Introduction to Project Management

Example 1.2: Work Breakdown Structure

A tree diagram is a useful method of visualizing the work breakdown structure (WBS) of a project. For the survey project, the activities are divided into three phases. In this example, the NETDRAW procedure is used to represent the work breakdown structure of the project. The following program saves the data in a Network data set that is input to PROC NETDRAW. The TREE option is used to draw the WBS structure in the form of a tree (Output 1.2.1).

    data wbs; 
       format parent $10. child $10. ; 
       input parent & child & style; 
    Survey      Plan          1 
    Survey      Prepare       1 
    Survey      Implement     1 
    Plan        Plan S.       2 
    Plan        Design Q.     2 
    Prepare     Hire P.       3 
    Prepare     Train P.      3 
    Prepare     Select H.     3 
    Prepare     Print Q.      3 
    Implement   Conduct S.    4 
    Implement   Analyze R.    4 
    Plan S.     .             2 
    Design Q.   .             2 
    Hire P.     .             3 
    Train P.    .             3 
    Select H.   .             3 
    Print Q.    .             3 
    Conduct S.  .             4 
    Analyze R.  .             4 
    goptions vsize=5.75 in hsize=4.0 in border; 
    title  a=90 h=1 'Conducting a Market Survey'; 
    title2 a=90 h=.8 'Work Breakdown Structure';
    pattern1 v=s c=black; 
    pattern2 v=s c=green; 
    pattern3 v=s c=blue; 
    pattern4 v=s c=red; 
    proc netdraw data=wbs graphics; 
       actnet/act=parent succ=child tree 
              rotate rotatetext coutline=black 
              ctext=white font=simplexu rectilinear 
              htext=2 compress 
              xbetween=15 ybetween=3 pattern=style 

Output 1.2.1: Work Breakdown Structure of SURVEY Project
in2.gif (10973 bytes)

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