The Projman Application

Import Workshift Data Set Window

This window enables you to import a SAS data set that contains workshift information. Projman assumes that the selected data set is in the format appropriate for input to the CPM or PM procedure. For more information, see the section WORKDATA Data Set.

Valid workshift data sets contain numeric variables only. If the selected data set does not contain any numeric variables, an attention window is raised.

When you have made the necessary selections, the workshift data set is imported and the appropriate workshifts are created.

For a description of standard import options, see the section "Standard Import Options".

imp_wrk.gif (4943 bytes)


This list contains all currently defined SAS library names. Use this list to select the library that contains the data set that you want to import. Selection of a library automatically populates the Datasets list.


This list contains the names of all SAS data sets that currently reside in the selected library. Select the data set that you want to import.

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