The CPM Procedure


ALIGNTYPE variable ;
ALIGN variable ;
ATYPE variable ;

The ALIGNTYPE statement is used to specify whether the date value in the ALIGNDATE statement is the earliest start date, the latest finish date, and so forth, for the activity in the observation. The values allowed for the variable specified in the ALIGNTYPE statement are specified in Table 2.18.

Table 2.18: Valid Values for the ALIGNTYPE Variable

Value Type of Alignment
SEQStart equal to
SGEStart greater than or equal to
SLEStart less than or equal to
FEQFinish equal to
FGEFinish greater than or equal to
FLEFinish less than or equal to
MSMandatory start equal to
MFMandatory finish equal to

If an ALIGNDATE statement is specified without an ALIGNTYPE statement, all of the activities are assumed to have an aligntype of SGE. If an activity has a nonmissing value for the ALIGNDATE variable and a missing value for the ALIGNTYPE variable, then the aligntype is assumed to be SGE. See the section "Time-Constrained Scheduling" for information about how the ALIGNDATE and ALIGNTYPE variables affect project scheduling.

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