for the SAS data set named in the MODIFY statement. If a single quotation mark appears in the label, write it as two single quotation marks. LABEL= or LABEL=' ' removes the current label.
Range:1 - 256 characters
Restriction:A view label cannot be updated after the label is created.
Tip:To remove all variable labels in a data set, use the ATTRIB statement .
restricts processing to one member type. You cannot specify MEMTYPE= in parentheses after the name of each SAS file; you must specify MEMTYPE= after a forward slash.
Alias:MTYPE= and MT=
Default:If you do not specify the MEMTYPE= option in the PROC DATASETS statement or in the MODIFY statement, the default is MEMTYPE=DATA.
assigns, changes, or removes a Read, Write, or Alter password for the SAS file named in the MODIFY statement. password-modification is one of the following:
  • new-password
  • old-password / new-password
  • / new-password
  • old-password /
  • /
assigns, changes, or removes a Read password for the SAS file named in the MODIFY statement. password-modification is one of the following:
  • new-password
  • old-password / new-password
  • / new-password
  • old-password /
  • /
specifies how the data are currently sorted. SAS stores the sort information with the file but does not verify that the data are sorted the way you indicate. sort-information can be one of the following:
by-clause </ collate-name>
indicates how the data are currently sorted. Values for by-clause are the variables and options that you can use in a BY statement in a PROC SORT step. collate-name names the collating sequence used for the sort. By default, the collating sequence is that of your host operating environment.
removes any existing sort indicator.
Restriction:The data must be sorted in the order in which you specify. If the data is not in the specified order, SAS does not sort it for you.
Tip:When using the MODIFY SORTEDBY option, you can also use a numbered range list or colon list. For more information, see Data Set Lists in SAS Language Reference: Concepts.
assigns or changes the special data set type of a SAS data set. SAS does not verify the following:
  • the SAS data set type that you specify in the TYPE= option (except to check if it has a length of eight or fewer characters)
  • that the SAS data set's structure is appropriate for the type that you have designated
Note:Do not confuse the TYPE= option with the MEMTYPE= option. The TYPE= option specifies a type of special SAS data set. The MEMTYPE= option specifies one or more types of SAS files in a SAS library.
Tip:Most SAS data sets have no special type. However, certain SAS procedures, like the CORR procedure, can create a number of special SAS data sets. In addition, SAS/STAT software and SAS/EIS software support special data set types.
assigns, changes, or removes a Write password for the SAS file named in the MODIFY statement. password-modification is one of the following:
  • new-password
  • old-password / new-password
  • / new-password
  • old-password /
  • /


Changing Data Set Labels and Variable Labels

The LABEL option can change either the data set label or a variable label within the data set. To change a data set label, use the following syntax:
modify datasetname(label='Label for Data Set');
You can change one or more variable labels within a data set. To change a variable label within the data set, use the following syntax:
modify datasetname;
    label  variablename='Label for Variable';
For an example of changing both a data set label and a variable label in the same PROC DATASETS, see Modifying SAS Data Sets.

Manipulating Passwords

In order to assign, change, or remove a password, you must specify the password for the highest level of protection that currently exists on that file.
Assigning Passwords
/* assigns a password to an unprotected file */
modify colors (pw=green);

/* assigns an alter password to an already read-protected SAS data set */
modify colors (read=green alter=red);
Changing Passwords
/* changes the write password from YELLOW to BROWN */
modify cars (write=yellow/brown);

/* uses alter access to change unknown read password to BLUE */
modify colors (read=/blue alter=red);
Removing Passwords
/* removes the alter password RED from STATES */
modify states (alter=red/);

/* uses alter access to remove the read password */
modify zoology (read=green/ alter=red);

/* uses PW= as an alias for either WRITE= or ALTER= to remove unknown
   read password */
modify biology (read=/ pw=red);

Working with Generation Groups

Changing the Number of Generations
/* changes the number of generations on data set A to 99 */
modify A (genmax=99);
Removing Passwords
/* removes the alter password RED from STATES#002 */
modify states (alter=red/) / gennum=2;